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September 27, 2019

Gov’t Committed To Levelling Playing Field For Secondary Education

JIS: Minister with responsibly for Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Karl Samuda, says the Government is committed to creating a level playing field at the secondary level in order to ensure…
September 27, 2019

Jamaica To Participate In UN World’s Largest Lesson

JIS: Jamaica will be among several countries that will participate in the United Nations (UN) World’s Largest Lesson (WLL) 2019 between…
September 27, 2019

University of The Commonwealth Caribbean Opens Innovation Centre

JIS: The University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) has established an Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre, thereby providing a space for students and innovators with entrepreneurial and new technology-driven ideas to…
September 27, 2019

JSIF Spearheading Projects to Boost Special Education

JIS: Several projects are being spearheaded by the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) aimed at strengthening capacity in the special education…
September 24, 2019

School Administrators to be Trained to Better Serve Special Needs Students

JIS: Thirty school administrators, including principals, vice principals and members of school Boards from selected schools across the island, will be trained on how to better serve and educate students living…