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Education Minister Gives Firm Commitment to the Care and Protection of Children

Minister of Education and Youth, Hon. Fayval Williams, has underscored the Ministry’s unwavering commitment to the care and protection of children.

She pointed out that the Ministry is collaborating with the Children’s Affairs Policy Division and the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) to increase public awareness of every child’s rights, empower children with information related to their rights and responsibilities, celebrate and affirm children and promote positive engagement, heighten public awareness of the issues negatively affecting children and the impact these have on their development, and steps to be taken to address these issues.

The Minister said this is being done in conjunction with the National Child Month Committee (NCMC).

She was speaking at the Saxthorpe Methodist Church on Constant Spring Road in Kingston, on May 5 at the National Church Service to mark the beginning of the activities for Child Month 2024.

The theme for the Month is ‘Stand up! Speak out! Protect the Rights of our Children’.

The Minister emphasised the important role of parents, guardians, relatives, and society in nurturing, guiding, and protecting children, the future of the nation.

A series of activities designed to achieve these outcomes were announced, including the National Child Online Protection Forum on the importance of protecting the children in online spaces, the Child Conversation – Special Edition for children with special needs, a Wellness Bench Lyme – Child Conversation in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Child Month Poster Competition for the children in State care, a Child Management Day – engaging wards of the State in shadowing professionals at the CPFSA, and the Annual Prayer Brunch.

One notable initiative is the ‘31 Days of Children’s Rights’ campaign, launched on the Ministry’s social media platforms, aimed at disseminating vital information on children’s rights.

As the Month unfolds, Jamaicans are encouraged to participate in these events and remain steadfast advocates for children’s well-being.