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National School Nutrition Policy Being Finalized

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information is finalizing development of the proposed National School Nutrition Policy.


Portfolio Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, said work to develop the Policy, which aims to promote healthy eating and physical activity in schools particularly among students, was initially slated for completion this month (January 2019).


“But we still have some fine-tuning [to do]. As such, we decided to roll out the restriction of sugary drinks before,” he said.


The Minister was speaking at a forum on ‘Sugars, Other Carbohydrates and Fats – Their Contribution to Obesity… and Effective Solutions’, at the Spanish Court Hotel, New Kingston, on January 11.


Senator Reid said the Policy seeks to improve the nutritional status of children and support their long-term physical and psychosocial development.


Additionally, he said it forms part of the Government’s broader approach to promoting healthy choices in and out of school for children and youth, by equipping them with the requisite knowledge and skills to make better decisions regarding diet and physical activity.


“It is only fitting that this is done, as our Ministry has direct contact with the children who will, in turn, become adults,” the Minister stated.


Meanwhile, Senator Reid said the National School Nutrition Standards, being developed by the Ministry of Health, will support implementation of the nutrition-related aspects of the Policy.


It will outline the recommended nutrient standards for meals; non-meal items, such as snacks; and beverages.


The Standards will, eventually, be incorporated into the existing National School Feeding Programme.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator Hon. Ruel Reid (left), and Executive Director of the Heart Foundation of Jamaica, Deborah Chen, peruse details on the label of a beverage bottle, during a forum on ‘Sugars, Other Carbohydrates and Fats – Their Contribution to Obesity… and Effective Solutions’, at the Spanish Court Hotel in New Kingston on Jan. 11.


Funds Allocated to Complete Classroom Block at Little London High

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has allocated $13 million to assist with the completion of a classroom block at the Little London High School, in Westmoreland.


During a visit to the institution on Tuesday, January 8, Senator Reid said the new block will help to alleviate a shortage of space at the institution.


Construction on the new block, which will provide six new classrooms for students, began in August 2018 with funds raised by the institution.


The Minister told the teachers that the Government remains committed to creating a comfortable and safe teaching and learning environment for both teachers and students.


“While we are placing all our students now in secondary up to age 18, they are not always in a comfortable environment. We still need more classrooms in some instances, and more laboratory spaces to ensure that the school and the teaching and learning environment are adequate,” he said.


In the meantime, Senator Reid informed that the Ministry will be providing a metal detector for the institution as part of efforts to further boost safety and security at Little London High.


“I know that teenagers will bring weapons on the school campus. It is an unfortunate part of our culture, not only in Jamaica but across the world… and we need an efficient way to manage that. The Principal has asked us to have a walk-through scanner installed, and that has been approved, so we expect to have that installed as quickly as possible,” the Minister informed.


Grange Hill and Petersfield High schools in Westmoreland will also receive metal detectors.


Senator Reid also committed to providing additional equipment to support the technical and vocational programmes at the institutions.


“This is an area that we are passionate about because we don’t see it as a second cousin, it is where the world is going. We need to make sure that you have the necessary equipment and facility to develop the skills that our students require as they transition to the world of work,” the Minister said.


Senator Reid and top officials from Region Four of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, visited the Little London, Grange Hill and Petersfield High schools to meet with teachers to discuss issues facing the institutions.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (centre), with Principal of the Little London High School in Westmoreland, Garfield James (left); and Director of the Safety and Security Programme in the Ministry, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Coleridge Minto (right), during a visit to the school on January 8.

Steps Being Taken To Fund Education of Students Up to Age 18 – Reid

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information is taking steps to fully fund the education of students up to 18 years old.


Portfolio Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says, once finalised, this will be implemented over a three-year period.


“So I am now trying to get us to this bold statement of zero to 18 public free-education strategy that gets all our students up to the minimum of having an associate degree that will be paid for by the State. That is the policy position that I am articulating,” he explained.


He was speaking at the annual conference of the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ) at Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa in St. James on Wednesday (January 9).


“When I go to Cabinet on Monday (January 14), I will say to the Prime Minister, this is going to be our contribution. This is how were are going to revolutionise Jamaica to make sure that we have every one of our young people trained and certified at least to the minimum of an associate degree, facilitated through the collaboration of the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica,” Senator Reid added.


The Education Minister informed that he will be meeting with representatives from the CCCJ to outline the feasibility of the public free-education strategy.


“I have said to Permanent Secretary (Dean-Roy Bernard), we are going to work with you (the CCCJ) to operationalise that; we are not going to put it on you this year. We are going to show you, mathematically, how it can be done on a phased basis over the next three years, because we have to write to the Ministry of Finance and give them a three-year notice to fully implement it,” he pointed out.


Senator Reid further noted that the Government is seeking to provide a better avenue for students whose parents are unable to fund their education, while pointing out the need to stem the issue of persons being employed without the required qualification and training.


He added that the education sector must be revolutionised to prepare students for a modernised job market.


“If we do not empower them (students) to align with the fourth industrial revolution, then they are going to have their own revolution. Every one of these young people, when they leave school and have no answer and have nowhere to go, becomes a liability to the State. Therefore, it makes sense for the State to… make sure that every one of these people is rescued,” Senator Reid emphasised.


The CCCJ conference, which ends on Friday, January 11, is being held under the theme ‘CCCJ: Forging Pathways for Future Empowerment’.


Several students and staff from community colleges across the island were presented with scholarships and awards at the opening ceremony of the conference.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (left), accepts a gift from Principal of the Trench Town Polytechnic College, Dr. Dosseth Edwards-Watson, following his keynote address at the annual conference of the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ) held at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa in St James on January 9.

Teachers Encouraged to Work with Ministry to Tackle Indiscipline in Schools

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has called on teachers to work with the Ministry to tackle the issue of indiscipline in schools.


Senator Reid, along with top officials from Region Four, visited the Little London, Grange Hill and Petersfield High schools in Westmoreland, on January 7, where he met with teachers to discuss issues facing the institutions.


The Minister told the teachers that he is aware of the social issues plaguing high schools in the parish, which he believes have spilled over from the community level.


“ Westmoreland and indeed Region Four have been having some challenges. When we did some checks over recent times, the report we got was that Region Four and Montego Bay have one of the highest rates of absenteeism from school,” he said.


In this regard, the Minister encouraged teachers to work with the Ministry and other stakeholders to develop strategies to tackle behavioural challenges among students and provide the requisite interventions to reform problem students.


Senator Reid said that while indiscipline must not be condoned, the teachers should not turn their backs on students with behavioural challenges but instead work to manage and alter the behaviour of those students.


“Through salvation and education, I believe we can transform the lives of every one of our young people. We are not going to tolerate their indiscipline or misbehaviour, but we are not going to give up on any one of them. Where the Ministry needs to intervene and where we have to allow them to go elsewhere to be rehabilitated, fine. It’s not that we are giving up on them, but school must go on,” the Minister emphasised.


In the meantime, Senator Reid informed educators at the Little London High School that the Ministry will be equipping the school with additional guidance counsellors to help curb the behaviour of difficult students.


He also assured the principal and staff at each institution that the Ministry will continue to give support and direction to the schools, as they work to carry out the mandate of the Ministry.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid

Alternative Pathways to Secondary Education Programme Fully Implemented

JIS: The Alternative Pathways to Secondary Education programme – a seven-year period (Grades 7-13) of instruction for students on all secondary pathways – has been fully implemented.


This was disclosed by Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, in his national back-to-school broadcast on January 6.


Under this programme, instruction will be based on tailored curricula, enabling each learner to perform to his/her fullest potential, based on aptitude, interest and ability.


“The Ministry effected an additional two years in our secondary-school system to provide students with skills and competencies required for work. This has been made possible under the framework of the Career Advancement Programme (CAP), which has been introduced in 202 institutions, so far, and is working well for our young people,” Senator Reid said.


The Education Minister also informed that the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in the education system continues, noting that over $100 million was provided to schools to upgrade science areas.


In addition, Senator Reid said the Centre of Occupational Studies now has enrolled more than 1,000 students. The first graduation of over 400 students took place in November of last year.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid.

Subsidies for Students Sitting Exit Examinations in 2019

JIS: The Government has provided subsidies for secondary-level students sitting exit examinations in 2019.


Full subsidy payment is being made for up to eight subjects for students on the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) and wards of the State who are eligible to receive the support.


This was disclosed by Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, in his national back-to-school broadcast on January 6.


“Full subsidy means the Government will cover the cost of all fees associated with the examination, which include entry fee, subject fees, practical fees, fees for orals and all other fees related to the subject,” Senator Reid said.


The Minister also informed that the Ministry has committed 1,140 scholarships between 2018 and 2020 to support the training of 135 mathematics teachers, 150 physics and chemistry teachers, 120 technical and vocational education teachers and 650 engineers.


“Over $300 million is being utilised to support students at tertiary institutions for this financial year,” he noted.


In addition, Senator Reid said the Ministry has successfully completed the implementation of the National Standards Curriculum, including providing assistance totalling $77 million for the execution of the curriculum in primary schools.


The National Standards Curriculum aims to enhance the quality of education offered to learners and improve the general academic performance, attitude and behaviour of students, which will redound to the positive shaping of the national social and economic fabric.


Under the new system, emphasis is being placed on project-based and problem-solving learning, with science, technology, engineering and mathematics/science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEM/STEAM) integrated at all levels.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid.

Cabinet Approves Full Roll-Out of Tablets in Schools Programme

JIS: Cabinet has approved the full roll-out of the Tablets in Schools Programme in 1,106 educational institutions and a pilot ‘Bring Your Own Device’ initiative in 25 schools.


Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, made the disclosure during his back-to-school broadcast on January 6.


Senator Reid also informed that the Ministry, in collaboration with the Overseas Examinations Commission (OEC), delivered on its commitment to enhance the information and communications technology (ICT) capabilities of selected secondary schools across the island.


“This commitment was followed by an investment of $250 million. As of last January, 26 secondary-level schools, which were previously earmarked to benefit under the first tranche of this initiative, started to receive ICT equipment, inclusive of computers, software and security systems,” he said.


He added that, to date, deliveries of 30 computer systems have been made to 26 schools.


“Through all the initiatives, over 6,000 computers and aided devices will be provided to schools at all levels,” Senator Reid said.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid.A

Parents and Community Leaders Called on to Protect Children

JIS: Director of Safety and Security in Schools, Ministry of Education, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Coleridge Minto, is calling on parents and community leaders to ensure that children are protected and attend school.


“Let us stand up for our children, and ensure that they can live in a safe and secure environment. Let us stand up for our senior citizens, and stand up for what is right,” he emphasised.


The ASP was delivering the keynote address at the annual community dinner hosted by the Cherry Youth Society, in West Central St. Catherine, on January 1.


He said the community of Cherry should be emulated for the way in which members protect children and the elderly.


Mr. Minto said the cohesiveness he has seen in the area is one that all well-thinking Jamaicans should embrace.


The dinner was held under the theme ‘People, Purpose and Passion…The Pathway to Success’.


Nearly 200 persons were feted at the function, while the Youth Society presented plaques to selected persons for their contribution to the community.


Lauding the young people for giving back to the community, Mr. Minto said it was a commendable effort for them to do so “in the form of showing respect, and treating those who paved the way for them”.


Meanwhile, Chairman of the Kitson Town Community Development Committee (CDC), Devon Thompson, said he was encouraged by the work of the young people, and pledged $10,000 towards the event.


“What a wonderful thing to see young people taking on initiatives like this,” Mr. Thompson said.


The Cherry Youth Society falls under the ambit of the Kitson Town CDC.


For his part, President of the Society, Kevon Woodhouse, told JIS News that the members came together to “elevate, build and uplift the community”.


Mr. Woodhouse noted that next year, they will be awarding high-performing students from the area.


CAPTION: Coleridge Minto (third left), accepts a gift basket from member of the Cherry Youth Society in St. Catherine, Alecia Walton (right), while President of the group, Kevon Woodhouse (left), and other members of the organisation share in the moment. Occasion was the annual community dinner, held in the area on January 1. Mr. Minto delivered the keynote address at the function.

PEP Exams to be Conducted over a Five Day Period in 2019

JIS: Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Dr. Grace McLean, has announced that the inaugural Primary Exit Profile (PEP) examinations will be conducted over five day period in 2019.


“Based on suggestions that we got to move the Performance Task from December 4 and 5, we have now shifted the Performance Task, which will be held on March 27 and 28. We will now have the Ability Test on February 26, and finally the Curriculum Based Test will be done on April 16 and 17,” Dr. McLean said.


She was addressing the media at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information’s Quarterly Press Conference at their offices in downtown, Kingston, on December 6.


Dr. McLean is encouraging teachers, parents, students and PEP stakeholders to access the PEP website at for all information the Ministry has to offer, which are related to the new examination.


“We’re happy for the response that we have received with the development of our website and PEP app. You can go to the Playstore and download the [PEP mobile] app, and the website is up and running with all the information that can assist. It has the curriculum, practice questions and lesson plans. There is also a link to various book publishers where you can also access the information,” she said.


“I can also assure you that in January, we will be providing additional practice questions to support our students,” Dr. McLean pointed out.


PEP is the series of tests which has replaced the GSAT as the national secondary school entrance examination. It is intended to provide a better and more complete profile of students’ academic and critical thinking capabilities at the end of primary level education.


CAPTION: Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Dr. Grace McLean (left), gives details of the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) examinations to be held in 2019, as Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, displays one of the Cheetah PEP practice books, at the Ministry’s Quarterly Press Briefing, held at their offices in downtown, Kingston, on December 6.

Education Minister Explains PEP Mock Exam Results

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has explained the recent Primary Exit Profile (PEP) mock exam results.


He is also calling on educators, parents, students and stakeholders of PEP to remain calm about the results they received, as they represent only a percentage of the total score students will receive after sitting the actual examinations as of 2019.


“The mock was administered on one component of the PEP, that is, the Performance Task, which accounts for 20 per cent of the total assessment,” the Minister said.


He was speaking at the Ministry’s quarterly press conference, held on Thursday (December 6) at his offices in downtown Kingston.


“The Ability Test and the Curriculum-Based Test (CBT) will account for the remaining 30 per cent and 50 per cent, respectively. Therefore, it is unreasonable, premature and a knee-jerk reaction to view the June 2018 Mock Performance Task as an indication of what will happen when the actual assessments are done in 2019. It is to be noted that the Performance Task and the Curriculum Based Test are based on content/curriculum material covered in grade six,” he noted.


“The same will apply where the Performance Task, to be administered in June 2019 to grade-four and -five students, is concerned. Grade-four students will be assessed on what they would have covered at grade four, while grade-five students will be assessed on the basis of content covered in grade five,” the Minister explained.


He added that the Ministry and other examining bodies have no general practice or tradition of reporting on mock or pilot assessment results; therefore, there was no need to put the details of the Mock Exam, being only a per cent of the overall score, out to the public.


“Just for transparency, we did so, and as it turned out we should have perhaps had a session where we explain where the grading was going to be. Rather than that, we put them out there and people have their own interpretation,” he said.


The Minister also noted that the three levels or performance categories in relation to June’s Mock Performance Test, which is Standard Met, Standard Nearly Met and Standard Not Met, are not the same rubric/scoring/reporting scheme that will apply in respect of the actual examinations slated for 2019.


Senior Education Officer in the Students Assessment Unit, Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Maryah Ho-Young, offered more clarity on how the grades will be scored for PEP as of 2019.


“In reporting the results of the Primary Exit Profile for each individual student, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has taken the decision to use what we call Scaled Scores, instead of percentage scores. For GSAT, in the Mathematics, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Communication Task, the schools [and] parents would typically see a percentage score. We’re moving away from that, as we move towards a 21st century assessment,” she noted.


Mrs. Ho-Young further explained that a Scaled Score is the conversion of a student’s raw scores from the various tests on to a Common Scale.


“Statistics and Mathematics are involved in doing that conversion. Examples of Scaled Scores used in other jurisdictions include the Caribbean Examination Council, with a scale of grades one to six [and] for SAT, as used in the United States of America, they use a scale of 400 to 1,600,” she said.


Mrs. Ho-Young said it is important for teachers, administrators and parents to understand what Scaled Scores are.


“Raw scores [percentage scores] do not always present the full picture. They don’t take into account other factors, such as one test may be marked out of 20, another test may be marked out of 60, so we have to convert those different marks on to a common scale, in order for us to make a comparison,” she said.


“Scaled scores are used to ensure consistency, seeing that the different tests are measuring different aspects, as well as they comprise a different number of questions,” Mrs. Ho-Young added.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (second left) and State Minister in the Ministry, Floyd Green, peruse the new Cheetah Primary Exit Profile (PEP) text book at the Ministry’s Quarterly Press Briefing, which was held at their offices in downtown Kingston on Thursday (December 6). Sharing the moment are Authors of Cheetah PEP practice books, Dr. Paulette Trowers (second right) and Dr. Stephanie Mullings.