Safety and Security in Schools

The MoE wishes to develop and engender a culture of safety and security in the leadership and general population of all schools. By issuing minimum standards and guidelines for security and safety matters, we hope to stimulate a culture in schools where it has not yet emerged and give direction and support to schools where it already exists. It is imperative that school leaders understand security and safety in the sense of a management function, in much the same way as schools treat the accounting function, or the administrative function.

Security and safety must become a way of thinking in schools. A greater sense of this can be achieved when stakeholders make it a priority item on their development agenda. Presently, various measures are being applied to address coSafety and Security in Schoolsmmon safety and security challenges in schools. Among these are the presence of drugs and weapons, bullying, gang culture and the inappropriate use of information and communication technologies. We do not intend to remove the discretion and creativity of school leadership in solving local problems. However, the MoE believes there are certain measures and practices, that, when applied locally by all its agents, will yield a system-wide improvement in security and safety. Please ensure that you read and understand our publications aimed at promoting safety and security in schools and consult them should an incident occurs in your school.

Extracted from the Foreword in the Safety and Security Policy Guidelines.  You can gain more information by reading our Safety and Security manuals or contact:

Ministry of Education

Office of the Deputy Chief Education Officer-Schools Operations

Building 1, 3rd Floor

2 National Heroes Circle

Tel: 876-612-5821-4

Fax: 876-922-2442