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JN Foundation Awards Scholarships to 47 Students

The Jamaica National (JN) Foundation has awarded scholarships to 47 students who excelled in the recent sitting of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP).

Of the 47 scholarships, 37 will be five-year awards while the remaining 10 awards will be one-time grants.

The students were celebrated during a scholarship reception held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston on Sunday (October 6), under the theme ‘Nourish Your Spark’.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Youth, Dr. Kasan Troupe, who delivered the keynote address, charged the recipients to believe in their capacity to shine and become their best selves, irrespective of their circumstances.

“I am standing here as an example of that. With my circumstances, I ought not to be here. I grew up in an inner-city community, Greenwich Town, where gunshots barked like dogs. I missed death several times. People beside me drop dead, gun shot in the head back and I ran the other way and survived,” she shared.

Dr. Troupe grew up in a single parent household, did not pass her Common Entrance examination and struggled with self-doubt.

Her enrolment in a rehabilitation programme changed the trajectory of her life.

“I met people who talked about potential and spark and promise and then they got me to believe that was in me. It doesn’t matter where you have started, it matters where you are going,” she said.

Dr. Troupe further encouraged the recipients not to focus on what they lack.

“We have a lack culture in Jamaica – if I don’t have this I can’t be. You are going to blossom where you are planted. You are going to bloom with what you have. Excellence is a habit. What you feed grows. Feed your self-belief, feed your discipline and feed a culture of appreciation,” she said.

For his part, JN Foundation Chairman, Parris Lyew-Ayee, said the event was a tribute to the hard work, dedication and brilliance of each student present.

“Your accomplishments are a testament to your commitment to education and to making a positive impact in your communities,” Mr. Lyew-Ayee said.

He noted that JN believes that investing in education is an investment in the future.

Mr. Lyew-Ayee further noted that JN has enhanced the scholarship programme to include mentorship through parent and child empowerment sessions.

“We understand the challenges that come with pursuing higher education and we hope that this support will help to ease some of those burdens, while motivating you to maintain excellence as you focus on your studies and personal growth throughout your journey,” he stated.