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New School Year Brings Opportunity for Renewal – Senator Reid

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says the new school year, which gets underway in September, provides the opportunity to start with a new focus and an agenda for renewal.


“We will therefore go forward with a renewed sense of hope and belief in our collective abilities to find sustainable solutions to new and long-standing challenges in our education sector,” he says in an interview with JIS News.


The Minister, who has been meeting with various stakeholders ahead of the reopening of school, says that the Government values education as a key ingredient for national development.


As such, he notes that the Administration continues to increase investment in the sector, which, he says, is “guaranteed to pay rich dividends down the road.”


He cites, for example, spending of just over $37.6 billion for secondary education alone, which includes funds for salaries, grants, science, infrastructure, furniture and nutrition.


This means, depending on the school population, that the Government has increased per capita allocation to as high as $176, 994 at the secondary level.


“We are pleased that with the allocation of more financial resources, our schools are now better able to manage their administrative functions,” Senator Reid says.


He tells JIS News that a lot of emphasis is being placed on the early childhood sector as “this is where it all begins and this is where it is critical that we get it right.”


“We ended last year with the good news that more than 100 institutions had met all the operational standards of the Early Childhood Commission (ECC) to be fully certified. We will continue the work to ensure that more of our basic schools achieve the set standards,” he pledges.


“We can look back at the work we have been doing with some satisfaction that much has been achieved in advancing access to education by more of our students,” he adds.


Senator Reid tells JIS News that while there continues to be challenges, he is pleased with the willingness being shown by stakeholders to do their part in ensuring that “our children are given every opportunity to succeed.”


He argues that whatever is achieved nationally will be dependent on “what we do…while working together as teams in an extended chain of activities.”


He stresses that it is the coming together of the various interests that will advance the sector and provide the ticket towards Jamaica’s sustained economic success.


“As we prepare ourselves for the start of the new school term, let me take this opportunity to thank all the hard-working stakeholders in our education system including our teachers, students, parents, board members, administrative and ancillary staff, and Ministry of Education, Youth and Information staff,” he says.


Principal of John Rollins Success Primary in St. James, Yvonne Williams-Wisdom, tells JIS News that the Ministry must be commended for its openness and eagerness to maintain meaningful dialogue with stakeholders.


She also hails parents “for doing their part and for giving us some much-needed assistance in our quest to achieve our goals and in giving our students a quality education.”


The view is shared by Senior Teacher at Beecher Town Primary in St. Ann, Carmen Brown, who is attributing the academic and cultural successes at her school to a great community support system.


“Our nation’s future depends on how well we do in education…no doubt about that,” she notes.


“Show me a highly developed nation and I will show you a nation that invests heavily in its education system. We have to ensure that all hands are on deck and that we take the time as educators to nurture the many talented students, who have been placed under our care,” she adds.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid

NPSC Receives Assistance in Home-School Relationship Programme

JIS: The National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC) is getting much-needed assistance for its home-school relationship programme. Through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Safety Security Project, several Parent Places will be established.


Addressing a recent JIS ‘Think Tank’, Chief Executive Officer of the NPSC, Kaysia Kerr, said that it is evident that irrespective of the interventions which are put into the schools, if these are not supported and reinforced at home, then the interventions are compromised.


Under the effective parenting intervention framework, the NPSC has implemented several programmes to target parents to ensure that the home-school relationship is improved and that behaviours that are desired from children are evident.


Parent Places are usually attached to schools, faith-based institutions or libraries. Miss Kerr said that through the Parent Places, tools are used to analyse data to customise intervention.


She explained that the interventions may look at literacy not only for the students, but also for the parents who sometimes may have issues with literacy, and they also focus on elements which encourage antisocial behaviours in schools.


Miss Kerr noted that the NPSC has realised that coercive parenting is the main reason that causes children to exhibit aggression and other violent behaviours in schools.


“Through the Parent Places we are not only focusing on education, re-educating and retooling parents, but we are offering psychosocial support and ongoing training in terms of skills,” she said. Miss Kerr is also reporting the Commission’s progress in the Parent Place that was established in Mount Salem community in Montego Bay, St. James


“We have been continuing the mobilising and coordinating, because we have to make sure that we are speaking to the needs of that particular community,” she said.


Statistics have shown that in communities like Mount Salem, coercive parenting is used a lot, so the Commission has gone into the Zone of Special Operations and set up a Parent Place to treat with certain issues as they relate to violence. To date the NPSC has established 125 Parent Places attached to schools across the six educational regions.


Under the USAID/Ministry Project, Parent Places will be attached to faith-based institutions.


CAPTION: Chief Executive Officer of the National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC), Kaysia Kerr, addresses a recent JIS ‘Think Tank’.

Basic Schools Get Facelift

GLEANER: Recognising the importance of play in a child’s development, the United Way of Jamaica, in collaboration with Massy Distribution Jamaica Limited, enhanced the surroundings of three basic schools in the Corporate Area last Saturday.


Speaking with The Gleaner at the Holiness Basic School in Kingston, Karl Simpson, director of Massy Distribution Jamaica Limited, said improving the playing surface for the children creates an avenue to enhance students’ brain power.


“This is a basic school that has 40 students, I understand, between the ages of two to six, so we are assisting with the playing surface and beautifying the walls, making it a little bit more presentable and improving the surroundings. Children learn better in a comfortable and pleasing environment,” he said


“The growth of any country is through people. When people are empowered they produce.”


Marcia Forbes, chairperson of United Way of Jamaica, shared similar sentiments, noting that her organisation is committed to improving the early-childhood sector.



“This is so important because early-childhood education is so important, in addition to play. I’m currently reading a book which talks about play and how we undervalue play, but it is important, part of any child’s development,” she said.


“For us (United Way), we decided that early-childhood education was a key area that we would support towards Jamaica’s development. It (contribution) cannot be a one-off thing, it requires a level of consistency.”


Youlette Forbes, principal of the basic school, expressed gratitude for the contribution.


“This is a lovely facelift for the new school year. We will definitely get more children coming in because you can do more gross motor activities. Children love to play and it is a part of learning.”


The Bower Bank and Richmond Nazarene basic schools were the other schools that got facelifts.


CAPTION: Marcia Forbes, chairperson of United Way of Jamaica

Education Ministry Deploying 100 Mathematics Coaches to Schools Islandwide

JIS: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has announced that 100 mathematics coaches will shortly be deployed to assist in strengthening primary and secondary students’ performance in mathematics in approximately 1,000 schools islandwide.


Senator Reid said the coaches’ will primarily focus on helping mathematics teachers obtain the requisite skills to effectively deliver the subject to students.


This exercise, the Minister added, will be facilitated under the National Mathematics Programme (NMP).


He was speaking at the media launch for the Professional Development Programme for MOEYI Mathematics Specialists and Teacher Educators at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge & Conference Centre in St. Andrew on Thursday (August 16).


He noted that the Ministry has invested significant resources in initiatives, such as the NMP, in order to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics in Jamaica.


Under the NMP, a comprehensive strategy has been implemented to: develop and implement a mathematics policy; improve teacher and teaching quality; improve the culture surrounding the teaching and learning of mathematics; and facilitate coaching for teachers.


The NMP will continue supporting teacher training institutions to ensure that ineffective practices are stemmed from the pre-service level.


He said the Professional Development Programme for MOEYI Mathematics Specialists and Teacher Educators, which will be financed through the Government of Japan-funded Inter-American Development Bank Technical Cooperation Grant Programme, will also assist with the work of the 100 mathematics coaches.


“The Technical Cooperation Grant (assistance) is an important boost to the National Mathematics Programme as it provides additional resources to improve training in the effective use mathematical practices and coaching teachers to use these practices,” Senator Reid said.


CAPTION: This exercise, the Minister added, will be facilitated under the National Mathematics Programme (NMP).




Education Ministry Launches Mathematics Development Programme

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information is embarking on an initiative designed to strengthen primary and secondary students’ performance in mathematics.


Dubbed ‘Professional Development Programme for MOEYI Mathematics Specialists and Teacher Educators’, the initiative will boost teachers’ skills to better impart the subject.


Its implementation is being financed under the Government of Japan-funded Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Technical Cooperation Grant Programme.


Portfolio Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, outlined details of the initiative during Thursday’s (August 16) media launch at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge & Conference Centre in St. Andrew.


The programme will be delivered through a number of training workshops, the first of which are slated for August 27 to 29 at the Royalton and Holiday Inn Resort in Trelawny.


Coaching visits will be also be conducted by a consultant until May 2019. These entail the observation of lessons at teachers colleges, as well as co-teaching and co-coaching with mathematics coaches from the Ministry to ensure use of the skills imparted to the workshops’ participants.


The programme will be complemented by the provision of a US$40,000 technical cooperation grant to upgrade mathematics resource rooms in 10 institutions with equipment, books and mathematics manipulatives.


The overall programme is deemed essential in supporting the Government’s implementation of the new National Standards Curriculum’s mathematics component.


Senator Reid said the initiative being embarked on is one component of the extended Technical Cooperation Agreement under the joint IDB-funded Education Sector Transformation Programme.


He emphasised that the professional development programme is crucial not only for improving students’ performance mathematics, but also Jamaica’s workforce.


Against this background, Senator Reid said the Government of Jamaica and Ministry are “deeply appreciative of the collaborative work which our international partners have invested in the development of Jamaica’s education sector.”


“We recognise that mathematics competencies are among the more critical skills that every worker will need to be successful (at) in the 21st century. Success in today’s world is integrally linked to competency in the subject,” the Minister noted.


He further said the subject provides “vital underpinning” of the knowledge economy, deemed essential in the physical sciences, technology, business, financial services and many areas of information and communications technology.


“Proficiency in mathematics is, therefore, an essential tool to enable us to navigate our way in the world around us,” he said.


Senator Reid thanked the Embassy of Japan in Jamaica, which was represented at the launch by Counsellor, Shinichi Yamanaka, for partnering with the Government through the Technical Cooperation Grant Programme.


The Minister said the Technical Cooperation Programme is an important boost to the National Mathematics Programme, as it provides additional resources to improve training in the effective use mathematical practices, and coaching teachers to use these inputs.


CAPTION: Education, Youth and Information Minister (MOEYI), Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (left), along with Counsellor, Embassy of Japan in Jamaica, Shinichi Yamanaka (centre), who presented an information kit for the Professional Development Programme for MOEYI Mathematics Specialists and Teacher Educators to Principal, Moneague Teachers’ College, Howard Isaacs, during the initiative’s launch on Thursday (August 16) at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge in St. Andrew.

Walker’s Place of Safety to be Rebuilt As State-of-the-Art Facility

JIS: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, says the Walker’s Place of Safety, which was destroyed by fire in January this year, will be a state-of-the-art facility once completed.


He informed that he is in possession of the final designs for the building and has received a preliminary estimate of $106 million for its reconstruction.


“There are a few things to be tweaked but we do want to have a first-world, model-type place of safety,” he said.


Mr. Green was speaking to journalists at Courts’ 2018 Customer Scholarship Awards ceremony at The Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston on August 14.


The State Minister informed that $25 million has been raised from contributions from public and corporate entities, as well as other well-wishers.


“We still have a far way to go but it is a very good foundation to start upon and we will continue the drive. We (the Government) will put some allocations (to it) to see how quickly we can get it back (into operation),” he said.


The fire, at the Walker’s Place of Safety, which is located at the intersection of Lyndhurst Road and Lyndhurst Crescent, claimed the lives of two children and temporarily displaced 34 children.


Since the incident, there has been an outpouring of love and support towards those affected.


Two individuals, Kimani Anderson and Grace Allen, are to receive the Badge of Honour for Gallantry at this year’s staging of the National Honours and Awards ceremony in October, for their efforts to rescue the residents.


CAPTION: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, interacts with children from the Walker’s Place of Safety during a ceremony to hand over a cheque for the rebuilding of the facility, held in January at Hope Zoo, St. Andrew.

United Way Donates $1.47 Million to Six Basic Schools

JIS: United Way of Jamaica has provided grant funding of $1.472 million to six basic schools islandwide, which will assist the institutions with their preparations to become certified with the Early Childhood Commission (ECC).


This will result in a total of 396 students and teachers being positively impacted come the new school year in September 2018.


The handover ceremony was held on August 16 at the offices of the National Volunteer Centre, Camp Road, in Kingston.


Schools to benefit include: Eric Malcolm Basic School, in St. Andrew; Sanguinetti Early Childhood Institution, Trelawny; Nutshell Basic School, St. Catherine; York Town Basic School, Clarendon; Herrick Basic School, St. Andrew; and Comfort Baptist Basic School, Clarendon.


Board Chairman of United Way of Jamaica, Dr. Marcia Forbes, said the goal is to make the school environment safer and more conducive to learning for the new school year, and to help the institutions meet the standards set by the ECC.


“Early childhood education is a major priority for the United Way of Jamaica. We have continued to support the work in this area by providing safe indoor and outdoor equipment for children and staff,” Dr. Forbes said.


She added that these investments are making a difference and continue to fill critical gaps in alignment with Jamaica’s national development goals.


“We will fight and we will win the fight by creating the opportunities and a platform for our next generation to succeed,” Dr. Forbes said.


For her part, Chairperson of the ECC, Trisha Williams-Singh, said United Way of Jamaica has done a tremendous job of helping to improve the early childhood sector in Jamaica.


“Undoubtedly this contribution of $1.47 million will go a far way in helping all these institutions to attain the 12 legal operating standards. When you think about the funding you receive today that has to do with the perimeter wall, think about the safety of the child,” Mrs. William-Singh said.


She noted that the six basic schools are registered with the ECC and were selected by the United Way of Jamaica, in partnership with the Commission.

Meanwhile, Chairman, Herrick Basic School, David Hall, expressed appreciation on behalf of the schools for the funding.


“We are very much appreciative of the funding you have given. We deem it a privilege to have been selected and may you continue to reach higher heights as you look after the institutions in Jamaica,” he said.


The United Way of Jamaica was incorporated in January 1985 and is an autonomous non-profit Private Voluntary Organization registered as a Charitable Organization and an affiliate of United Way worldwide.


The organisation brings donors, volunteers, community leaders and other stakeholders together to address pressing needs in the society.


CAPTION: Board Chairman of United Way of Jamaica, Dr. Marcia Forbes (right), affixes her signature to the symbolic cheque for $1.472 million, which will be used to assist six basic schools with their preparations to become certified with the Early Childhood Commission (ECC), during a ceremony held at the offices of the National Volunteer Centre, Camp Road, in Kingston, on August 16. Observing (from left) are: Principal, Sanguinetti Early Childhood Institution, Diana Douse; Principal, Nutshell Basic School, Eunice Johnson; Chairman, Nutshell Basic School, Yulanda Goehagon; and Chairperson of the ECC, Mrs. Trisha Williams-Singh.


Increase in CSEC Passes

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has announced an increase of 3.8 per cent in passes by students who sat the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations this year, when compared to 2017.


At the 2018 National Exit Examination Press Conference, held at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge in Kingston on August 16, the Minister said that of the total number of subject entries, 159,280 or 68.4 per cent recorded grades one to three, an increase of 3.8 per cent over the 2017 figure.


He noted that a total of 63,428 candidates were registered to sit the examinations, of which 37,875 (59.7 per cent) were females and 25, 553 (40.3 per cent) were males.


“Of those who entered, 59,580 (93.9 per cent) candidates sat, of which 46,443 (78 per cent) obtained grades one to three. A total of 35,819 females sat and 28,217 (78.8 per cent) obtained grades one to three, while some 23,761 males sat and 18, 226 (76.7) obtained grades one to three,” Senator Reid informed.


For 2018, the subjects of Mathematics and English Language had the largest number of entries and sittings, with percentage passes of 46.5 and 68.7, respectively.


“When the average attainment rates for Mathematics and English Language were compared with 2017 results, there were increases of 4.5 and 2.9 percentage points for Mathematics and English Language, respectively,” the Minister noted.


Males achieved higher percentage passes than females in the three subject areas – Biology (73.2 per cent compared to 70.9 per cent for females); Chemistry (57.2 per cent compared to 52.0 per cent for females) and Mathematics (47.3 per cent compared to 46.0 per cent for females).


The total number of subject entries for males were 100,333, with 91,949 being sat and 59,853 (65.1 per cent) attaining the required grades, while the total number of subject entries for females were 148,081, with 140, 891 being sat and 99,427 (70.6 per cent) attaining the required grades.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, speaks at Press Conference regarding the 2018 CSEC results, at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge & Conference Centre in Kingston, on Thursday (August 16).-

Employers Should Diversify Job Requirements – Education Minister

JIS: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has endorsed a suggestion made by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) for employers to diversify their job requirements by requesting qualifications outside of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC).


Recently, the Registrar of the regional examination body, Glenroy Cumberbatch, made the call for requirements diversification for employment, against the background that thousands of students have been failing CSEC.


The CSEC has become a favourite entry-level qualification for local employers, but Minister Reid indicates that there is a “raft of alternative qualifications outside of CSEC,” citing the National Vocational Qualifications of Jamaica (NVQJ) and City and Guilds.


“CSEC general proficiency is used as a tool to qualify students for higher education, not for hiring. Employers are now themselves saying that CSEC is inadequate, because if for example, I need a plumber, five CSECs, including Math and English won’t help me to become a plumber…I need certification,” he said.


The Minister was speaking to JIS News at the 2018 EduCom Co-op Credit Union Scholarship Awards ceremony, held at The Knutsford Court Hotel, in New Kingston, on August 15.


Mr. Reid informed that discussions are being held with the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), which, he noted, is also in agreement for diversifying requirements for employment.


“We need to change that narrative. Parents prefer the traditional areas, so everyone thinks they should have five CSECs. It is a status, but it doesn’t empower you to transition into the world of work either,” he said.


The Minister emphasised the Government’s K-13 strategy, where every child up to 18 years old will be properly stimulated and engaged, so that those particularly in grades 12 and 13 can be given career guidance to “select from the menu of opportunities that will better train them and certify them for the jobs out there.”


Meanwhile, Mr. Reid hailed EduCom for its investment in the education of youth, offering scholarships to 88 students valued at $2.15 million, which is an increase over the $1.3 million offered last year.


Sixteen scholarships are being offered at the tertiary level, while 72 scholarships are being offered to those transitioning from primary school to secondary school.


The Minister urged the students “to go forward with confidence.”


EduCom’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Elvis King, encouraged the awardees to look past “the limited resources that may be available to you, the barriers that challenge your abilities to succeed and continue to achieve your goals.”


“Beginning September, go out and make your parents, your families, teachers and EduCom proud, as you take on this new challenge of secondary education,” he told the recipients.


CAPTION: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (centre), makes a point to President of EduCom Co-op Credit Union, C. Leopold Nesbeth (left), at the credit union’s 2018 scholarship awards ceremony at The Knutsford Court Hotel in New Kingston on August 15. At right is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of EduCom, Elvis King.

Parents Urged to Start Saving Early for Children’s Tertiary Education

JIS: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, is urging parents and guardians to start saving early for their children’s tertiary education.


“It shows that you believe that they are going to make it to college and if you believe it, they will believe it. It doesn’t matter how little you are saving; if you put down a little bit and say ‘this is your college fund, so this means you are going to college,’ they will make it happen,” he said.


Minister Green was speaking at the Public Sector Employees Co-operative Credit Union’s 14th Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) awards ceremony at the St. Stephen’s United Church, Cross Roads, Kingston, on Wednesday (Aug. 15)


He said saving for tertiary education is an important investment that will enable children to realise their career aspirations in the 21st century job market.


“Secondary school is not enough, the jobs that they used to get when they leave secondary school, by the time they are finished with high school, a lot of (those jobs) don’t exist,” he argued.


The State Minister further stressed the need for parents to be involved in their children’s school life.


“Do you pay attention to what your child is doing in school? Do you ask them about their homework? Do you ensure that it is done?” he questioned.


State Minister Green commended the GSAT award recipients and implored them as they go on to high school, to surround themselves with positive people, who mean them well, find their passion and take pride in themselves.


A total of 74 students received education grants totalling $1 million from the Public Sector Employees Co-operative Credit Union.


The entity’s Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Tamara Maxwell-Green, said that since 2004, more than 600 students have benefited from financial assistance valued at $12.6 million.


She congratulated the students on their achievement, adding that the credit union strongly believes in supporting the youth and investing in their education.


“We offer financial literacy programmes to help students and parents get a firm grasp on all the various financial weights that come with education. Our goal is to help you make the right decisions for your children’s future from both a financial and education perspective,” she said.


The credit union’s GSAT awards provide support to members’ children to meet some of the cost of their secondary schooling.


CAPTION: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green (centre), shares a moment with twins Renehia (left) and Tenehia Currie after presenting them with education grants during the Public Sector Employees Co-operative Credit Union’s Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) awards ceremony at the St. Stephen’s United Church, Cross Roads, Kingston, on Wednesday (Aug. 15). A total of 74 students received education grants totalling $1 million from the credit union.