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$295 Million Allocated to NYS

JIS: The National Youth Service (NYS) has been allocated $295 million for the implementation of various youth-development programmes during the 2016/17 financial year.


Speaking at a JIS Think Tank recently, Acting Executive Director of the NYS, Dennis Lawrence, noted that these programmes, which aim to equip young people with the necessary training and life-coping skills to foster their personal and career development, have collectively benefited some 20,000 persons in the last financial year.


He said the aim is to continue to increase the number of persons, who will be reached under these initiatives each year.


Under the NYS’s flagship Summer Employment Programme, a sum of $112 million has been allocated for the engagement of 6,000 young people in work experience and employability skills during the months of July and August. This is an increase over the 5,000 persons placed last year.


The Graduate Work Experience Programme, targeting tertiary-level graduates, has been allocated $79 million. Under the initiative, graduates who hold an associate or first degree are placed in internships in their area of study for a period of six months.


The Access to Higher Education Partnership Programme (AHEPP) has received $20 million. Under AHEPP, up to $100,000 in tuition assistance is provided to students pursuing studies in national priority areas such as agriculture, logistics, engineering, tourism, and information and communication technology (ICT).  AHEPP involves partnership with select tertiary institutions.


Meanwhile, the Empowerment and Enrichment programmes have received $33.1 million and $25 million respectively, while the Rural Youth and Economic Programme has been allocated $9.9 million.


The remainder of the budget will be spread across the Volunteer Programme; Youth Month initiatives; the Entrepreneurship 101 programme; the Access to Success through Knowledge (ASK) initiative; the Financial Assistance Programme; and the ‘Movements: Social Inclusion Through Arts’ public-awareness campaign.


The NYS through its various programmes, has been empowering the lives of Jamaica’s young people for more than 38 years.



Acting Executive Director of the National Youth Service (NYS), Dennis Lawrence, emphasises a point as he addresses a JIS Think Tank recently.

PM Hails Nation’s Teachers

JIS: Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, has hailed and extended gratitude to the country’s educators who he said, continue to go “above and beyond” for the development of the nation’s children.


He was speaking at a ceremony held on Thursday (June 23) on the lawns of Jamaica House, where 40 educators were awarded the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for their service to education.


“You are being honored because you are a beacon of your chosen profession. On behalf of the Government and the people of Jamaica, I thank you,” he said.


The Prime Minister pointed out that Jamaica’s road to prosperity, in line with the Government’s focus on economic growth and development, is dependent on the education sector being the driving force.


He said he is looking to educators to embrace the Administration’s vision for Jamaica and to continue to give of their best.


“Even as I say thanks, let me declare that I need more from you and more faithful stewards like you to take us to levels of economic and social independence…You have made your mark; it is for us to join hands and continue the journey,” he said.


The awardees include active and retired teachers, principals, lecturers and education officers, who have served in the education system from 15 years to as many as 47 years.


Since 2005, awardees have been selected based on their outstanding service through innovation and creativity, as well as their active involvement in community development.


Mr. Holness said he considered it an honor to host the event and to recognise the awardees’ tremendous contribution to nation building.


Among the awardees is Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Dr. Maurice Smith, who was recognised for his 18 years of service.


Among other things, Dr. Smith has developed a self-evaluation model for schools, aimed at improving leadership and addressing the gap between upgraded and traditional high schools in Jamaica.


In an interview with JIS News, Dr. Smith said he was humbled and grateful to have been recognised.


“I am honestly speechless. It is not typical for one to be told thanks for going above and beyond the call of duty and as educators, we do that every day. We believe in what we do (and) we are thankful for the opportunity and privilege to serve our people. It is really a milestone…,” he said.


Fay Davy, who has contributed 47 years to the education sector, has among her accomplishments the establishment of uniformed groups at the Salt Marsh All-Age School in Trelawny, and preparing children for the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) creative folk dance competitions, earning several medals over the years.


Mrs. Davy believes her dedication to education and helping children achieve literacy and numeracy is what earned her the recognition.


“I never knew this day would come, and I greatly appreciate the reward I have been given,” she said.



Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, shakes hands with 33-year veteran in the education sector, Geraldine Allen (third right, front row), as he congratulates recipients of the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for service to education following the ceremony at Jamaica House on June 23.

Education Minister Calls for Partnership

JIS:Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has called for continued support and partnership in the education of the nation’s students.


“There are some parents who think that all you have to do is to plant the children at school and leave it all up to the teachers,” the Minister said.


He was speaking at the graduation ceremony for 32 kindergarten students from the Sunrise Early Childhood Development Centre, in Kingston, on June 23, who received their school-leaving certificates, having completed their course of study.


The Minister said parents must not forget their role when the children come home after school. “You have to reinforce the values that the school is establishing,” Senator Reid emphasised.


Senator Reid said that for students to excel, the belief in excellence must be habitual.


“It must be that you want to excel every day, all the time at everything. That is the kind of superiority that we want for Jamaica, because if all of us as Jamaicans demand excellence from our government, students and  civil servants, that would be the foundation of a great nation,”  the Minister said.


He reminded the students that failure is not an option, and they should be committed to the tasks they set for themselves.


“Students have an equal responsibility for their success. It is a partnership among the school, parents and the students themselves,” he added.


Meanwhile, Principal of the institution, Ms. Yvette Knight, encouraged the students not to be defeated by challenges.


“Do your best always. Reach for the stars no matter how hard it seems and fly like a bird with the knowledge that a new journey begins,” she said.


The Sunrise Early Childhood Development Centre has provided many children with a sound academic foundation, with its unique instructional methods, materials, learning aids and equipment to meet the needs of children at the early-childhood level.



Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (right), greets students of the Sunrise Early Childhood Development Centre, at a graduation ceremony, held at the St. Richard of Chichester Roman Catholic Church located on Red Hills Road, on June 23.


CAP has to Work – Dr. Cornwall

JISChairman of the Technical Working Committee, Career Advancement Programme (CAP), Dr. Cecil Cornwall, says the Government will be working to ensure the success of the initiative.


“The CAP has to work. Making sure of that certification is of paramount importance. Students must get the skills and be certified,” Dr. Cornwall emphasised.


He was speaking at the national student leaders’ luncheon, held at the Eden Gardens Wellness Resort and Spa on June 22.


The CAP, piloted in 11 schools in 2010, aims at ensuring that students leaving secondary schools are literate and numerate, and have some form of technical and vocational qualification for post-secondary study or work.


It seeks to stem the problem of youth being unattached, because of inadequate education and skills.


Since the introduction of the programme six years ago, approximately 48,301 students have been trained in technical and vocational skills as well as 5,622 through the General Programme of Literacy and Numeracy.


Dr. Cornwall pointed out that CAP has been expanded to include persons between 19 and 29 years of age.


For his part, Minister of State in the Ministry of Education, Hon. Floyd Green, said that the CAP is focused on providing opportunities for all students “to identify, understand, choose, and prepare for careers and occupations of their choices”.


“It will also serve to bring others of the youth programmes together in the various entities,” he added.


The CAP is currently being offered in 53 institutions, and starting September 2016 will be rolled out in all 63 plus secondary-level institutions.

Education Ministry to Undertake Major Infrastructural Projects

JIS: The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information is to undertake a number of infrastructural development projects during the 2016/2017 academic year.


Addressing a recent JIS ‘Think Tank’, Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, said a total of 24 early-childhood and primary institutions will benefit from infrastructure upgrade valued at $38.6 million.


Additionally, under the early-childhood revitalisation programme, which is part of the Ministry’s rationalisation strategy, infant departments will be added to 13 primary schools at a cost of $16.8 million.


The Minister also informed that two state-of-the art early-childhood institutions are to be constructed during the new school year  at  Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College in St. James, through Project for the Advancement of Childhood Education (PACE Canada); and at the Sir Clifford Campbell Primary School in Westmoreland, by the Rockhouse Foundation at a cost of $50 million.


“Our vision is to have one of these institutions in every parish,” the Minister noted.


Sixteen secondary schools will be upgraded at a cost of $218.4 million, and $113.5 million will be spent to complete works started on 12 schools.


Senator Reid pointed out that under the Ministry’s Sanitation Project, the remaining 27 primary and one infant schools with pit latrines will get flush toilets.


This project will cost $20 million.


In addition, 27 primary schools that have only one classroom will benefit from the installation of partition walls, at a cost of $20 million.



Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, addresses a recent JIS ‘Think Tank’.

Education Minister Satisfied With First 100 Days

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says he is satisfied with the Ministry’s achievements during his first 100 days in office and the support he has received from various stakeholders.


The Minister, who was addressing a JIS ‘Think Tank’ on June 21, said that among the successes over the period is the implementation of the Government’s tuition-free policy for secondary schools.


This, he said, has facilitated the reorganisation of contributions to schools and the provision of an additional $7,500 per student, while still allowing parents to make their contribution.


Over $1.4 billion in tuition support has already been given to schools, enabling their early preparation for the 2016/17 academic year.


Other initiatives at the secondary level include the launch of the Alternative Pathway for Secondary Level Education (ASPE), which will provide for additional and improved teaching programmes, including extension of the school year up to seven years.


The Career Advancement Programme (CAP) was also re-branded, with over 10,000 students ages 16-18 to be afforded the opportunity to complete their education with the necessary competencies and skills to pursue tertiary training or enter the world of work.


During the period, a decision was taken to implement a book rental scheme for students at sixth form, commencing in September 2016.


Senator Reid noted that at the pre-primary and primary levels a structure was established to revitalise the Early Stimulation Programme (ESP), which provides support for children from birth to age three.


In addition, there was a 15 per cent increase in subsidy for approved teachers at the early-childhood level; and a 100 per cent increase in janitorial grant to primary schools.


At the tertiary level, Senator Reid informed that allocation to support students through the Jamaica Values and Attitude Programme (JAMVAT) was doubled and now stands at $233 million.


Senator Reid noted that safety and security of students is a priority of the Ministry and over $70 million has been provided for Behaviour Management, and Safety and Security programmes.

The allocation, he said, facilitated the staging of the first security and ethics conference in Jamaica earlier this month, and will support the establishment of more uniformed groups in schools and youth clubs, and the training of security liaison officers.


The National Values and Attitude campaign was also relaunched, with the Minister and Rev. Ronald Thwaites as co-chairs.


Turning to achievements under the youth portfolio, Senator Reid noted that a National Youth Policy is being finalised with support from the Commonwealth Secretariat.


He said there are ongoing discussions regarding support for the establishment of Jamaica Professional Youth Workers Association to ensure standardisation of work being done in the youth sector.


In addition, Youth Information Centres (YIC) have been re-branded to focus on innovation and entrepreneurship; the National Youth Advisory Council was re-established; and the National Youth Service (NYS) summer programmes were extended to cater for more young people.


The New Employment Opportunities for Youth in Jamaica (NEO-Jamaica) project was also launched in June to engage 10,000 unattached youth.


It is being spearheaded under the Youth Upliftment Through Employment (YUTE) initiative of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), and involves partnership with the Ministries of Education, Labour and Social Security, and Science, Energy and Technology.


CAP has also been extended to the 19-29 cohort through partnerships with the Jamaica Foundation for Lifelong Learning, HEART Trust/NTA and the NYS.


In outlining some of the achievements under children services, the Minister said the residential childcare system is being reviewed to determine and document programme options and the types and classification of institutions operating within the sector.


There is also strengthening of the Office of the Children’s Registry’s ‘Break the Silence’ campaign and the establishment of a Transitional Living Programme for Children Living in State Care Project to provide accommodation and other support for children exiting the system.


Also, during the period under review, 14 Ministry Papers were tabled in the Houses of Parliament.


They are the proposed new assessments for various levels of the education system; the removal of pit latrines; update on the safe schools programme and uniformed groups; increase in tuition fees at the secondary level; Education System Transformation Programme (ESTP); Career Advancement Programme (CAP); National Standard Curriculum (NSC); Re-branding of the Youth Information Centres; Re-convening of the National Youth Parliament; Youth and Adolescent Policy; Infrastructure Development; Strategic Review of Residential Care for Children in State Care; Establishment of a National Youth Advisory Council; and strengthening and expanding the Break the Silence Campaign.


Minister Reid said the Government is committed to communicating regularly with the public; therefore Ministers are encouraged to hold monthly press briefings.




Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid addresses a JIS ‘Think Tank’ on June 21.

Prime Minister to Honour 40 Educators on June 23

JIS: Prime Minister Andrew Holness will honour 40 educators on Thursday, June 23 at the Ceremony for the Presentation of the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for Service to Education. Those to be awarded include active and retired teachers, principals, lecturers and education officers.


Since 2005, awardees have been selected based on their outstanding service through innovation and creativity as well as their active involvement in community development. Some educators have served for at least 15 years and for others, as many as 47 years.


Among the list of dignitaries who will attend are Their Excellencies The Governor-General and The Most Honourable Lady Allen, Rev Ronald Thwaites representing the Leader of the Opposition and Senator the Honourable Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth and Information. The Prime Minister will be the guest speaker.


The event will be held on the Lawns of Jamaica House commencing at 6:30pm.

Ministry Increases Funding to High Schools, Supports Parents’ Contribution

Senator Ruel Reid, Minister of Education Youth and Information, has restated that Government will increase funding to high schools during the coming academic year.

He explains that the Ministry supports parents making contributions that have received its approval and that of the School Board and PTA. 

The Education Minister, who has been addressing a series of parents’ consultations across the island, says the new tuition-free policy prevents schools from barring access to students who cannot make contributions.  The Government, he says, is also providing more funding for more needy and vulnerable students. 

Minister Reid held parent forums this week at Jamaica College in St Andrew and St Elizabeth Technical High School. This followed consultation with parents at Montego Bay High School a week ago. 

The consultations, which are being held in collaboration with the National Parent Teachers Association of Jamaica, are scheduled to be held next at Brown’s Town Community College in St Ann on June 15 and at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Annotto Bay, St Mary on June 16. 


New HEART Trust Board to Target Marginalised Groups, Mainstream Technical Education

Senator Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth and Information has charged the new board of the HEART Trust/National Training Agency to provide training opportunities especially for marginalised groups.


 Speaking on Wednesday at the first meeting of the Maxine Wilson-chaired board, Minister Reid advised the agency to give special focus to males from crime hot spots.He said there was need for an expansion of programmes for inter-city youth including apprenticeship and paramilitary training.This is to be implemented in collaboration with the Caribbean Maritime Institute, the Career Advancement Programme and the Youth Division of the ministry.


The Education Minster also advised the HEART Trust board to provide more social support for learners experiencing financial challenges by ensuring giving them a stipend to assist with the costs of attending training programmes.


 In welcoming the new board members, Minister Reid pointed out that the HEART Trust/NTA must be seen as an integral part of the wider Ministry of Education, Youth and Information. In that regard, the agency must support theagenda of the ministry to mainstream technical education.This includes providing financial support to all institutions affiliated to the ministry that are offering technical education programmes.


All workers, the Education Minister noted, now required technical education, which must no longer be seen as second-class but as first-class in quality.He underscored the ministry’s policy that all students are required to graduate with a technical skill from high schools.


 This, Minister Reid stated, was necessary to prepare the Jamaican work force to increase productivity levels and to take advantage of the millions of potential job openings in the local and regional economies within the next 10 years, as the post-World War II generation reach retirement age.  


He pointed to job opportunities in the areas of Information Communication Technology, Logistics, Business Processing Outsourcing, Tourism and Animation. Noting that the HEART Trust/NTA has been providing training for more than 30 years, the Education Minister called on the agency to partner with the Statistical Institute of Jamaica to get accurate statistics about the state of the country’s trained workforce.


 In his remarks to the new HEART Trust board, Minister Reid implored the agency to continue to be frugal and to meet all the standards of good management accountability. He expressed confidence that the new board wouldachieve the mandate presented to them.

National Child Month Broadcast by Hon. Floyd Green

National Child Month Broadcast by Hon. Floyd Green
State Minister, Ministry of Education, Youth & Information
for National Child Month Celebrations May 2016

Fellow Jamaicans,

All children deserve to grow up in a caring and loving environment — yet, across Jamaica, thousands of children are neglected or abused each year, often causing lasting consequences. Although effectively intervening in the lives of these children and their families is an important responsibility at all levels of government, preventing abuse and neglect is a shared obligation.

During Child Month, we recommit to working towards giving every child a chance to succeed and to ensure that every child grows up in a safe, stable, and nurturing environment that is free from abuse and neglect.

In 2014, the Office of the Children’s Registry received 8450 reports of sexual, emotional and physical abuse combined with 5818 cases of neglect. A 10% increase from the preceding year. However we are quite aware that there is still a high percentage of unreported cases. This is a prevailing culture of silence that must be broken. We must begin to fundamentally look at evolving the culture of caring for our children.

In reality, the various impacts of child abuse and neglect are impossible to separate, often causing long lasting psychological implications which in turn can manifest as high-risk behaviors.

With increasingly more reports of child abuse, neglect, trafficking and child labour, rehabilitation, protection and care are becoming even more relevant and necessary . This is why this Government will be embarking on a multi faceted approach.

We intend to strengthen the Living in Family Environments (L.I.F.E.) Programme, which has been employed by the CDA in an effort to overcome these challenge. Research shows that children do better when they live in loving families that can help to support their growth and development.

The main components of the L.I.F.E. programme are Family Care, Reintegration and Adoption. Unfortunately, fewer persons are opening homes and hearts to participate in the foster care programme and this has slowed the pace on the number of children being placed in a family environment. The Ministry will be meeting with our foster parents to assess how we can strengthen the program. Through public awareness we hope to increase promotion and recruitment of families to participate in Foster Care.

As we strengthen our residential care system, I use this medium to announce that the Ministry will be conducting a Strategic Review of the Operations and Programmatic Options of the Residential Child Protection Sector to identify enablers that will seek to effectively transform the service delivery mechanism of the sector benchmarked against national, regional and international best practices in residential care and in conformance with human rights principles.

This revision will provide clear distinctions of the types of services being offered across the sector and clearly standardize efficient, effective and professional management, operations and maintenance of each institution. The intention is that there will be improved institutional monitoring and evaluation frameworks and systems of indicators through which performance and outcomes can be measured at a sector, institution and individual child level.

This overhaul will also enhance systems that have caused inefficiencies and backlogs for adoption and foster care programming.

As a Government, it is our desire to increase public presence through greater participation in public fora at the parish and community levels, with a high focus on parenting workshops. The National Parenting Support Commission (NPSC) will be strengthened to continue to design awareness campaigns and intervention programmes to inform parents about their responsibilities to their children.
Our ministry will be paying special attention to helping parents and teachers identify children with special needs. It is for that reason that the ministry will introduce a assessment for our four year olds to ascertain if they have any special needs. This we believe is a critical component in catering to the needs of all our children and will go a far way in strengthening our early childhood educational model.
This year the theme for child month is “Healthy Children Build a Stronger Nation”.

We urge parents and caregivers to educate their children about healthy lifestyles and eating practices. This can be a fun experience for children as parents can empower their to get involved in the selection of their own meals that have a balanced nutritional value.

A child who develops a holistic approach to life and focuses on their nutrition, overall fitness and getting enough rest will develop sharper minds and increased energy. This healthy and dynamic lifestyle will facilitate children growing into healthy and confident adults.

This child month’, The Ministry of Education, Youth and Information will launch and embark on a national public education campaign entitled, “OUR CHILDREN JA”.

The purpose of the campaign is to solidify in the minds of the general public, that every Jamaican child is our collective responsibility and must be treated as a national asset.

We want to provide all Jamaicans, with knowledge on the best practices and principles of taking a holistic approach, to the raising and wellbeing of our children.

With this campaign, the Ministry intends to usher in a new era of public-private sector collaboration and broadly spread messages that can improve citizens’ knowledge about the education, health, protection and parenting of children, while encouraging that “it takes a village” to raise a child.

The success of this Child Month program depends to a large extent on the participation of persons and organizations across the island. We urge you to actively participate and get involved! We invite you to not only engage us on social media through our hashtag #ourchildrenja but also, by placing the wellbeing of our children at the forefront of your responsibilities.

Protecting our children is an effort that we must undertake as one family, and in our schools, neighborhoods, and communities, we must look after every child as if they are our own.
You can begin to be on the look out at this very moment for signs of child abuse. Children who are being abused or neglected may display constant alertness, sudden changes in behavior and school performance. Break the culture of silence, make reports to the Office of the Children’s Registry, contact the CDA or the Office of the Children’s Advocate.

There can be no sterner litmus test of the values of a society than the way in which it treats our children. Interventions and policy choices made today will determine whether millions of children and youth are able to reach their full potential, or are left to face a future of worsening inequity and marginalization.

Our Nation’s enduring commitment to prevent child abuse and neglect demands that individuals and communities partner together to provide safe and nurturing environments for all of Jamaica’s sons and daughters.

I have been able to meet and speak with many members of staff from children agencies, residential care facilities, non-governmental organizations including our international partners who are doing extremely good work in helping to address a broad range of issues facing our children. I want to commend you and your work ethic that is rooted in a passion for our children.

As a Ministry we seek to strengthen and enhance those areas of partnership. We must all join in the work of uplifting and safeguarding our children to ensure they are limited by nothing but the size of their dreams and the range of their aspirations.

I call upon all Jamaicans to observe this month and National Children Day which is the 13 of May with programs and activities that help prevent child abuse and provide for children’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs as we aim to ensure our healthier children will be able to build a stronger nation. Let us secure a future for our children that is bright and full of hope, opportunity, and security.