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Parents Should Not Be Worried For Children Taking Vaccine – Dr. Tufton

Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, says parents whose children are 12 years and older should not be apprehensive about taking them to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

“The advice [for parents] continues to be that the vaccine used for children 12 years and over remains safe –  the Pfizer vaccine,” Dr. Tufton said,  during a tour of vaccination sites in St. James on Wednesday (September 8).

He said there remains no evidence of any major adverse reaction in children who have already taken the vaccine in the country.

The Minister pointed out that, globally, there is an increasing number of children who are contracting the virus, particularly in those countries where the Delta variant is widespread.

“So, that should be a warning for us that we cannot totally shelter in this environment our children or any of us without the vaccination as a solution, and I am encouraging all Jamaicans to participate,” Dr. Tufton said.

He is encouraging local parents to protect their children by mobilising them to participate in the Government’s national coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme.

In the meantime, he said Western Jamaica continues to represent one of the higher points of positivity for COVID-19, adding that this is the reason surveillance and monitoring are critical at this moment.

“This is also why the response is important and why the vaccination is important,” Dr. Tufton emphasised.

“While my concern is for the entire country at this point, we do go into areas where we think the levels of positivity are higher than normal, and the West would certainly represent one of these,” he added.

The day’s tour of vaccination sites took the Minister to Flanker, downtown Montego Bay, Farm Heights, Adelphi, Cambridge and Catadupa.

Prime Minister Urges More Jamaicans to Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, is again urging all eligible Jamaicans to take the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, noting that most of the infected persons now hospitalised are unvaccinated.

“The unquestioned fact is that 99 per cent of those persons who are occupying those 700 beds …in hospitals, were not vaccinated,” he noted.

Mr. Holness said the science suggests that the risk of an adverse or fatal outcome from COVID-19 infection is “very low” for persons who are inoculated.

As such, the Prime Minister urges influential persons, such as entertainers and church leaders, to encourage more Jamaicans to take the vaccine.

He made the appeal during Thursday’s (August 19) virtual press conference, where he outlined new COVID-19 containment measures.

Mr. Holness said the Government now has sufficient doses to inoculate a significant number of persons, and established measures to replenish the stock of vaccines.

He noted, however, that hesitancy and reluctance were hindering a number of persons from getting vaccinated.

“I am [however] confident that for those persons who are skeptical, who are unsure but reasonable minded, that our reasoning with them will work,” the Prime Minister said.

Some of the revised COVID-19 containment measures include: no movement days on Sunday, August 22; Monday, August 23; Tuesday, August 24; Sunday, August 29; Monday, August 30; Tuesday, August 31; and Sunday, September 5.

Additionally, no funeral services will be permitted between August 25 and September 7, while only 15 persons, including officiating clergy, gravediggers, and undertakers, will be allowed to attend burials over the period.

Meanwhile, no more than 20 persons will be permitted to physically attend weddings.

Use Play to Promote Mental Wellness in Children

Chief Executive Officer, Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA), Rosalee Gage-Grey is encouraging parents and guardians to utilise play therapy as a means of promoting mental wellness in children.

She said that there has been an uptick in demand for therapeutic services for children, particularly since the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has disrupted their way of life and has forced children to reduce contact with their peers.

“To reduce the impact of the pandemic, play is absolutely critical. We encourage parents to find creative ways to play. Play can be facilitated indoors and outdoors.

It improves the child’s concentration, builds resilience, promotes positive feelings, social competence and desirable behaviours. Play promotes factors that support good mental health and it is important to children’s overall well-being,” she said.

Mrs. Gage-Grey was speaking at a virtual Child and Adolescent Mental Health Awareness Day round table on May 27, organised by the Nathan Ebanks Foundation.

The event, held under the theme ‘The Power of Play: Helping Children Cope in the COVID-19 Era’ was aimed at providing information and resources to help young people cope during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mrs. Gage-Gray said that good mental health “is necessary for our overall health and has become even more pronounced during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not only negatively impacted adults but also our children. Oftentimes, our children with mental health issues feel as if they have nowhere to turn”.

She noted that the issue is further compounded by the existing stigma associated with mental health, which discourages parents from seeking help for their children.

The CPFSA Head urged parents to seek help from social agencies mandated to provide assistance to children and adolescents.

For assistance, persons can contact the following support agencies:

CPFSA at (876) 878-2882; Ministry of Health and Wellness mental health hotline, 876-NEW-LIFE (876-639-5433); Ministry of Justice, Victim Services Division, (876) 946-0663, (876) 946-9287; Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Bureau of Gender Affairs, (876) 553-0372 (females), (876) 553-0387 (males); Woman Inc. Crisis Centre, (876) 929-2997 (Kingston), (876) 952-9533 (St. James); Choose Life, (876) 920-7924; and RISE Life Management Services, (876) 967-3777 – 8.

Parents Encouraged to Monitor Children’s Online Presence

Custos of St. James, Bishop the Hon. Conrad Pitkin, has joined the call for parents to be more vigilant in monitoring their children’s online activity in order to protect them from cyber predators.

“It is important that you understand that there are predators out there… and it doesn’t matter whether you are a boy or girl. So we advise parents to make sure that they monitor and supervise their children during (online) class time,” he said.

Bishop Pitkin was addressing a ceremony at Bogue Hill Primary and Infant School in the parish on Friday (June 4), where he handed over 14 tablets and tablet cases for students.

Funds to procure the devices were contributed by staff of National Pen Jamaica Limited, through activities initiated by Operations Manager at the company and Justice of the Peace (JP) in the parish, Natalie Smellie-Sinclair.

Seven students were on hand to collect their tablets, while the other seven were given to the principal for disbursement.

In his remarks to the students, Bishop Pitkin advised them to utilise the devices for educational purposes only.

“It is not for games unless it is an educational game. It is not to go on [social networks] that students tend to go on. They pretend to be in school or at class and when you check it out they are on some other app,” he noted.

Bishop Pitkin also encouraged the students to take their education seriously, as it will open the doors to a bright future.

“I believe that education is important for our nation’s children. The only way that you can move from poverty to prosperity or to become self-sufficient is to have a skill or a profession and that’s what coming to school or staying in the virtual classroom is all about,” he said.

The Custos also commended Principal of the school, Lorna Crooks, for her sterling leadership of the institution over the years.

Mrs. Crooks told JIS News that the donation was timely, noting that the devices will “greatly benefit” the students.

“I am certain that the students appreciate that now they can access [their] classes on Google Classroom. I am really happy today that more of them can be online,” she said.

Meanwhile, Grade Six student at the school, Jonathan Smart, told JIS News that he was grateful to receive a tablet.

“I feel very good about it. A lot of children will be thankful at the school,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Smellie-Sinclair, who solicited the financial contributions for the devices, expressed appreciation to her co-workers, who responded to the call for support.

She said that the funds raised were handed over to the Office of the Custos through which the tablets were procured.

Eccleston Primary School Receives Computers

The technological capacity of Eccleston Primary School in rural St. Catherine has been boosted, with the provision of four computers and a printer, from Felix Scott, a past student based in Canada.

The devices were officially handed over to the school, on June 9, by Mr. Scott’s niece, Audrey Douglas.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, Ms. Douglas said initially, her uncle wanted to donate two computers, but other family members chipped in and increased the number to four.

She further said she hoped that the donation will be used to contribute to the growth of the institution.

Principal of the school, Kamion Simpson said the donated items are timely, and will assist in the efficient delivery of education, to the over 75 students at the school.

For her part, Community Relations Education Officer, with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Kereen Reid-Clarke, said that the Ministry is pleased with the donation.

“We want Eccleston to always do exceptionally well, and we appreciate all the donations,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Member of Parliament for West Central St. Catherine and Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, said the community has provided the necessary support for persons to go places.

“The Scott family clearly sees in you as an institution and as youngsters coming up, the possibility of where you can reach or go, and they are empowering you to get that opportunity, and you must use it to become the best you can be,” Dr. Tufton said.

Student at the school, Jashari Mittoo, said the computers will have a “significant impact on our school and boost the performance of students present and students to come”.

Principal Of Little Bay Primary To Be Recognised

Principal of the Little Bay Primary and Infant School in Westmoreland, Keron King, is being recognised again for his outstanding contribution to the institution and the Little Bay community.

Mr. King is one of 50 persons to be awarded at the Sagicor Community Heroes Awards ceremony, which is slated to be held on Friday, February 26, at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in Kingston.

The 35-year-old, who has been at the helm of the school for just three years, was recently lauded by stakeholders for delivering assignments weekly to students in remote areas by way of a bike taxi.

Chief among those who extended commendations was Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, who donated $100,000 to the school, through his Positive Jamaica Foundation.

“I am extremely appreciative to even be considered for such an award. I am, more than anything, thankful to God, who inspires, who gives strength, and I am very grateful for the support of persons who are working with me from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information [particularly our Region Four office, as well as my own academic and support staff, parents, community members and other stakeholders,” Mr. King told JIS News.

He said that the achievements at the school were a team effort, and he would not have been chosen for an award had it not been for the support of stakeholders at the school and in the community at large”, and for me that is more important than anything else”.

He noted that charitable organisations, such as the Rockhouse Foundation, the Cornerstone Jamaica Foundation and the Uzazi Foundation, have also given yeoman service to Little Bay Primary and its environs.

Among Mr. King’s achievements at the school is the establishment of a school garden, in partnership with the Rockhouse Foundation, which supplies the school’s breakfast programme from which some 80 per cent of the students benefit. The school also has a chicken farm, which is being expanded by the Cornerstone Jamaica Foundation.

The school also provides lunch free of cost for needy students who are not on the PATH programme, with food supplied by the school garden and chicken farm. A greenhouse is also being constructed at the school for the growing of vegetables to supply the school and the community.

During his tenure at Little Bay, Mr. King has also spearheaded the installation of a generator-powered irrigation system, which helps to water the school garden and supplies some areas of the school’s infrastructure with water.

Mr. King, who has been an educator for more than a decade, noted that the irrigation system is being improved in order to supply the school’s chicken farm.

The school garden won the 4H Club’s National School Garden Competition at the parish level for the 2017/2018 period; and the parish and national levels for 2018/2019.

Under his leadership, literacy and numeracy numbers have improved, and the school has produced a successful group of Primary Exit Profile (PEP) students, three of whom received full scholarships from the Uzazi Foundation last year.

Two PEP students were also awarded full scholarships by the St. Catherine High School to attend the institution in 2019.

Under Mr. King’s stewardship, the school was also upgraded on the National Education Inspectorate Report from unsatisfactory to satisfactory in 2018.

In recognition of Sagicor’s 50th anniversary, the company seeks to recognise and reward 50 extraordinary Jamaican citizens who embody the qualities of an everyday hero; persons who embody the spirit of volunteerism, charity and kindness and who, despite challenges, continue to give of themselves selflessly, uplifting their communities and playing a role in building a better Jamaica.

Each community hero will receive a congratulatory letter, an award of recognition, and a cash award of $50,000.

Hundreds Of Students To Receive Tablets Donated By The Diaspora

One thousand two hundred students are to receive tablet computers donated by persons in the diaspora, through a drive spearheaded by Jamaica’s Consul General to New York, Alsion Wilson.

The effort is spearheaded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade; the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, and the National Education Trust (NET).

Addressing a handover ceremony at the Education Ministry in Kingston, today (February 16), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Senator the Hon. Kamina Johnson Smith, said the initiative emanated from an appeal by the Government for support, adding that more tablets will be shipped to the island, so that “more young lives” will benefit.

“At times such as these when countries are facing similar challenges, and all children are challenged, these donations are even more appreciated. We also appreciate the thoughtfulness of the donors – The Fisher Family Foundation: the Arthur and Helen Baer Charitable Foundation; Mr. Adam Groothuis; Mr. Raymond Goulbourne of the BET Network; Ms. Brigid Donnelly; Mr. Greg Johnson from Oppenheimer; and the Fuertado family, who shipped the devices to Jamaica,” she added.

She said the donation is another “tangible expression” of the cooperation between the two Ministries, and that the ‘One Laptop or Tablet Per Child’ initiative by the Ministry is as “ambitious as it is visionary and laudable”.

For her part, Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Fayval Williams, said the education system has been pushed to embrace the use of technology, and all hands must be on deck to help in bridging the digital divide.

She noted that the contribution from the diaspora is “very noteworthy and commendable”.

Mrs. Williams said the donation of the tablets goes beyond an immediate response to the COVID-19 crisis, and its disruptive effect on education in Jamaica.

“It is an investment in the future of Jamaica,” the Minister said, adding that children must have access to the most up-to-date technology in education.

The ‘One Laptop or Tablet Per Child Initiative’ is designed to promote inclusivity in the education sector, and to provide needy students with the requisite tools to function in the online teaching and learning environment.

It also includes ensuring equity in access to Information Communication Technology (ICT)-based learning.

Holy Family Infant & Primary School receives 146 tablets

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information has commenced the distribution of 40,000 tablets to 500 primary schools, under the Government’s Tablets in School Programme.

The first recipient, Holy Family Infant and Primary School, received 146 tablets to support virtual learning for students on the Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH).

The devices, were handed over during a ceremony held on October 2, at the school’s Laws Street address in downtown Kingston.
The tablets are being distributed by e-Learning Jamaica (e-LJam) and will be targeted at students in grades four to six.

Portfolio Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams said the distribution of the devices is meant to augment an estimated 18,000 tablets and over 12,000 desktop computers already in the school system.

“We have 36,000 of them on the island right now and e- Learning will be going to all our primary schools across the island to deliver these tablets. This is the first allocation and as we go along, the Government will look to find additional resources maybe in the next school year to ensure that… all our students have a laptop or tablet to assist them in their educational pursuits,” Mrs. Williams said.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), e-LJam, Keith Smith told JIS News that the total value of the tablets being distributed in schools this year is US$6.2 million. These resources, he said, are critical to supporting virtual learning.

“Without the device they can’t do anything and our experience with the coronavirus (COVID-19), a lot of students don’t have a device. Providing these devices to students is the first step to being able to access e-content and e-learning,” Mr. Smith said.

Meanwhile, Principal of Holy Family Infant and Primary School, Christopher Wright expressed gratitude for the donation noting that “the students will benefit greatly from this and I am confident that the parents will also show their appreciation by ensuring that the students are engaged in this new teaching and learning process.”

e-Learning Jamaica Limited is also working with public secondary schools to procure laptops for students in grades 10 to 13 who are on PATH, as well as for other needy students.

The distribution of tablets are expected to be completed by the end of November.

Consultations being held on reopening of schools

Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, says consultations are being held regarding the reopening of schools for the 2020/21 academic year and a decision will be announced shortly.

Mr. Holness was addressing a digital press briefing from the Office of the Prime Minister Media Centre on August 21.

School plants, which were ordered closed on March 13 as part of measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), are scheduled to reopen on September 7.

The Prime Minister noted, however, that given the recent increase in cases of the virus, “we have had to reflect as to whether or not the date set for the reopening of school should be adjusted”.

“The Minister of Education will, at a later stage, make the required announcement of the decision. They are in consultation as we speak,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister informed that Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Desmond McKenzie, will make an announcement regarding the operation of beaches, water parks and other attractions within the parishes of Kingston, St. Andrew, Clarendon and St. Catherine.

The four parishes will come under tighter curfew hours effective Saturday (August 22). The new curfew period will run from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. daily until September 2.

As of Thursday (August 20), the number of positive COVID-19 cases in Jamaica stood at 1,290, with 98 persons testing positive over a 24-hour period.

The new cases were recorded in Kingston and St. Andrew (53), St. Catherine (17), Clarendon (7), St. Thomas (5), St. James (4), Manchester (4), St. Mary (3), St. Ann (3), and Westmoreland (2).

CAPTION: Prime Minister, the Most. Hon. Andrew Holness, addressing a digital press briefing from the Office of the Prime Minister in St. Andrew on August 21.


Parents Urged To Educate Children About Dangers Of Digital Media

The Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) is encouraging parents to educate their children about the dangers of using digital media, in order to limit their exposure to harmful content and characters.

Speaking with JIS News, Information Technology Manager at the CAC, Andrew Evelyn, noted that with children now doing online learning, due to the closure of schools, there will be a marked increase in their use of digital media and gadgets.

“Persons with nefarious intent can circumvent the kids’ applications, so the main reprieve is to educate and adapt an approach of discussing with the children the danger of these devices and social media. They will come across content and people that do not have good intentions, so we have to educate them early,” he said.

As such, he said that parents should make it a priority to learn more about laws such as the Cybercrimes Act and the Child Pornography (Prevention) Act, so they can better sensitise their children.

Mr. Evelyn further advised parents to caution children against engaging in hacking or other illegal activities on the Internet.

“With more time on their hands, they may explore hacking websites and applications. They may try to find a way to circumvent the security protocols of applications and websites, so have a discussion with them so they know that it’s illegal and wrong,” he pointed out.

He said that cyberbullying is another issue that parents should discuss with their children.

“Cyberbullying is occurring not just in social media but also in the games children play regularly. There are also some users who use these gaming apps that may post links to harmful content and ask for [the child’s] numbers, so it important to educate them frequently and also limit their access,” Mr. Evelyn said.

He pointed out that for teenagers and young adults, parents should emphasise the importance of personal responsibility when using their devices.

“Encourage them to learn more about cybersecurity, the dangers of technology and social media as they have a little more freedom, so their online behaviour rests more on their responsible usage. Let them know that whatever they share online stays there forever and not to share sexually explicit photos of themselves with anyone,” he said.

Mr. Evelyn said that teenagers and young adults should also be encouraged to exercise caution in terms of dating and socialising online, as persons they interact with could have created fake profiles.

The CAC is the national agency responsible for consumer advocacy. For further information, persons can call 876-906-5425 or email [email protected].