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Focus on Children With Special Needs in May

JIS: Jamaica will observe Child Month 2019 in May, under the theme ‘Encourage, Enable, Include Me’.                         


Speaking at the launch, held on April 17 at the GraceKennedy Harbour Street office, downtown Kingston, Chairman of the National Child Month Committee (NCMC), Dr. Pauline Mullings, said this year’s theme is applicable for all children; however, emphasis will be placed on children with special needs. 


She noted that a United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) fact sheet states that children with disabilities are one of the most marginalised and excluded groups of children, experiencing widespread violation of their rights.


“Too often, children with disabilities are defined and judged by what they lack, rather than what they have. Their exclusion and invisibility serves to render them uniquely vulnerable, denying them respect for their dignity, their individuality, even their right to life itself,” the document adds.


Several activities will be undertaken by the NCMC along with several of its partners and sponsors.  Highlights of the month will include the National Church Service, which will be held on Saturday, May 4, at the Kencot Seventh-day Adventist Church, 10-12 Osbourne Road, starting at 11:00 a.m. 


Churches across the island are being encouraged to host services focusing on children during the month of May. 


On Friday, May 17, National Children’s Day will be observed. On the day, adults are asked to take time out to recognise and appreciate the children, while paying special attention to those with special needs.  Persons are also asked to wear sunshine yellow in observance of the day.


On Wednesday, May 29, a Day of Prayer will be held at the Maranatha Gospel Hall, 7 Deanery Road, in Kingston.  Jamaicans are being encouraged to join the NCMC in praying for the nation’s children.


Dr. Mullings said that throughout the month, the NCMC will partner with several agencies to host other events focusing on children.


Sponsors for Child Month 2019 are GraceKennedy Limited, the National Baking Company Foundation, Jamaica Producers, Jamaica Broilers Group of Companies, and the Sagicor Foundation.


CAPTION: Chairman of the National Child Month Committee (NCMC), Dr Pauline Mullings, displays the calendar of activities for Child Month 2019, which will be observed in May. Occasion was the launch on April 17, at the GraceKennedy Harbour Street Office, downtown Kingston

Adoption Regulations to be Amended

JIS: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, says regulations governing the adoption of children in State care are to be amended in order to speed up the process.


Mr. Terrelonge notes that the impending changes will see children who have been neglected, abandoned or abused by parents, guardians or caregivers becoming eligible for adoption within a year of being placed in a facility.


“I have made the recommendation that once nine months [to] 12 months have passed, then we must be able to go to the court and to say to a judge that this particular parent has relinquished their right because they have abandoned their child. [In] so [doing] we can go through with having the court order made [so] that the adoption process can, in fact, go through. That is the future of childcare in Jamaica,” the State Minister further informed.


He was speaking during the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) Field Services Conference at the Iberostar Rose Hall Hotel in Montego Bay, St. James, on Tuesday (April 16).

Mr. Terrelonge contended that far too many parents refuse to give consent for children in State care being adopted, when there are many families willing and desirous of taking the youngsters into their homes.


“We have heard of too many children being left in State care for two years and three years, and they can’t get adopted. We have heard of a list of over 200 names of families who want to adopt children and they can’t get to adopt them. The minute you have abandoned your children, you have abandoned your rights and we must put an end to it,” he underscored.


The State Minister emphasised that the society is obliged to open their homes to children who are in need of care and protection, in order to ensure that “we are able to provide for them stable and loving homes, which every single child deserves”.

Meanwhile, Mr. Terrelonge has urged citizens to be vigilant and pay special attention to instances of child abuse and children acting out of character.


He also expressed gratitude to the social workers attached to the CPFSA for their yeoman service in protecting the nation’s children.


“I know that the work that you do is very stressful. So on behalf of the Government of Jamaica and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, I want to say thank you for the job that you do to ensure that the children of our country are safe,” Mr. Terrelonge said.


CAPTION: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge (right), and Chief Executive Officer, Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) Rosalee Gage-Grey (centre), converse with Business Consultant and Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Marcus Mottley, during the CPFSA’s Field Services Conference at Iberostar Rose Hall Hotel in Montego Bay, St James, on Tuesday (April 16).

Gov’t Intensifying Zero-Tolerance Approach to Corporal Punishment in Schools

JIS: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, says come September when the 2019/20 academic year begins, all reports of corporal punishment being administered in schools “will be treated very seriously”.


Mr. Terrelonge, who reiterated the Government’s prohibition policy on corporal punishment, emphasised that this method of discipline “is not the solution for a society that is already steeped in violence”.


“Corporal punishment must end. We have indicated that we do not wish for our children to receive corporal punishment in schools… yet there are some teachers and some administrators who are still beating our children. I am asking every single one of you to stop,” the State Minister further stressed.

He was addressing social workers at the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) Field Services Conference at the Iberostar Rose Hall Hotel in Montego Bay, St. James, on April 16.


Mr. Terrelonge argued that administering discipline, such as corporal punishment, which demoralises and dehumanises, will not improve the behavioural challenges identified but, rather, will make it more difficult for the children to function in society.


He suggested that intense counselling and discipline, tailored to correct, guide, and alter youngsters’ mindset, are alternatives that can and should be explored.


“We want to ensure that our children are disciplined… but that their very human rights are also respected. So you have that task, as well, to look out for all these incidents and report them, so that they can be dealt with,” he added.


Mr. Terrelonge assured that Government will continue strengthening the law to ensure that the persons abusing children are decisively dealt with.


CAPTION: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, speaking during the Child Protection and Family Services Agency’s (CPFSA) Field Services Conference at Iberostar Rose Hall Hotel in Montego Bay, St. James, on April 16.

Refurbished Science Lab Handed Over to St. Catherine High

JIS: A refurbished science laboratory was officially handed over to St. Catherine High School in Spanish Town today (April 10) by Member of Parliament and wife of the Prime Minister, the Most. Hon. Juliet Holness, who is a past student.


The laboratory was refurbished at a cost of $10.5 million by the Digicel Foundation.


In her address, Mrs. Holness thanked the Digicel Foundation for its donation to the school, adding that the renovated science laboratory will now better assist the students with their preparation for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-based subjects and examinations.


“The future is really science, technology, engineering and mathematics. If we are to be the people of the future, we should not only be using the telephones and using the computers and playing the games but we are also to be the innovators and creators of the future technology,” Mrs. Holness said.


She explained that STEM is on the tongue of every single developing and developed country, and “we want to have our share, and there is no better place to start than here at my alma mater”.


Mrs. Holness said she is pleased to see the transition of the school from her days as a student in the 1980s, along with Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, to where it is now.


Meanwhile, Principal, St. Catherine High School, Marlon Campbell, is elated about the investment Digicel Foundation has made in the school.


“The refurbishing of the chemistry laboratory is an awesome gesture by the Digicel Foundation,” he said.


“Our students are full of exuberance and zeal at the sight of the laboratory in its completed state. The new laboratory has already ignited a spirit of excellence, and the psychology of learning has been shifted in the right gear. There is now an enthusiasm of readiness to enter the neFor her part, Chairman, Digicel Foundation, Jean Lowrie-Chin, noted the significance of the project by the Foundation as it celebrates its 15th anniversary this year.


“It is a great joy that we are opening this beautifully renovated lab at one of the largest high schools in the Caribbean, which boasts our beloved Prime Minister and his wife, a dynamic Member of Parliament, among its alumni,” she said.


Chief Executive Officer, Digicel Foundation, Karlene Dawson, also noted that the laboratory’s renovation represents the Foundation’s ongoing commitment to science education.


“The study of science sparks curiosity, encouraging students to inquire and analyse. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are powerful tools for young Jamaicans navigating their way through life. Our goal is to empower the students and to inspire them to reach greater heights in learning,” she said.


To date, the Foundation has partnered with 11 high schools islandwide to renovate and equip them with science labs, while donating an additional 44 mobile science labs to schools with inadequate space for full science labs.w space as the students prepare themselves for class,” Mr. Campbell added.


CAPTION ONE: Member of Parliament and past student of St. Catherine High School, the Most Hon. Juliet Holness (left) and Chairman, Digicel Foundation, Jean Lowrie-Chin, unveil a new sign for the renovated science laboratory, which was officially handed over to St. Catherine High School on Wednesday (April 10).


CAPTION TWO: Member of Parliament and past student of St. Catherine High School, the Most Hon. Juliet Holness (second right) and Chairman, Digicel Foundation, Jean Lowrie-Chin (right), listen to Shaneilla Barker (left) as she speaks about acid-based titration in the refurbished science laboratory, which was officially handed over to the St. Catherine High School on Wednesday (April 10). Also listening are students (from second left) Nadja Hancel, Charice Walters and Shennika Christie.

Campbell’s Castle Primary School Rebuilt

JIS: Campbell’s Castle Primary School in South Manchester has been rebuilt at a cost of over $51 million, providing more modern and spacious surroundings for teachers and students.


The new two-storey structure comprises four classrooms, a computer laboratory, principal’s office, staff room, bathrooms, a storeroom, and other facilities to serve the small student population.


The project was undertaken by the Education, Youth and Information Ministry, through the National Education Trust (NET), with the Japanese Government contributing just over $13 million under the Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security initiative.


Infrastructure work was done over two phases with the first phase extending from May to October 2017; and the second segment from August 2018 to March 2019.


Advisor at the Ministry, Howard Chamberlain, who delivered the keynote address at the official handover of the school on Monday (April 8), said that the project “provides a conducive teaching and learning environment that caters to all levels of learners, enabling them to enhance their knowledge and competence”.


“It means that no child who attends Campbell’s Castle should feel left behind in having access to the latest technology and other resources to help with their educational development,” he said.


Mr. Chamberlain noted that the added facilities will better enable teachers to apply the National Standards Curriculum and prepare students for the Primary Exile Profile (PEP). He said that the institution will continue to receive support from the Ministry’s Special Needs Unit and from the Tablets in Schools Programme.


Japan’s Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Hiromasa Yamazaki, said his country “is honoured to partner with Jamaica to assist in the development of the social and economic programmes that enhance the education of its young citizens”.


He noted that the project has provided an appropriate teaching and learning environment for all the students and teachers.


“I do hope that you will enjoy your new school environment and that your students will continue to excel academically and in their extracurricular activities on a national level. I sincerely hope that all the parents and community people will be able to feel and share the joy and happiness, now that the children have a more comfortable environment,” he added.


Ambassador Yamazaki pledged to continue to “work with the people and the Government of Jamaica, to strengthen the partnership between our countries”.


Director of Donor and Partnership Management at NET, Latoya Harris, hailed the project as a signal of the “power of collaboration and friendship” between Jamaica and Japan, while Member of Parliament for South Manchester, Michael Stewart, urged the school community to ensure that the building remains “clean and inviting”.


Mr. Stewart said that the behaviour and conduct of persons who use the school must inspire confidence, “so that it can provide a beacon of hope for generations to come”.


CAPTION: Japan’s Ambassador to Jamaica, His Excellency Hiromasa Yamazaki (third left), and Member of Parliament for South Manchester, Michael Stewart (third right), cut the ribbon to open the newly rebuilt Campbell’s Castle Primary School in South Manchester on Monday (April 8). Sharing the moment (from left) are Chairman of the School Board, Maureen Tomlinson; students, Khadijah Napier and Jordon Anderson; Principal, Petagaye Campbell; and student, Dejaneca Pryce

OEC to Build State-of-the-Art Multipurpose Facility

JIS: The Overseas Examinations Commission (OEC) is to construct a smart, flexible state-of-the-art multipurpose facility at its headquarters in Kingston, during the 2019/20 financial year.


A similar facility is to be developed at the Montego Bay Centre in the 2020/21 financial year.


This is outlined in the 2019/20 Public Bodies Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure.


Other initiatives include the development of new business ventures by building information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure to support and protect e-testing of all candidates at the secondary level and within the out-of-school population.


In addition, the OES is to establish a marketing and sales department as well as a customer care department to facilitate students within the context of administering the new suite of online examinations.


The Overseas Examinations Commission was established by an Act of Parliament in 2005, and is the only organisation mandated by the Government of Jamaica to administer external examinations.


The Commission partners with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information and external examining bodies on a number of key initiatives as they relate to the administration of local and external examinations.


The OEC’s financial year previously spanned September 1 to August 31. However, effective April 2019, the Commission changed its financial year to April 1 to March 31. Therefore, the OEC’s financial data will reflect 12 months ended August 31, 2018 (2017/18) and seven months ended March 31, 2019 (2018/19).

Nation’s Children Encouraged to Safeguard their Health

JIS: The nation’s children are being encouraged to take steps to safeguard their health.


This urging comes from State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge, who notes that a significant number of persons are falling victim to unhealthy lifestyles.


He contended that if children resort to taking care of their bodies, they will practice healthy living during adulthood.


“What we want our young people to do, is understand the importance of treating [their bodies] right. Love your bodies, because the life that you are saving is your own,” the State Minister said.

He was the keynote speaker at the official launch of National School Moves Day at Eltham High School in St. Catherine on April 5.


The Ministries of Health and Education Ministry collaborated to stage the event under the theme: ‘Love Yuh Body…Treat Yuh Body Right’.


The initiatives aims to heighten awareness of and generate increased participation in physical activities throughout the school community, as well as target a reduction in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

Acting Director of Health Promotion and Protection at the Health Ministry, Dr. Simone Spence, told the gathering that the initiative is significant in light of a recent survey indicating that only 32.5 per cent of Jamaican high school students are involved in healthy physical activities. Further, that 23.6 per cent of the nation’s children are overweight, while 9.3 per cent are obese.


“The goal of the programme is to create a healthier environment within the school community, and is a direct response to addressing the risk factors which perpetuate NCDs among our children and young people,” Dr. Spence said.


She noted that the initiative, which is part of the Jamaica Moves in Schools Programme, will help children to be physically active, and provides an opportunity to demonstrate the importance and “simplicity” of physical activity, adding that future generations will be “healthier and strong”.

The National School Moves Day initiative also aims to transform the school environment into a healthy setting for learning and working.


As part of the programme’s sustainability, schools will continue to plan and stage events for promoting physical activities throughout the year.


CAPTION ONE: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Alando Terrelonge (left), and students demonstrate their fitness during the official launch of National School Moves Day at Eltham High School in St. Catherine on April 5.

CAPTION TWO: Students participating in activities during the official launch of National School Moves Day at Eltham High School in St. Catherine on April 5.


Lady Allen Lauds Schools Providing Meals for Students

JIS: Wife of the Governor-General, Her Excellency, the Most Hon. Lady Allen, has lauded schools that have established feeding programmes for students, and business entities supporting them.


Speaking at the opening of the Jamaica Island Nutrition Network (JINN) technical conference, at The Mico University College in Kingston on April 2, Lady Allen said the increase in the number of schools introducing breakfast and lunch programmes is commendable.


She cited this is imperative in safeguarding the nutrition of the enrolled students, while reducing the incidence of absenteeism from school.


Lady Allen urged teachers to be vigilant and alert in monitoring student behaviour and performance for signs usually associated with undernourishment.


These, she pointed out, include youngsters being lethargic and easily distracted.


“I [also] congratulate those private-sector companies that have collaborated with schools in the feeding programmes,” she added.


Key focus areas of the two-day conference, which ends on Wednesday [April 3], include nutrition, academic performance, obesity prevention, and violence prevention.


JINN aims to promote healthy nutrition, particularly among students, by offering services through collaborations with teachers, nutrition advocates and strategic partners.


CAPTION ONE: Her Excellency, the Most Hon. Lady Allen (second left), makes a point to Chairman of the Jamaica Island Nutrition Network (JINN), Erwin Burton (right), while at the opening session of JINN’s Technical Conference, held today (April 2) at The Mico University College in St. Andrew. Others pictured (from left) are President of the university, Dr. Ashburn Pinnock, President of the National Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), Dr. Lennon Richards, and Executive Director of JINN, Patricia Thompson.


CAPTION TWO: Her Excellency, the Most Hon. Lady Allen (right), in discussion with Executive Director of the Jamaica Island Nutrition Network (JINN), Patricia Thompson. Occasion was the 2019 staging of the organisation’s Technical Conference, held today (April 2) at The Mico University College, in St. Andrew.



‘I Walk, Sleep, Talk, Eat Math’ – Former Counsellor Named Math Teacher Of The Year

GLEANER:  It all adds up now. That’s what Karema Mundell-Thomas, the highly driven mathematics teacher who was fated to teach the subject, realised after taking a whirlwind journey of numbers that fills her with excitement.


“I have a passion for math. All my friends[and] colleagues will tell you I walk, sleep, talk, eat math,” said Mundell-Thomas, as she reacted to being named the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information’s National Mathematics Teacher of the Year 2019.


Mundell-Thomas, who brings ­mathematics to life for students in grades nine to 11 at Carron Hall High School in St Mary, was selected from a pool of 15 regional finalists across the ministry’s six regions. She was presented with her award during a ceremony at the Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in St Andrew on Monday.


“It’s [been] a passion for me since high school,” a grateful Mundell-Thomas said. “My teacher in high school will probably tell you that I was a little bit disobedient, because she recommended that I study math at the tertiary level, and I went into counselling, but somehow the Lord turned me around and took me right back to my passion,” the mathematics educator of 15 years said.


In addition to her trophy, Mundell-Thomas will fly to San Diego, California, in the United States, next month for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference, courtesy of legacy sponsors, JN Bank, where she will have an opportunity to network and acquire best practices to further sharpen her skills. She also received an iPad.


Mundell-Thomas is the first mathematics teacher from the ministry’s Region Two, which comprises schools in St Mary, Portland and St Thomas, to win the competition in its six-year history. Region Two has consistently been cited by the ministry’s agency, the National Education Inspectorate, as the area most in need of support based on the performance of schools. However, there have been improvements in the teaching and learning of mathematics in the region and across the country.


Reflecting on the overall intervention by the Government in the past 11 years to raise the standard of teaching and learning of the subject, Dr Tamika Benjamin, the national mathematics coordinator, revealed that the number of schools in critical need of support has decreased drastically.


“In 2009, there were 107 schools whose mastery at grade four fell 20 per cent and below. In 2016, we saw that fall to 21 schools,” she reported.


Conversely, she highlighted: “While in 2009 when we saw 19 schools attaining mastery levels at grade four, ranging between 81 and 100 per cent, that number moved to 101 schools in 2016.”


She also noted that significant effort was made to improve cultural attitudes towards mathematics among teachers and students under the ongoing Math Counts campaign. In addition, the leader of schools has also been engaged in mathematics teaching and learning, with the assistance of the National College for Educational Leadership.


“This programme (training of school leadership) encourages the development of our mathematics action plan; and that activity is now an integral part of the schools’ improvement plan,” she said.


During his remarks, JN Bank’s chief of business banking and public-sector engagement, Ryan Parkes, also noted the improvements in performance since the Government’s intervention.


Quoting reported data, he said: “In this our sixth year, as the main sponsor of this Mathematics Teacher of the Year Award, we observe the incremental gains that have been made in the performance of students, although we still have a long way to go.


“In 2018, passes in mathematics rose by nearly eight per cent; however, that still represents less than 60 per cent of those who sat the exam at the CSEC level passing mathematics,” he pointed out.


Parkes continued: “Similarly, in the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT), performance rose by 6.4 percentage points in 2017 when compared to 2015, moving from 56 per cent of students passing to 62.4 per cent of students gaining passing grades in mathematics.”


He urged the finalists in this year’s competition to become an example for other mathematics teachers across the country in an effort to stifle the culture of fear of mathematics among students.


Keynote speaker, Dr Grace McLean, acknowledged the efforts made to improve outcomes under various ­initiatives, including a professional ­programme for mathematics specialists through a technical cooperation initiative with the government of Japan and the Inter-American Development Bank. She noted that for Jamaica to function on par with the rest of the world, it must produce ­citizens who are competent in mathematics.


“Mathematics is fundamental to the knowledge economy. It is essential to the ­physical sciences, technology, business, financial services and many areas of information communications technology,” she said.


[email protected]



Karema Muddell-Thomas (left) of Carron Hall High School in St Mary accepts her trophy after being named National Mathematics Teacher of the Year 2019 by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information. Presenting her with the award are Dr Tamika Benjamin, national mathematics coordinator, and Ryan Parkes, chief of business banking and public sector engagement at JN Bank, the main sponsors of the competition. The event was held at the Terra Nova All Suite Hotel in St Andrew on Monday.

Schools Encouraged to Partner in Projects to Reduce Carbon Emissions

JIS: Principal Director in the Climate Change Division, Ministry of Economic Growth & Job Creation,  UnaMay Gordon, has called on educational institutions to partner on climate change sensitisation initiatives in western Jamaica, in a bid to reduce carbon emissions.


Addressing a Post Conference of Parties (COP) Youth Consultation on Climate Change at the Wexford Hotel, in Montego Bay, St. James, on March 29, Mrs. Gordon argued that  youth need to lead the charge and target people all levels, in order to devise working climate change strategies to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.


“So, if we target our people strategically at different levels, we should come out with something in the near term.  It’s through partnership as well that we will be able to get the financing to do the work that we are doing,” Mrs. Gordon said.


She emphasised that public-private partnership is key to creating an impact at the national, regional and international levels.


“We need partnership with civil society, the NGOs in the communities, the St. James Municipal Corporation if this thing is to work, and we need partnership in the schools,” she added.


Mrs. Gordon pointed out that the Climate Change Division is currently working closely with the Green Climate Fund, to create a programme to tackle change in Jamaica.


“We are engaged at this time with the Green Climate Fund and so we are in the process of developing a country programme for engagement with the Fund. We would like to charge the stakeholders in Montego Bay, so that the city is adequately represented in the country programme,” she outlined.


The Green Climate Fund was established within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as an operating entity of the Financial Mechanism to assist developing countries in adaptation and mitigation practices to counter climate change.


The conference featured  discussions on Regional Efforts to Engage Youth, Opportunities and Challenges, Youth-Led Climate Change Actions as well as Climate Change Innovations and Entrepreneurship.


Among the schools that participated in the conference were Green Pond High, Montego Bay High, Little Bay All-Age and Infant and Heinz Simonitsch as well as Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College.


The event was organised by the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, in association with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


CAPTION: National Coordinator for the Japan Caribbean Climate Change Partnership, Ayesha Constable (centre), interacting with Green Pond High School students, Shymel Hylton (left), and Andre Harriott, at the Post Conference of Parties (COP) Youth Consultation on Climate Change, held at the Wexford Hotel, in Montego Bay, St. James, on March 29.