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More than 150 Specialist Math Teachers to Graduate in June

JIS:  Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says that more than 150 specialist mathematics teachers will be deployed to the secondary education system following the completion of training and graduation in June.


They are the first cohort to benefit under the Government’s drive to increase the number of secondary level mathematics teachers trained locally.


More than 400 mathematics education scholarships were awarded to potential teachers between 2015 and 2018 at a cost of more than $600 million.


Senator Reid said that the Ministry will continue to sustain the programme.


He noted that the bonding period has been increased from three years to five years to ensure that those who benefit from the scholarships can give back to the country and assist in transforming the education sector.


“We will ensure in terms of policy that these areas that the country feel is of great interest and need for us, we will dedicate the resources and provide full scholarships (for training in) these areas in return for a guaranteed minimum of five years service back to the system,” he added.


The Minister was speaking at the launch of the Mico International Mathematics Summit at the institution’s premises on Marescaux Road in St. Andrew on January 30.


Turning to other matters, Senator Reid said that “significant resources, which can support lesson planning and delivery” have been developed and made available to teachers through the Ministry’s website and the newly launched Primary Exit Profile (PEP) website.


“The PEP website has (received) over 260,000 hits and growing,” he said.


PEP replaces the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) as the national secondary school placement test.


The main objective of PEP is to enhance the academic and critical thinking capabilities and creativity of students by the end of primary level education.


The Mico University College is collaborating with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information to host the inaugural International Mathematics Summit from March 25-27 under the theme: ‘Mathematics for Economic Growth and Job Creation’.


The summit, which will be integrated into the Ministry’s National Mathematics Week, will provide a forum for exploring, analysing and consolidating international best practices in the teaching of mathematics.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator Hon. Ruel Reid, addressing the launch of the Mico International Mathematics Summit at The Mico University College’s premises on Marescaux Road in St. Andrew on January 30.

17 New Schools to be Built

JIS: The Government will be constructing 17 new schools at locations across the island to provide adequate and comfortable infrastructure for students and teachers.


Of the total, 10 will be primary institutions while the remaining seven will be secondary schools.


Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, who made the disclosure at a press conference at the Ministry in Kingston on Tuesday (February 5), said that the submissions for the undertaking have been made to the Public Investment Management Secretariat (PIMSEC).


“We have submitted our 17 schools to PIMSEC, which is now a requirement for all government capital expenditure… and as funds are available, the projects will be approved,” he said.


The Minister, who was giving an update on school infrastructure projects, said that new institutions are needed in Montego Bay, St. James and other areas “right across the country”.


“In Manchester Northeastern, at both Mile Gully and Christiana High (there are) deficits; also at Holmwood. In all those areas, we need more schools. We have primary schools such as May Pen Primary (in Clarendon), which is the largest primary school in the Caribbean, and it is on shift. There are lands in the Clarendon area,” he said.


Senator Reid noted that the additional schools will “provide adequate infrastructure to make our children comfortable in the teaching and learning environment”.


“We have to make sure there are enough publicly funded institutions, so that no child will be left behind. All our children will have a seamless opportunity to pursue their education unhindered with full State support up to age 18, leaving with an associate degree,” he said.


Meanwhile, Senator Reid informed that close to $2 billion has been spent on school infrastructure and maintenance since 2016.


He said that over the past two and a half years, the Government has undertaken a massive infrastructure renovation and development programme, which has significantly improved the learning environment for students.


Additionally, he said that since 2018, a total of $888 million has been allocated to 381 schools to undertake critical repairs, with the bulk of the figure going to primary institutions.


These include roof work, renovating bathrooms, tiling of classrooms, repair of fencing, windows and doors, installation of whiteboards, among other things.


Senator Reid said that $738.6 million has been disbursed to carry out repairs by way of service-level agreements. “We cost the project, we send the money into the bank accounts (of the schools) and we have an agreement in terms of how those funds are to be expended,” he noted.


Furthermore, Senator Reid said that approximately $97 million has been spent for the completion of 35 new flush toilet systems, with procurement and additional works in progress for 16 others.


Just over $121 million has been allocated under the ‘Capital A’ budget to remove pit latrines in 51 schools.


Senator Reid said the National Education Trust (NET) has been one of the lead agencies in terms of school infrastructure upgrade.


The NET has been prioritising early-childhood care and development, safety and security, increasing uniformed groups as well as the provision of clean water to schools.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, provides an update on school infrastructure projects during a press conference at the Ministry’s Heroes Circle offices in Kingston on February 5.

$533M Spent to Build 69 Classrooms Since 2016

JIS: The Government has spent approximately $533 million to build 69 classrooms and accompanying amenities in primary and secondary schools since 2016, to take students off the double shift system and ease overcrowding.


Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, made the disclosure during a press conference at the Ministry in Kingston on February 5.


He said in September 2017, Green Park Primary and Junior High; Kitson Town All-Age; Mandeville Primary and Junior High; Villa Road Primary and Junior High; Maggotty High; John Mills Primary, Junior High and Infant, as well as Pembroke Hall Primary, were taken off the shift system.


Additionally, he said Mineral Heights Primary and Port Henderson Primary Schools came off the system in 2018, while Exchange All-Age, Cedric Titus High, Papine High and Muschette High are slated to do so soon. Only 38 institutions remain on the system.


Meanwhile, Senator Reid said the Ministry has embarked on expansion and upgrading projects to convert some institutions to full high schools.


“Within that list, works have commenced at Nain, New Forest and Aberdeen, and funds have been mobilised for completion,” he disclosed.


The Minister also advised that similar work has been concluded at Stony Hill High School.


Meanwhile, Senator Reid said a technical planning team has completed preliminary activities at Discovery Bay All-Age, which is also being converted to a high school.


“Once finalised, a design will be completed and contracting will be done thereafter. The desired timeline for this upgrade is to have the first phase completed for the start of the new [2019/20] school year,” he said.


Senator Reid said $12.3 million was also spent to significantly improve the sewerage system at Glen Stuart Primary School.


He also disclosed that 33 ramps have been built in schools to improve access for physically challenged students.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, addressing a press conference at the Ministry’s National Heroes Circle offices in Kingston on February 5.

Petersfield High Reports Reduction of Violence Among Students

JIS: Dean of Discipline at Petersfield High School in Westmoreland, Junior Clarke, is reporting a significant reduction in violent incidents at the institution, as a result of strategic intervention measures.


In an interview with JIS News, Mr. Clarke said that in 2016, 17 per cent of the school’s population was involved in some form of violent act, but in 2018 that figure was reduced to five per cent.


He said the intervention programmes included the Identity, Purpose, Attitude and Destiny (IPAD) for Life Youth Empowerment and Mentorship Summer Camp, which targeted at-risk youth.


Mr. Clarke noted that the camp, with the support of parents, played a critical role in improving the conduct of students with behavioural challenges. “So, all the youth who had been suspended or were getting into trouble were mandated to be a part of this [IPAD for life] camp, in which they participated and it was a success,” he added.

“In addition to that, though, we decided that parental involvement had to be more significant, so before it reaches a critical state of a child being suspended or getting into a fight or gang-related activity, we had regular conferences, whether via telephone or in person, as we recognise that it made a major impact on the level of violent incidents that we were seeing,” he said.


Mr. Clarke further noted that an active mentorship programme at the school has also been bearing fruit.


“It is called Most Valuable Person (MVP). So, mentors were chosen from the student population and they act as mentors to younger students and even older students who were at risk. These students were also paired with teachers and even members of the community, who provided support to them,” he said.


Mr. Clarke added that the school administration will continue to take a strategic approach to change the behaviour of at-risk students.


CAPTION: Dean of Discipline at Petersfield High in Westmoreland, Junior Clarke (right), in discussion with former Director of the Safety and Security in Schools Programme, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Coleridge Minto, during a recent visit to the institution.

Minister Green Says Organisations Must Improve Efficiency

JIS: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, has called for organisations to put measures in place to ensure greater efficiency in operations.


“We have to take a look at our processes…especially across the public sector. We lose a lot of productive time and unnecessary energy, which leads to a retardation of our possibilities for growth and creativity,” he said.


He noted that the Government is moving to ensure greater efficiency in service delivery through the Public Sector Transformation and Modernisation Programme.


“We recognise that we need to re-examine our processes and ensure that we are doing things in the most efficient way possible,” he noted.


Mr. Green was delivering the keynote address at the opening ceremony of LearnFest Caribbean 2019 at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on Wednesday (February 6).


The two-day event, from February 6 to 7, seeks to promote operational efficiency across various industries. It is being held under the theme ‘Level up and Set Yourself Apart’.


Mr. Green, in his presentation, pointed to the need for improved communication across the public and private sectors in ensuring transparency and efficiency in executing projects.


“People want and expect to know what is happening and they expect to know it in real time. Regardless of the size of the project, people want to know the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ especially if you work in the public sector,” he said.


He said that an effective communication strategy should be an integral part of project development in order to ensure stakeholder buy-in.


“People don’t want to wait months after the project is far gone to appreciate why they should buy into this project. I think that is one of the things we need to pay keen attention to,” he added.


Founder of LearnFest Caribbean and Chief Executive Officer of Project Management Global Institute (PGMI), Sherrone Blake Lobban, said that the event is targeting project managers and other professionals across various disciplines.


“It involves discussions on how persons …can utilise project management to be more efficient. The conference is not only for project managers. It is for anybody that utilises projects,” she noted.


The event will feature workshops, interactive sessions and networking activities.


CAPTION: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green (right), greets Founder of LearnFest Caribbean and Chief Executive Officer of Project Management Global Institute (PGMI), Sherrone Blake Lobban, during the opening ceremony of LearnFest Caribbean 2019 on Wednesday (February 6) at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston. The two-day event is being held from February 6 to 7 under the theme ‘Level up and Set Yourself Apart’.

Education Ministry Committed to Improving Student Achievement in Mathematics – Senator Reid

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information is dedicated to providing the requisite resources to ensure sustained improvement in student performance in mathematics.


Portfolio Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, said that comprehensive and targeted interventions are being implemented at the primary and secondary levels in keeping with this objective.


He noted that the Ministry continues to sustain implementation of the mathematics marketing campaign ‘Math Counts’ using social media, print media and advertisements on radio and television, as well as the annual observance of Mathematics Week in March.


He said the national mathematics exposition, which is the main event for Math Week, has seen attendance grown from 2,500 in 2013 to more than 8,000 students and teachers last year.


“These programmes are aimed at helping all Jamaicans to see the importance and relevance of mathematics to their everyday lives and the country’s economic growth and development,” Senator Reid noted.


He further pointed to the Leadership of Mathematics Programme developed under the National Mathematics Programme, which is being delivered through the National College for Educational Leadership to all principals and heads of secondary departments.


He noted that annual training sessions are facilitated for new principals and heads of departments.


Senator Reid was speaking at the launch of The Mico University College’s International Mathematics Summit at the institution’s premises on Marescaux Road, St. Andrew, on January 30.


Mico is collaborating with the Education Ministry to host the inaugural event from March 25-27 under the theme: ‘Mathematics for Economic Growth and Job Creation’.


The summit, which will be integrated into the Ministry’s National Mathematics Week, will provide a forum for exploring, analysing and consolidating international best practices in the teaching of mathematics.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (right), in conversation with Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Mico University College, Professor Neville Ying, during the launch of the Mico International Mathematics Summit at the institution’s premises on Marescaux Road, St. Andrew, on January 30.

More than 400 Schools Benefit from Repair and Expansion Works

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says the Government is undertaking an “unprecedented level of work” in the upgrading of school plants.


He said that just over 400 educational institutions have benefited from major repairs or expansion over the past two and a half years.


The scope of works, which include building of new classrooms, repair and upgrading of canteens, has enabled several institutions to transition to single shift.


“There are so many activities to be done, because the need was so great, and I was insistent that we must push the resources, push the programme because schools were asking for a lot of assistance,” he noted.


“We have had to ask some schools to take on some of their own procurement and management of projects,” he added.


Minister Reid was delivering the keynote address at the official opening of a learning centre at the Rock River Primary School in Clarendon on January 29.


The $10 million facility was built by the Japanese Government in partnership with the Rock River Foundation.


It includes a library and computer room equipped with computer terminals, laptops, multimedia projector, teaching equipment and learning aids, and will benefit the students and the wider community.


Minister Reid hailed the partnership to construct the learning centre and the continued investment by Japan in Jamaica’s education sector.


For his part, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., welcomed the new facility, which he noted, will benefit the entire Rock River community.


Meanwhile, Japan’s Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Hiromasa Yamazaki, noted that the project is part of the Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security initiative, which provides grants for community development projects across various sectors.


He said that his Government is committed to investing in education in order to empower people “so that they can lead sustainable lives and livelihoods.”


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (centre), and Japan’s Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Hiromasa Yamazaki (right), point to the plaque dedicating the learning centre at the Rock River Primary School in Clarendon, at the official opening of the facility on January 29. Looking on at left is Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr.

Cabinet Signs Off on Draft JTC Bill

JIS: Cabinet has signed off on the draft Jamaica Teaching Council (JTC) Bill, says Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid.


The Bill seeks to establish a governing body for the teaching profession and a licensing and registration regime for all government-paid teachers. The licensing regime is expected to take effect when the Bill is passed.


“We have finished the full draft and Cabinet has signed off on it. So, there are just one or two comments that the Attorney General’s Department needs to make, so we can move that to the Legislation Committee (of the Cabinet),” he said.


Senator Reid was addressing the launch of the Mico International Mathematics Summit at the institution’s premises on Marescaux Road, in St. Andrew, on January 30.


The Government’s move to implement a regime for the licensing and registration of teachers is aimed at ensuring greater levels of accountability and professionalism.


“The registration and licensing will ensure we place the teachers so trained and qualified, demonstrating competence in the right subject areas, at the right level of the education system and also the requirement for continuous professional development,” Senator Reid said.


The Jamaica Teaching Council was established in 2008 as a part of the Education Transformation Strategy to improve the quality and coverage of education.


The Council’s mandate is focused on achieving its ultimate goal of repositioning teaching as the profession of choice.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, addresses the launch of the Mico International Mathematics Summit, held at the institution’s premises on Marescaux Road in St. Andrew, on January 30.

Education minister reminds language teachers to upgrade skills, qualifications

OBSERVER: JAMAICAN teachers of foreign languages are being encouraged to upgrade their skills in order to enhance students’ learning capabilities.


The charge comes from Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Ruel Reid, who was speaking at the 10th Foreign Languages Conference at the Jamaica Conference Centre in downtown Kingston on Friday.


“Take advantage of scholarships for upgrading your skills and for those who have not yet done so, pursue international certification in the foreign language,” he urged.


Senator Reid emphasised that in today’s globalised economy, foreign languages are relevant to all career fields and spheres. Therefore, if teachers are to help students to meet the requirements of the new world realities, “you too should be preparing yourselves to help our students fulfil their potential to embrace these opportunities.”


“Our teachers must themselves adapt to new attitudes within the context of the digital era, current trends in foreign language education that reflect learner centredness (which entails) inclusivity, knowledge creation, internationalisation and exchanges, and the Vision 2030 mantra of foreign language competence for all Jamaicans,” he added.


The Minister praised teachers who have done professional development in their specialist language over the past year through the Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques (International Centre for Educational Studies).


He also commended those who participated in the teaching assistantship programme facilitated by the Embassy of France; the Instituto Cervantes’ Intensive Training Programme for Spanish teachers facilitated by the Embassy of Spain; the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) French Workshop, and local workshops and coaching sessions.

In the meantime, Senator Reid said the Education Ministry remains committed to the promotion of foreign languages, with particular emphasis on the training of teachers to deliver Spanish at the primary level, and overall foreign language teachers’ professional development.


“We also support the efforts to improve students’ performance in foreign languages, especially in oral competence. We ask that you work with us in implementing the new foreign languages curricula that have been developed under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This is a platform based on linguistic performance and competence outputs and fully endorsed by the United Nations,” he said.


The Minister thanked members of the Jamaica Association of French Teachers (JAFT), the Alliance Française, the National Association of Spanish Teachers (ANPE) and the Spanish-Jamaican Foundation for “continued promotion of foreign languages in Jamaica, as you collaborate with embassies here in coordinating programmes for our students.”


The conference, staged by JAFT and ANPE, in association with the Education Ministry, was held under the theme: ‘The 21st Century Foreign Languages Landscape: More POWER to the Learner’.


CAPTION: REID … wants to set up a high level meeting 

NCEL partners with Caribbean Maritime University To execute Leadership Development Interventions

CAPTION: In keeping with the Blue Ocean paradigm, the National College for Educational Leadership will be partnering with the Caribbean Maritime University to execute leadership development interventions and capacity-building initiatives for leaders in academia and industry. Director Principal- Dr Taneisha Ingleton and managers of the College, and the President of the CMU- Professor Fritz Pinnock met with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Mr. Dean-Roy Bernard, to engage in comprehensive deliberations about developing alternative blue ocean opportunities and to build on the creative competence of our leaders.#Impact2019 #blueocean #beyondcompeting#creatingworldclassleaders #NCELisinternational #stayblue