GLEANER: Chief Education Officer Dr Grace McLean is assuring the public that education officials – being parents – are cognisant of the anxieties surrounding the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) and, therefore, will ramp up sensitisation efforts by the Ministry of Education.
Speaking at a Gleaner Editors’ Forum yesterday at the company’s North Street offices, McLean said that, with the mock exam of the performance task component of PEP now completed, the ministry would begin to refine the feedback and begin a full round of sensitisation come August. She noted that, in addition to continuing town-hall meetings, the ministry would also be sending information to churches island-wide for dissemination.
“Also, we’re going to ask them to invite us to come to speak to their Sunday school or Sabbath school teams or to speak at their homework centres … . So, that is a new approach that we’ve decided to take because we want the information to get out there to our parents, as well as our students. We intend to have this approach finalised in July with a view to commence in August,” McLean explained.
She also advised that sample questions for the curriculum-based test and ability test for grade six would be sent to schools this week.
McLean further disclosed that in September, the ministry would be providing a full publication with different kinds of questions showing how they are aligned to the curriculum so that parents, teachers and stakeholders can have this information to guide the preparation of our students. McLean noted that the ministry would be utilising social media to get the information out.
Persons needing information about PEP can get in touch with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information by calling its WhatsApp number, 876-455-3003, or email terri.thomas@[email protected].
CAPTION: Dr Grace McLean, chief education officer, Ministry of Education, Youth and Information.