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National Education Trust Seeking to Strengthen Donor Partnership

The National Education Trust (NET) is looking to strengthen donor partnership and support to benefit the island’s education sector.

The entity, which falls under the Ministry of Education and Youth, is charged with mobilising financial and quality resource investments for the advancement of education, in accordance with the Ministry’s strategic objectives.

NET partners with public and private stakeholders, nationally, regionally and internationally to obtain financing and donations for interventions to enable children to realise their full potential.

For the 2024/2025 financial year, the Trust is projecting to spend more than $400 million and is appealing to individuals and organisations to give their support by becoming a donor.

Since its inception in 2010, NET has developed a track record for efficiency and adherence to quality standards in the coordination and cost-effective delivery of projects, programmes and activities to the satisfaction of both donors and beneficiaries.

The Trust’s Donor Unit serves as a vital conduit in bolstering the entity’s ability to implement innovative programmes, support under-resourced schools, and champion initiatives that empower educators and learners alike.

Executive Director of NET, Latoya Harris Ghartey, tells JIS News that when donors partner with NET, they can rest assured that their contributions will make a meaningful impact in Jamaican schools.

“We work diligently to uphold accountability and transparency, ensuring that donations are utilised as intended and benefit the education sector,” she says.

She emphasises the importance of proactive communication and collaboration with donors to streamline the donation process and minimise costs.

Director of Donor and Partnership Management at the Trust, Keisha Johnson, is advising overseas individuals and organisations that wish to donate goods, to contact NET beforehand to ensure smooth interaction with Jamaica Customs.

She notes that overseas donors often face hurdles and uncertainties when navigating customs procedures and regulations.

NET offers a solution by serving as a facilitating entity, guiding donors through the necessary steps to obtain waivers and ensure smooth clearance of donated items.

“NET’s aim is to eliminate the roadblocks and uncertainties that donors may encounter. We provide comprehensive support, including coordination of donations from multiple locations, to ensure that contributions reach Jamaican schools efficiently,” she points out.

NET’s Preferred Partner Programme Registry also enhances the donation process by connecting donors with reputable shipping and logistics partners.

This curated list of reputable partners ensures professionalism and reliability throughout the process.

In addition to facilitating the clearance of donated goods, the Trust plays a crucial role in ensuring that items such as electronic devices meet the specifications required for use in Jamaican schools.

By aligning donations with the Ministry of Education and Youth guidelines, NET ensures that information and communications technology (ICT) devices are compatible and beneficial for students and educators.

NET not only accepts donations to execute its programmes but also actively seeks sponsorships.

Programmes such as the Adopt-a-School initiative encourages organisations and individuals to sponsor a school for a two-year period.

Through this programme, organisations or individuals can collaborate with a school of their choice, becoming actively involved in the life of the institution to increase and sustain the quality of public education.

There is also the One-Laptop or Tablet Per Child Initiative, which was conceptualised by NET in 2020 to ensure continuity of learning for children who did not have access to learning devices when the COVID 19 pandemic started.

The programme continues; however, the focus has shifted from the individual student to providing devices to schools to ensure sustainability.

Other initiatives undertaken by NET that also align with the strategic objectives of the Ministry include the Rural School Transportation Programme.

This initiative, executed in partnership with the Japanese Government through its Grassroot Human Security Project, helps children who live in remote areas and have transportation issues to get to school.

The NET is a registered charitable organisation in Jamaica dedicated to enhancing the quality of education in the country.

The entity facilitates partnerships between donors and Jamaican schools, ensuring that donations effectively support the educational needs of students and educators.

For more information on how to donate to the education sector in Jamaica and to partner with NET, persons may contact the Trust at [email protected].