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Parents Urged to Support JADCO’s Public Education Programme

JIS: Parents are being encouraged to participate in the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission’s (JADCO) public education programme, aimed at promoting fair play and integrity in sport.


This urging comes from Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Hon. Olivia Grange, who emphasised that “without the support of the parents, there can be no real impact made by the programme”.


Her remarks were made in a message delivered by JADCO Chairman, Alexander Williams, during the agency’s anti-doping parents education workshop at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, St. Andrew, on Thursday, April 6, under the theme ‘Preventing Doping: Parents Reach One, Teach One’.


Ms Grange noted that the number of Jamaican students participating in various organised sporting events locally, regionally and globally has increased to well over 3,000.


Additionally, she said there were more than 40 registered sporting associations and disciplines, within and outside the school system, in which the youngsters participate.


This, the Minister contended, augured well for their holistic development, as, apart from the health benefits, the youngsters were afforded opportunities to secure scholarships as well as travel overseas and gain exposure to other cultures while learning important life skills.


Ms Grange said, however, that there was also the possibility of misplaced emphasis arising which placed focus on the “wrong things, like winning at all cost”.


“When athletes are exposed to the proper environment, whereby they can expend the necessary efforts and make good choices, you would be hard-pressed to find anything else that gives them the opportunity for holistic benefits than participating in competitive sports,” she added.


 Against this background, Ms Grange lauded the support provided by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in partnering with JADCO to host the workshops.


“Sincere gratitude must be expressed to UNESCO for its long-standing partnership with Jamaica, and specifically JADCO in its public education campaign (focused on) promoting fair play and integrity in sport,” she added.


The workshop, which was staged in partnership with the National Parent-Teacher Association of Jamaica, was geared towards sensitising parents and guardians of junior athletes about the anti-doping regulations.


Thursday’s staging was the first in a series of five scheduled to be held over the forthcoming weeks.


CAPTION: Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) Chairman, Alexander Williams (2nd right), converses with parent, Maxine Taylor (2nd left), during Thursday’s (April 6) launch of the JADCO/National Parent-Teacher Association of Jamaica Anti-Doping parents education workshop at the Karl Hendrickson Auditorium, Jamaica College, St. Andrew. Others from left are fellow parent, Tracey-ann Graham Alonso and JADCO Executive Director, Carey Brown.

Children’s Homes to be Renovated

JIS: Some $40 million has been allocated by the Government for renovation work at several children’s homes and places of safety this year.


This sum is in addition to the more than $80 million spent by the Government to renovate a number of children’s homes and places of safety in 2016.


The institutions identified for the refurbishing project include Granville Place of Safety, St. Augustine Place of Safety, Summerfield Child Care, Maxfield Park Children’s Home and Homestead Place of Safety.


State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, gave details during his contribution to the 2017/18 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on April 5.


Other improvements being made to the Children Services Division is the increased budgetary allocation to the disaster management grants, which, for the first time, have been extended to private homes.


Additionally, following discussions in 2016 on measures to reposition the child-protection residential sector, Mr. Green said a strategic review is now under way. Among other things, the exercise is intended to determine the true cost of care and will provide a blueprint to drive service improvement and inform governmental support.


“A consultant has been employed and they have actually prepared a draft document, which has been submitted to the technical team, and we expect the final report at the end of this month,” he noted.


As of December 2016, the total number of children in the child-protection system stood at 4,574. Some 56 per cent are living in family environments, with 44 per cent living in residential childcare facilities.


This means that approximately six out of every 1,000 children in Jamaica are in the care of the State.


The child-protection sector has 51 children’s homes and nine places of safety. These places of safety are owned and operated by the Government through the Child Development Agency (CDA).



Gov’t to Partner with Facebook to Broadcast Ananda Alerts

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information will be partnering with social media giant, Facebook, to broadcast Ananda Alerts.


In his contribution to the 2017/18 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on April 5, State Minister in the Ministry, Hon. Floyd Green noted that a Facebook team will be visiting Jamaica in May for the official launch of the partnership.


“This partnership will enable the broadcast of Ananda Alerts on the pages of all Facebook users in Jamaica, which will ensure that we have a larger pool searching for our children when they go missing,” he said.


Meanwhile, Mr. Green informed that the backlog of sexual-offence cases at the Child Development Agency (CDA) has been cleared.


As it relates to the planned merger of the CDA and the Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR), he noted that the move aims to “remove the bureaucracy from child protection”.


“The CDA and OCR merger is not a cost-saving measure. The focus will be on efficiency, roles and effectiveness. The motivating factor is to have a child-protection sector which appropriately responds to the needs of our children,” he pointed out.


He added that in the new dispensation, the Registry functions will be sufficiently protected to guarantee the necessary legal safeguards in child-abuse cases.


CAPTION: In this file photo, State Minister for Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green (right), reflects on the life of Ananda Dean, who died tragically in 2008, with her mother, Nardia Campbell. 

Two Buses for Children in State Care

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will be providing two new 15-seater minivans to meet the transportation needs of children in State care in the southern and western regions of the island.


State Minister in the Ministry, Hon. Floyd Green, made the announcement during his contribution to the 2017/18 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 5.


Mr. Green said the buses, which are being provided by the USAID under the Transitional Living Programme for Children in State Care Project, will transport the children to school, court and for medical appointments.


The programme is being implemented by the Child Development Agency (CDA) and the Caribbean Child Development Centre (CCDC) of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Open Campus.


Mr. Green said the Ministry will also be expanding the Smile Mobile programme with the acquisition of a 35-seater bus to facilitate psychological assessments of children.


The retrofitted unit will be staffed by two clinical psychologists as well as one social worker and a driver. This brings the number of Smile Mobile units to two.


“It has borne significant fruit, but the reality is that we only had one. Come Friday (April 7), we will be unveiling another Smile Mobile to go into the western region,” he informed.


CAPTION: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green.

Facebook To Help Jamaica Find Missing Children

The Government’s Ananda Alert secretariat has partnered with international social-media company Facebook to share broadcasts of missing children on the pages of Jamaican users, state minister in the youth ministry, Floyd Green, announced on Wednesday during his contribution to the 2017-2018 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives.


“We are taking the Ananda Alert system to a new level,” he said, noting that a team from the United States-based Facebook organisation will visit Jamaica next month for the official launch of the partnership.


He also said a study of the alert system will be done, pointing out that a preliminary one (Child Disappearances in Jamaica: A Situational Analysis of the Ananda Alert System) was conducted last year.




“The study assessed the various factors accounting for child disappearances in Jamaica, identified service gaps in the Ananda Alert System and posited recommendations for improving effectiveness in the system,” said the St Elizabeth South Western member of parliament.


The scope of the study, Green said, is being widened, but noted that a key finding so far is that “maltreatment is one of the main reasons for which children voluntarily go missing”.


The Ananda Alert system is named after Ananda Dean, the 11-year-old Kingston schoolgirl who was kidnapped and later murdered in 2008 in a case that angered the nation.


It replaced the Red Alert and is the nationwide alert system designed to ensure speedy recovery of children.


Children’s Registrar Greig Smith reported in February that almost 2,000 children were reported missing between 2015 and last year.


CAPTION: Floyd Green, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information 

Prime Minister’s Youth Awards Returns this Year

JIS: State Minister in the Education, Youth and Information Ministry, Hon. Floyd Green, says the Prime Minister’s National Youth Awards for Excellence will return this year.


Making the announcement during his Sectoral Debate presentation on April 5 in the House of Representatives, Mr. Green said young people will be selected from a list of categories.


These include Academics, Youth in Service, Arts in Culture, International Achievement, Leadership and Journalism, among other areas.


“We are adding two new areas, which are Science and Technology and Environment and Health,” he noted.


In response to the announcement, member of the Jamaica Youth Advisory Council and Attorney-at-Law, Michelle Thomas, said it is remarkable that the Government is celebrating young people who have been doing outstanding work in their communities and in various capacities.


“Young people should be celebrated and empowered by the Government. This award would seek to empower them to be torch bearers of good citizenry,” she said.


The Prime Minister’s National Youth Awards for Excellence serves to recognise youth who have excelled and contributed to national development.


It also seeks to provide a platform for young people to showcase their achievements in numerous fields.


Since the inception of the Prime Minister’s National Youth Awards for Excellence in 1998, 165 awards have been conferred.


Meanwhile, the State Minister noted that many youth leaders who are making significant contributions never rise to national prominence, despite working tirelessly in their communities.


In that regard, he said 55 young people “who have a solid record of community service” will be awarded later this year.


CAPTION: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green. (FILE)

MPs Urged to Help ECIs Become Certified

JIS: State Minister in the Education, Youth and Information Ministry, Hon. Floyd Green, has called on Members of Parliament (MPs) to help early-childhood institutions (ECIs) in their constituencies to become certified.


Making his contribution to the 2017/18 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives on April 5, Mr. Green said the MPs should channel some of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to help in this regard.


Mr. Green further noted that his Ministry is seeking to form partnerships with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), such as the Rotaract and Kiwanis clubs and other private partners, “to come on board on this drive to certification”.


“Already, the Digicel Foundation has pledged $15 million to help five ECIs reach certification in the parishes of St. Elizabeth, Manchester, St. Catherine, Westmoreland and Hanover,” he said.


The State Minister also cited the contribution of the One Jamaica Foundation to the St. Margaret’s Bay Basic School in Portland, adding that the Breds Foundation and Crayons Count are also working to have ECIs in the Greater Treasure Beach area certified.


“National Bakery, through their Little Leaders Programme, has (also) committed $70 million towards early-childhood education,” he said


“We are far advanced in discussions with Restaurants of Jamaica, owners and operators of Pizza Hut and KFC, with the hope they will provide financing to ensure that 35 ECIs are provided with a hot and nutritious meal,” the State Minister said.


The Early Childhood Commission (ECC) is seeking to certify approximately 300 basic schools by 2019.


One hundred institutions, with an enrolment of approximately 5,000 children, are being targeted under the initial certification phase, which commenced last September and is scheduled for completion in August 2017.


There are approximately 2,700 early-childhood institutions in operation across the island.


CAPTION: State Minister in the Education, Youth and Information Ministry, Hon. Floyd Green (third left), interacts with (from left): Dammi Hannigan, Dominique Parkes and Drew Stewart of the St. Margaret’s Basic School in Portland on January 26. Occasion was a ceremony organised by the Early Childhood Commission (ECC) to announce the certification of the school.

More Youth to Gain Work Experience Under GWEP

JIS: The Government has been increasing the number of young persons gaining work and professional development, according to Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green.


The State Minister is reporting that under the Graduate Work Experience Programme (GWEP), 600 youth will gain placements this year, up from the 503 last year, and the 300 in 2015.


Mr. Green was making his contribution to the 2017/18 Sectoral Debate in the House of Representatives, on April 5.


The GWEP provides work experience to tertiary graduates up to 24 years of age who possess a first degree, or associate degree.


Mr. Green also noted that the number of persons in the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) has been raised by more than 100 per cent.


The initiative caters to persons with mild intellectual disabilities, providing six months of work experience, coaching, personal development training as well as exposure to career options.


In March, some 162 persons were placed on the programme, and “they are now participating in a three-week camp with our job coaches,” Mr. Green told the House.


“I urge more companies to open their doors to employ our youth with disabilities. We are happy that 21 of those trained last year have secured permanent employment, but we want to increase that number,” he said.


For the National Youth Service (NYS) Summer Employment Programme (SEP), the State Minister pointed out that of the 800 youth to be employed this year, 200 are “unattached” and 400 are living with disabilities.


CAPTION: Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green.

IPAD 4 Life Beneficiary Shines at Champs

JIS: The Petersfield High School family erupted with delight and pride when 19-year-old Kevin Nedrick broke the javelin and shot put records at the 2017 Inter-Secondary School Sports Association (ISSA) Boys and Girls’ Championships last week.


“I really feel on top of the world about it,” says Principal Clyde Evans in an interview with JIS News.


Kevin’s first- and second-place finishes in shot put and javelin, respectively, were key to the Westmoreland-based school rounding out the five-day championship in seventh place with 51 points.


“We have really performed well, and it has allowed the school to be recognised and be seen much more favourably in the public’s eye,” Mr. Evans says.


The student athlete’s exceptional performance, which was celebrated by the school, the community and friends and family, represented the unfolding of hard work, discipline, and a new sense of purpose in Kevin, who was once considered a troublesome student.


This newfound attitude is due largely to intervention through the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s (JCF) IPAD Youth Empowerment and Mentorship programme, aimed at providing social intervention for young people.


IPAD, which is an acronym for Identity, Purpose, Attitude and Destiny, was rolled out in 2015 to instil good values and discipline in students.


It seeks to help students gain respect for the law, the police and their peers, while also acquiring social and problem-solving skills.


The programme, offered through an annual summer camp, is the brainchild of Acting Commissioner of Police, Novelette Grant, and is staged annually under the theme ‘IPAD 4 Life’.


The annual camps, staged at Petersfield High, were conceptualised as an added strategy to help disrupt incidents of crime and violence in the Westmoreland police division, by targeting the youth.


So far, some 250 young people have been impacted, including participants from other schools in the community. The JCF is now looking to expand the initiative to other parishes.


“We have many successes from IPAD 4 Life through the two summer camps, so far. The youngsters have had an opportunity to be empowered. It is not about being a good or a bad child (or that they are) going to put you in boot camp to beat change into you,” the Principal says.


He notes that the programme, instead, provides the youngsters with an opportunity to hone their skills and discover their talents and abilities.


“It shows them that they are somebody, that they are worth something, that they are a valuable part of society, they have value to themselves and value to others. After two years, we have had youngsters who speak extremely well about it and look forward to the next camp (each year),” Mr. Evans adds.


“It is about showing them love, showing them appreciation, showing them that they have self-worth, and it has had a tremendous impact on them,” he continues.


The Principal told JIS News that the programme, which tied into the strictures of training for the championships, was critical in bringing out excellence in the young man.


“The end product that Jamaica and, hopefully, the world, have seen, represents a significant change in Kevin; a very pleasant change. I would say Kevin was mischievous; even though his performance on the field was always strong-willed and determined, he would sometimes have clashes with teachers,” Mr. Evans points out.


He says the young man, who aspires to a professional track and field career, has shown characteristics of being more settled and focused since participating in IPAD 4 Life.


Kevin, for his part, tells JIS News that the programme taught him the value of determining his life goals and knowing how to work towards them.


“I am very grateful, as it has helped me a lot, pushed me towards focusing academically and also was important to my performance at Champs. Every youngster has a goal in life, so you need to find your goal in life and work towards it,” he says.


Kevin won the class-one shot put with a record throw of 20.65 metres. He threw a new national junior record of 63.73 metres in the preliminaries of the boys’ javelin, but could not repeat the performance in the finals, where he was placed second with a throw of 59.15 metres. Kingston College’s Aval Denton won the event with a 59. 21-metre throw.


Kevin is hopeful that he will receive an athletic scholarship to a university to further his studies and advance his career.


Mr. Evans describes as heart-warming Kevin’s perspectives on IPAD’s impact and his focus on education and professional success.


“I am so pleased to know that coming out of IPAD 4 Life, he realises the importance of having goals and working towards them,” he said.


Acting Police Commissioner, Novelette Grant, is urging private- and public-sector entities to come on board in offering financial and physical support to increasing the range of the initiative.


At a corporate breakfast on March 29 to seek sponsorship, Mrs. Grant said additional support will serve to refine the structure of the programme; expand its reach, particularly in the western section of the island; and to provide mentorship.


Among entities that pledged support are Jamaica Public Service (JPS), Carib Cement, Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ), Digicel Jamaica and Jamaica Information Service (JIS).


CAPTION: Acting Commissioner of Police, Novelette Grant (centre) with participants of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) IPAD Youth Empowerment and Mentorship Camp programme, following a corporate breakfast on March 29 at the Terra Nova All-Suite Hotel in Kingston, which was used to seek sponsorship for the expansion of the programme. IPAD, an acronym for Identity, Purpose, Attitude, Destiny, is aimed at social intervention for youth.

Portmore Basic School Gets Support Towards Achieving Certification Standards

JIS: The Marlin Avenue Basic School in Portmore, St. Catherine, is a step closer to achieving full certification under the Early Childhood Commission’s (ECC) 12 Operating standards for Early Childhood Institutions (ECI).


On Monday, April 3, Deputy Director General of Regulatory Affairs at the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority (JCAA), Rohan Campbell, presented at cheque valued at   $809,309.31 to the principal of the School, Margaret Campbell, to assist in the certification process.


“We saw it as a great opportunity to assist.  As an organisation that values Jamaica’s development, we have always had a great interest in supporting education. We are in the business of regulation and, therefore, appreciate the need for standards in early-childhood development,” Mr. Campbell said.


The elated principal, Mrs. Campbell, was close to tears as she accepted the much-needed donation.


“We were strapped for cash and this injection will assist us to achieve certification. We are so grateful for the help of the Early Childhood Commission team and others who offered their support,” she said.


The funds will be used to improve lighting in the classrooms, establish a playground and repaint playground equipment and the school building.


Meanwhile, Member of Parliament for St. Catherine South, Fitz Jackson, who contributed the perimeter fencing for the school, added his support for the early-childhood standards.


“It’s a universally accepted fact that preparation of a child at the early-childhood level bears significance at the primary and secondary levels,” he noted.


Marlin Avenue Basic School was opened in 1979 and has 28 students enrolled and five members of staff, including two trained teachers.


The school has, so far, met 72 per cent of the operating standards required for certification by the ECC.


The 12 Standards for the Operation, Management and Administration of Early Childhood Institutions cover the areas of staffing; development and educational programmes; interactions and relationships with children; physical environment; indoor and outdoor equipment; health; nutrition; safety; child rights, child protection and equality; parent and stakeholder participation; administration and finance.


CAPTION: Principal of the Marlin Avenue Basic School in Portmore, St. Catherine, Margaret Campbell, accepts a representational cheque for $809,309.31 from the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority’s Deputy Director General, Regulatory Affairs, Rohan Campbell. The presentation was made at the school on Monday, April 3. The cheque will be used to assist the school in achieving full certification under the Early Childhood Commission 12 Operating Standards for Early Childhood Institutions.