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Parents to Learn Effective Disciplinary Strategies

JIS: Parents and guardians are to benefit from two Parent Villages being staged by the National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC) this month, during which they will learn effective strategies to discipline their children.


The villages, which are part of Parent Month activities, will be held in Kingston and Montego Bay on November 11 and 25, respectively.


Chief Executive Officer of the NPSC, Kaysia Kerr, said frustration is cited as one of the major factors that lead to excessive disciplinary measures being meted out to children.


She noted that parents are often not sufficiently equipped to assess and correct certain behaviour patterns in their children, which leads them to react from a position of anger.


“When the children step out of line, the first response should not be one of aggression, but it should, instead, be one that causes the child to reflect on his/her actions. We also cannot emphasise enough the need for parents to influence behaviour through their own conduct,” Ms. Kerr said.


She was speaking at a Think Tank held recently at the JIS headquarters in Kingston.


Deputy Executive Director of National Integrity Action, partners of the NPSC, Dr. Patrece Charles, said that the desired result of any form of punishment should be that of remorse for the action, on the part of the child.


She noted that where children are disciplined out of anger and/or frustration, the child develops feelings of resentment towards the parent or guardian.


“If a child is able to feel remorse because of the implications of his actions, he’s more likely to make an adjustment in order to avoid landing in a similar position in the future,” said Dr. Charles.


She further indicated that where the child is disciplined in an aggressive manner, he tends to end up feeling as though the parent despises him.


This, she argued, creates an even greater issue, as it may cause the child to begin to act out in an effort to get back at the parents for hurting him.


“It is my belief that if conversations are had with the child to explain the impact of his actions, and the preferred courses of actions are clearly outlined, the outcomes are far more satisfactory,” Dr. Charles said.


“We believe that if parents are offered more viable alternatives to the measures that they have been accustomed to, there will be a reduction in the cases of abuse that happen as a result of anger and frustration,” explained Dr. Charles.


CAPTION: Chief Executive Officer of the National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC), Kaysia Kerr, addresses a recent Think Tank held at the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) headquarters in Kingston.

Deputy Chief Education Officer Urges Jamaicans to Do More to Protect Children From Abuse

JIS: Deputy Chief Education Officer, at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Lena Buckle Scott is encouraging Jamaicans to do more to protect the nation’s children from incidents of abuse.


She noted that parents and other stakeholders should be sensitised on how to report suspected cases.


“We have to make coordinated efforts to help protect the children who are at risk. We all must do what we can to secure young lives from abuse,” Mrs. Buckle Scott said as she addressed the 2017 National Child Month Committee (NCMC) Youth Forum, held on November 3, at the St. Andrew Parish Church Hall, in St. Andrew.


During the forum, students had the opportunity to engage in discussions and make presentations focusing on the theme ‘Take Action! Break the Chain of Abuse Against Children’.


The Deputy Chief Education Officer also called for harsher penalties for child abusers, while arguing that children must be assured that they have the necessary support in place to safeguard them from mistreatment.


Describing the level of violence against children as “frightening,” Mrs. Buckle Scott urged Jamaicans to break from the culture of silence that is allowing individuals to turn a blind eye to “abuse, neglect, and abandonment of our children.”


Meanwhile, Patron of the event, Douglas Orane, used the occasion to encourage the students to treat each other with respect.


Other speakers at the Youth Forum included: Chairman of the NCMC, Dr. Pauline Millings; representatives from the Office of the Children’s Advocate and the Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica; and Senator Damion Crawford.


The Youth Forum is the final activity on the NCMC calendar of events for 2017. Sponsors for the forum are GraceKennedy Limited, Kingston Wharves Limited, Jamaica National, and Jamaica Producers.



NYS Launches Volunteer Project Competition for Upgrading of Basic Schools

JIS: The National Youth Service (NYS) has launched a volunteer project competition geared towards engaging young people in assisting early-childhood institutions to meet the Early Childhood Commission’s (ECC) 12 standards for certification.


The National Youth Month activity is being sponsored by the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority (JCAA), with support from the One Jamaica Foundation, and is open to young people aged 17 to 29.


They are invited to adopt a school and submit a project proposal for upgrading of the institution.


At the launch held at the Regent Street Seventh-day Adventist Early Childhood Development Centre in Kingston on Thursday (November 2), State Minister for Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, said the project aims to encourage young people to give back to their community and country.


“What better way to do that than to say to our young people, ‘adopt an early-childhood institution’. We have the standards, we know what needs to be done to get them certified, so come up with a project proposal, send it in to us and we will secure some funding for you,” Mr. Green said.


“We want to see those proposals coming in, and we are very happy that One Jamaica Foundation has said if you have the idea, you have a school, come to us; we will help you put together an awesome video,” he added.


Senior Director for Community Services at the NYS, Rayharna Wright, explained that the objective of the competition is to motivate young people to volunteer their services.


“Groups of three to five persons will be required to submit project proposals in the form of videos. The project will culminate with the execution of the winning projects in what will be called a Day of Service. Winning projects will be assisted with prize monies and the participation of several volunteers from different agencies and youth groups islandwide. The Day of Service is slated for November 30,” Ms. Wright said.


She noted that institutions submitted for the competition must meet at least 50 per cent of the standards required for certification.


She added that participating groups will be required to complete a prescribed application form as well as submit a two-minute video.


The video should include the reasons for choosing the particular institution/project, why the project is important to the group, how it will benefit the school and surrounding community, and a plan for continued support of the institution.


“At the Ministry of Education and its agencies, we believe that volunteerism definitely helps to shape and add to the betterment of the youth in Jamaica, and through this project, we expect the interest level in volunteerism and dedication of the youth to significantly increase,” Ms. Wright said.


Meanwhile, Chairman of the ECC, Trisha Williams Singh, in welcoming the initiative, noted that the youth have a critical role to play in Jamaica’s development.


The competition will yield three volunteer projects with prizes of $200,000, $100,000 and $60,000 for first, second and third place, respectively.


The prize monies are to be used towards the execution of the projects. Deadline for video submission is November 14.


Videos may be submitted to [email protected]; and via Facebook at thenationalyouthservice; and twitter@nyservice.


The ECC’s standards relate to staffing; developmental and educational programmes; interactions and relationships with children; physical environment; indoor and outdoor equipment, furnishing and supplies; health; nutrition; safety; children’s rights, protection and equality; interactions with parents and community members; administration; and finance.


CAPTION: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green (second right), gives a smile of encouragement to student at the Regent Street Seventh-day Adventist Early Childhood Development Centre, Daquan Brown, as they complete a colouring activity. Occasion was the launch of a volunteer project competition geared towards assisting early-childhood institutions to meet the 12 required standards for Early Childhood Commission (ECC) certification at the Regent Street Seventh-day Adventist Early Childhood Development Centre in Kingston on Thursday (November 2). Others (from left) are student, Natalia Newlands; Principal, Regent Street Seventh-day Adventist Early Childhood Development Centre, Hyacinth Scarlett; and Corporate Communications Manager, Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority, Ava Marie Ingram.

MOU to Better Align Education and Training with Labour Market Needs

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information and the Public-Private Sector Partnership in Education Committee have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that seeks to better align education and training to meet the needs of the labour market.


With youth unemployment at an estimated 30 per cent, the Government is taking a targeted focus on human capital development through education and training, in order to improve labour market outcomes.


Under the five-year MOU, an extensive review of the Ministry’s programmes will be undertaken, with the objective of establishing an institutional framework and strategies to deepen the alignment of the education and training sector to labour market needs.


At the signing ceremony and information session at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on Thursday (November 2), portfolio Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, said the initiative forms part of the reform of the education and training system.


Through this collaborative effort, Senator Reid said, he anticipates that future generations will be better equipped with the required competences for industry.


Senator Reid said the Ministry recognises that in order to stem the tide of unemployment, greater coordination is needed to facilitate the transition of students from educational institutions to the world of work.


“For our economy to function at an optimal level, we need to have our people trained and certified so they can produce the goods and services to drive economic growth and development,” he pointed out.


Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), Dennis Chung, noted that Jamaica has to be at the forefront of the education revolution in order to “be able to compete with the best globally and tie that into the development agenda as it relates to a joined-up government approach to education and training”.


The Public-Private Sector Partnership in Education Committee, which had its inaugural meeting in July, was formed under the auspices of the Education Ministry. It is comprised of representatives of State and private-sector entities.


Among its core objectives and functions are to review the current education, training and labour market alignment model to identify the extent of the mismatch; use international best practices and identify institutional models that can be adapted to the Jamaican experience; provide technical advice and make appropriate recommendations to the Minister; guide the development of policy and strategic direction for an institutional framework; provide advocacy; and communicate in a timely manner, the progress of its work to key stakeholders.


In attendance at the signing were representatives of the Education Ministry, HEART Trust/ NTA, PSOJ, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), University of the West Indies (UWI), and the Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association (JMA).


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (right), signs a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Public-Private Sector Partnership in Education Committee at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on Thursday (November 2). The five-year agreement aims to establish an institutional framework and strategies to better align the education and training sector to meet labour market needs. Looking on are Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), Dennis Chung (left); and Director of Planning in the Ministry, Barbara Allen.

Student Motivational Programme Launched

JIS: The Student Motivational and Empowerment Programme, aimed at inspiring students to achieve their full potential and contribute to national development, was launched on Thursday (November 2) at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston.


An initiative of the Kingston and St. Andrew Development and Homecoming Foundation, the programme seeks to motivate and empower high-school students in pursuing peace, excellence, discipline, ethical conduct, responsible leadership and developing a commitment to the principles and responsibilities of becoming good and productive citizens of Jamaica.


It is supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.


The inaugural staging of the programme, from November 6 to 10, will involve a week-long series of activities, including special visits to schools, motivational talks, an open day, youth rally and concert and alumnae events as well as teacher recognition and awards.


Some 40 outstanding citizens will share personal motivational stories and engage students in discussion on issues of leadership and career development, among others.


Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, in his remarks at the launch, lauded the initiative and urged students to incorporate the values of love and respect in their daily life.


He said the programme aims to give students the opportunity to engage with outstanding citizens, who have achieved in their chosen field and are making invaluable contributions to Jamaica’s development.


“So, part of this engagement is to motivate our students to realise their own potential for social responsibility… . We have every confidence that your generation, this generation, can, in fact, surpass the accomplishments of those who went before you,” he said.


Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, in remarks read by Director of the Kingston and St. Andrew Development and Homecoming Foundation, Morin Seymour, said all students should be empowered to become productive members of society.


“My young people, I charge you to stay motivated. and when you feel like you are running low, find the mentors, the person that will remind you to keep going or simply encourage you to let you know that you should go for it,” he said.


e urged teachers, parents and guardians to guide the youth to unleash their talents and to motivate them.


Chairman, Kingston and St. Andrew Development and Homecoming Foundation, Steadman Fuller, in a message read by Custos of St. Andrew, Dr. Patricia Dunwell, called for more role models and mentors for young people.


Established in 2016, the Kingston and St. Andrew Development and Homecoming Foundation is charged with mobilising and channelling resources to help improve the quality of life of citizens in the Corporate Area.


The members are Chairman, Hon. Steadman Fuller; Dr. Patricia Dunwell; Donna Parchment Brown; Jean Lowrie-Chin; Morin Seymour; Robert Hill and Joylene Griffiths Irving.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (left) conversing with President, Jamaica Student Council Association, Antonette Dennis (centre); and Custos of St. Andrew and Co-Chair, Kingston and St. Andrew Development and Homecoming Foundation, Patricia Dunwell. Occasion was the official launch of the Student Motivational and Empowerment Programme at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston on November 2.

Work of Parenting Support Commission Key in addressing Crime – Senator Reid

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says the Government, through the National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC), is committed to providing parents with the necessary training and support to raise their children, as a first line of defence against crime.


“It is no longer the Ministry of National Security (only) that is really going to arrest the crime problem in Jamaica. It is the (Education) Ministry, through the NPSC, because we have to change behaviour so that we have positive behaviour,” he said.


Senator Reid, who was speaking at the media launch of National Parent Month 2017 on Wednesday (November 1) at the Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in Kingston, said that responsible and effective parenting can help in avoiding future delinquency.


“We have a situation where homes are broken and a lot of children fall between the cracks. There is a good chance that these (children) will grow up to be criminals and repeat offenders,” he argued.


The NPSC has collaborated with public- and private-sector entities on various programmes to engage and train parents in effective parenting techniques.


Among them are the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education’s Parenting Education Project; the National Integrity Action’s ‘Take the Time’ marketing campaign; and the Ministry of Education’s Safe Schools project.


“National Parenting Month enables us to give more targeted focus on the various ways in which we can help each other to create a better society,” the Minister said.


Annually observed in November, the month seeks to recognise and celebrate the important role of parents/guardians in society.


Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the NPSC, Kaysia Kerr, said the month of activities, under the theme ‘Be the Influence’, is a call to action for parents to strive to give the best care and guidance possible to their children.


“We believe that, this year, our efforts bring with it a different energy. Whereas we see the month of November as a time to celebrate parents, we must respond in a very deliberate and targeted way to the urgencies in society that are all too clear. The NPSC must bring into focus matters related to parenting that need urgent attention and sustained efforts to improve,” she said.


The month of activities will include a church service on November 5 at the Calvary Baptist Church in Montego Bay; Parent Villages at Hope Gardens in Kingston on November 11, and November 25 in Jarrett Park, Montego Bay; and parent mentor’s community fora dubbed ‘From Street Talk to Real Talk’ in Breastworks, Portland, on November 14, and at Hermitage in St. Andrew on November 30.


CAPTIONMinister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (right) is in conversation with Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC), Kaysia Kerr, pictured in conversation during the media launch of National Parent Month 2017 on Wednesday, November 1 at the Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in Kingston.

HEART TRUST/NTA Develops Bamboo Training Courses

JIS: The HEART Trust/NTA has developed five courses aimed at ensuring competency in bamboo harvesting and processing.


This is in keeping with the Government’s move to embark on the large-scale commercial production of bamboo in order to tap into the lucrative international market and provide opportunities for employment and community-based initiatives.


The courses are bamboo ply technology, bamboo charcoal processing, bamboo shoots cultivation and pre-processing, bamboo coal harvesting, and bamboo culm harvesting and pre-processing.


Manager for Curriculum Development at the training agency, Monica Porter-Lewis, said the training aims to establish standards in the industry.


She informed that the syllabuses have been approved by the National Council on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NCTVET) and will prepare persons for “immediate entry into the world of work”.


She was addressing a graduation ceremony held recently at the Clarendon Municipal Corporation for young people who have received training and certification in the production of bamboo by-products, including the incorporation of bamboo in light-emitting diode (LED) technology, under the Peckham Bamboo Project.


Mrs. Porter-Lewis said the agency is committed to the development of “rigorous, learner-centred curricula, so that people can acquire the cognitive and non-cognitive skills needed to escape poverty, share in economic growth and fulfil their potential”.


The Peckham Bamboo Project is being executed by the Clarendon Municipal Corporation through US$130,000 provided by the Organization of American States (OAS).


The Peckham Bamboo Project, implemented in 2015, aims to contribute to the development of a viable and sustainable bamboo sector in Jamaica by creating employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in bamboo cultivation and manufacturing of bamboo by-products.


CAPTION: Mayor of May Pen, Councillor Winston Maragh (second right), looks at items made from bamboo at a graduation ceremony for young people who received training in bamboo light-emitting diode (LED) technology under the Peckham Bamboo Project. Occasion was the graduation ceremony held at the Clarendon Municipal Corporation on October 28. The bamboo project is being undertaken through US$130,000 in funding from the Organization of American States (OAS).

Reid says Government to start procuring CCTV for schools

OBSERVER: MINISTER of Education, Youth and Information Senator Ruel Reid indicated yesterday that the Government is currently seeking to procure closed circuit television (CCTV) systems for secondary schools.


Senator Reid made the statement yesterday in response to questions from the press at the post-Cabinet briefing at Jamaica House regarding reports of indiscipline at Anchovy High School, St James, which resulted in the dean of discipline being beaten and injured by a group of female students.


“We are currently looking at procuring such a capability. Overall, that is what our medium- to long-term programme is going to be in regards to aiding our school administrators to better manage the issue of safety and discipline in the schools,” he said.


Reid first made reference to Government’s consideration of utilising the technology in maintaining discipline in the schools during the launch of the National Association of Deans of Discipline in Montego Bay in July.


He said then that the Government would be going for the highest grade technology with analytical and artificial intelligence capabilities to assist the schools in identifying weapons brought on the campuses, as well as students who are high-risk.


He noted that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has partnered with his ministry by providing grant funding of US$3 million for a Safety and Security in Schools Project, which would include procuring CCTV technology.


He said that USAID would provide the funds over two years, and that the National Education Trust would act as coordinator for the project. The prime objective of the initiative is to implement measures to transform schools and their immediate surroundings into safe zones.


But Reid said yesterday that his ministry had not received any direct request from Anchovy High for increased security, or whether the reported incident had anything to do with the safety and security of the school.


He said that it appeared to be an issue of self-discipline where the students were concerned, and that there was already a remedy to deal with that. He pointed out that he could not see how the safety and security of the school could arise in that situation.


However, he said that if the school needed additional support for its security, the ministry would provide it.


”The CCTV camera network is needed right across the educational system for accurate surveillance of the schools, and we are currently looking at procuring that capability,” he said.


Classes at the school’s main campus resumed yesterday, following Tuesday’s suspension, which was triggered by the beating of the dean of discipline by a group of female students.


The school board was forced to suspend classes for 1,200 students in grades 9-11, following a number of violent events among the female students on the school grounds, during their lunch break on Monday.


A video of the incident, involving the beating of the dean of discipline, went viral on social media hours after the fracas.


— Balford Henry

New Child-Protection Agency Formed From Merger Of CDA, OCR

GLEANER: The problems of accountability and delays in dealing with child abuse cases are expected to come to an end after Floyd Green, state minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, revealed that the Child Development Agency (CDA) and the Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR) have now merged to become the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA).


The CDA is mandated to provide care and protection for children at risk, while the OCR is to receive and record, assess, and refer all cases of child abuse. In 2013, the Ananda Alert programme dealing with missing children was added to the OCR. After receiving these reports, the CDA and the Office of the Children’s Advocate follow up for investigation and action.


Speaking at the launch of New Reports on Violence against Children, which was hosted by the United Nations Children’s Fund in collaboration with other stakeholders at the University of the West Indies, Mona, yesterday, Green said the merger, which became effective yesterday, would see tremendous improvement in the turnaround time in investigations, reducing the significant case loads.


“One of the problems we had was that one entity would take the report and then another entity would investigate. What you now have is one entity that would make it seamless from start to end, so the report will go to one place, and as such, the investigator will link with the person collecting the report. This will result in a much quicker turnaround time in terms of intervention with our children,” the minister said.


“Now that you have the process in one shop, you will have a seamless accountability framework, a transparent framework, that when a report of child abuse comes in, we know the process that we go through, and we will be more efficient to take care of that.”


A press briefing will be held next week to further outline the phases of the merger.


[email protected]


CAPTION: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Floyd Green 

Government Getting Ready To Roll Out PEP

GLEANER:  As the Ministry of Education prepares its systems for the roll out of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP), which is set for implementation in 2019, Education Minister Ruel Reid said a massive sensitisation exercise has been planned for implementation, beginning this month.


He said a programme of activities would take place during this academic year to prepare students, teachers and parents to allow for a smooth implementation.


The PEP is a new assessment for students at the primary level and will replace the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT).


Addressing journalists at yesterday’s post-Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House, Reid said the PEP would provide a profile of the students’ strengths and weaknesses and their readiness for grade seven.


In addition, he said PEP would assess students’ knowledge as well as placing increased emphasis on assessing students’ skills of communication, critical thinking and creativity.


According to Reid, the education ministry is seeking to have students stay in school up to grade 13, and as such PEP’s forward thinking approach would better prepare students for the workforce.


“The end game is that everyone will graduate with the equivalent of an associate degree at the end of grade 13. PEP’s assessment process will measure students’ performance through demonstration of 21st century skills aligned to the National Standard Curriculum and generate an academic profile of each student,” Reid noted.


Students who are currently in grade five will be the first PEP cohort. They will do only the grade six components in 2019.


The current grade four students will do their grade five performance task in 2019 and in 2020 they will do the grade six components.


Students who are currently in grade three will be the first cohort that will have a complete profile generated under PEP.




PEP consists of three key components – a Performance Task (PT), an Ability Test (AT) and a Curriculum Based Test (CBT).


– The PT consists of real world scenarios that will require students to apply their knowledge and skills from the following subject areas: mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies. The PT will be administered in grades four, five and six. It will be administered within the student’s classroom by their teacher.


– The AT requires students to read analytically and use quantitative reasoning skills in responding to items. Ability tests generally assess students’ aptitude in areas of numeracy, verbal and non-verbal ability, and abstract thinking ability.


– The CBT will be curriculum based and will assess grade six content only, in the areas of mathematics, science, social studies and language arts. This test will consist of multiple choice items along with other item types. The CBT will be administered in April.


– Suggested weighting:


– Ability Test – 30 per cent


– CBT and PT – 70 per cent


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CAPTION:  Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator Ruel Reid