MOEYI: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, the Honourable Floyd Green has endorsed a Declaration on education and training for employment issued at the first-ever G20 Joint Education and Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting held recently in Mendoza, Argentina.
The G20 noted that technological innovation along with other social, economic and environmental transformations were having a significant impact on global economies and societies as well as changing job requirements and skills demand. As such they reiterated the importance of promoting opportunities for people to acquire new skills throughout their professional and personal lives, so that they can successfully adapt to change.
The Ministers noted the importance of promoting a holistic, inclusive and lifelong learning approach in skills development policies that respect human rights. Also highlighted was the importance of prioritizing skills development among vulnerable and underrepresented groups, which are at higher risk of exclusion and marginalization.
Jamaica was invited as a special guest representing CARICOM and in his presentation, Minister Green outlined Jamaica’s curriculum and assessment reforms and new brain builders programme. Ministers highlighted the importance
21st century skills and provided update on the state of implementation of various skills policies in their respective locale. Minister Floyd Green presented on the World’s Greatest Lesson which showed-case Jamaica’s involvement in teaching the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in schools and committed to ramping up sensitization in this area.
In their Final Declaration the G20 pledged to support the implementation of measures across a range of policies that increase skills development for an inclusive and equitable “Future of Work”, taking into account respective national circumstances. Guidelines for implementation included:
?Promoting the acquisition of strong foundation skills, including numeracy and literacy for all children and youth; and assisting low skilled adults in need of stronger foundation skills.
?Promoting entrepreneurial skills including leadership, initiative taking, sustainability, organizational development and innovation, as entrepreneurship can facilitate job creation, economic growth and social cohesion.
?Fostering STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) skills in order to emphasize the integration of fields of knowledge with creativity.
?Encouraging the enhancement of digital literacy and digital skills such as programming, big data analysis, coding and robotics in education and work environments as age appropriate.
?Encouraging strategies that apply digital technologies in education and on-the-job-training to upgrade employees’ digital skills taking into account individuals and enterprises’ needs in order to address regional disparities in access to services.
?Promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training to improve employability and access to quality jobs, combined with active labour market policies and public and private employment services.
?Improving teachers’ and trainers’ competencies and skills through professional development opportunities enabling them to deliver high-quality and up-to-date teaching with technology.
?Supporting schools and training institutions with appropriate infrastructure, administrative capacity and resources necessary to successfully develop 21st century skills among people of all ages.
The G20 is an international forum for the governments and central bank governors from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States