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600 Maths Coaches to Benefit from Book Merchant’s Training Workshop

JIS: Approximately 600 mathematics coaches and specialists assigned to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information are slated to benefit from the second staging of the Book Merchant Limited’s (BML) Mathematics Teacher Training workshop from August 21 to 23.


The three-day session involves collaboration with Shortwood Teachers’ College and will be staged at the institution’s campus, 77 Shortwood Road, Kingston 8.


Addressing a JIS Think Tank on Wednesday (July 11), Chief Executive Officer of BML, Sharon Neita, said that this year’s event comes against the success of the inaugural workshop held in 2017.

She informed that a programme called Scholastic Prime Mathematics will be employed during the training.


The programme is a compilation of the best practices of the three top-performing mathematics nations – Singapore, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong.


BML, an agent of the United States-based Scholastic International, discovered the programme through Scholastic in 2015 to assist local teachers and students with the teaching and learning of maths.


Ms. Neita said the three-day workshop will be divided into panel discussions and breakout sessions covering various topics.


These include key practices of top-performing nations, the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, introduction to the Bar Model Method, lesson planning and developing assessment instruments of the 21st century learner.


A new course called Differentiated Literacy Instruction will be introduced this year, through which teachers will learn how to interpret and use data to plan and deliver lessons that meet the needs of diverse learners in their classrooms.


Mathematics instructors will include Scholastic Programme Implementation and Professional Development Specialist, Kelly Lim from Singapore, along with several local and regional Prime Mathematics trainers. The literacy component will be delivered by renowned educational consultant and lecturer, University of the West Indies, Mona and Educator, trainer and senior Manager for Scholastic Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and the Caribbean, Miguel Melendez. Ms. Neita is appealing for public- and private-sector support for the workshop.


Acting Vice Principal of Administrative Affairs at Shortwood Teachers’ College, Dr. Claudette Barrett-March, said that the institution is elated to be partnering with BML to host such an important workshop.


She noted that the college is always in the business of capacity-building; therefore, it welcomes every opportunity to provide training.


Shortwood Teachers’ College will provide accommodation and meals for participants who are desirous of staying on campus. Persons, who successfully complete the workshop, will receive certification from the Jamaica Teaching Council (JTC).


Deadline for registration is Sunday, August 5. For further information on registration and cost persons may contact the BML at [email protected].


CAPTION: Chief Executive Officer of Book Merchant Limited, Sharon Neita, provides details about the Mathematics Teacher Training workshop, during a JIS Think Tank on July 11. The three-day workshop will take place from August 21 to 23 at Shortwood Teachers’ College, St. Andrew.

High-School Students to Benefit from Hospitality Programme

JIS: Six hundred and fifty high-school students across the island are to benefit from a $100-million Hospitality and Tourism Management Programme (HTMP) this year, which will see them gaining internationally recognised certification in the industry.


To be rolled out in 30 high schools in mid-September, the intense two-year programme will be offered to students in grades 11, 12 and 13, free of cost.


It will provide participants with broad-based learning on the tasks, knowledge and skills required to build a career within the hospitality and tourism industry.


A joint initiative between the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, and the Ministry of Tourism, the programme is being facilitated under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).


The MOU was signed by portfolio Minister in the Education Ministry, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, and Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, during a ceremony at Jamaica House on Wednesday (July 11).


Minister Reid said he endorsed the initiative, noting that it is timely and consistent with the Ministry’s overall plans for the education and training sector.


He said it is specifically aligned with the Ministry’s ‘K-13’ strategy, which seeks to ensure that the education system reaches students from conception to age 18.


Senator Reid further noted that the programme is also important in preparing students to be adequately trained for the nuances of the industry.


In his remarks, Minister Bartlett said the programme will result in a fully trained, highly efficient workforce that can provide the best experience for visitors.


“There is nothing that makes a destination more appealing than (high levels of service). We seek to build the capacity of our human resources, because tourism is all about people and building people for creative exposure,” he said.


The HTMP is offered by the American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI), as part of its suite of programmes aimed at high-school students. It was developed by industry experts and members of the American Hotel and Lodging Association as the official industry-recognised curriculum to prepare students for roles in hotels and the hotel industry at large and beyond.


The 30 teachers who will be delivering the programme content for the courses will be specially trained to do so. They will participate in the AHLEI’s Certified Hospitality Instructor (CHI) training programme in August. This will also involve participation of teachers from 15 colleges.


Graduates of this programme will gain an Associate Degree in Customer Service; AHLEI Certification; National Vocational Qualification of Jamaica (NVQ-J) level 4 Certification; and Customer Service Industry Association recognition.


The programme will also include internships, facility tours and the completion of academic and practical tasks in class and online.


CAPTION: Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett (centre), presents Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (left), with a copy of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will see the implementation of a $100-million Hospitality and Tourism Management Programme in 30 high schools across the island. Both Ministers signed the agreement during a ceremony at Jamaica House on Wednesday (July 11). Also pictured is Permanent Secretary in the Tourism Ministry, Jennifer Griffith.

Jean Hastings Honoured for Contribution to Education Transformation

JIS: Jean Hastings will tell you that she is not an educator by profession, but her contribution to the transformation of Jamaica’s education system is second to none.


For almost two decades, she has worked with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information on various projects, including the Education System Transformation Programme (ESTP), which was established to execute the Ministry’s modernisation agenda.


For her outstanding contribution, Ms. Hastings has been awarded the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for service to education. She was among 40 persons recognised at the awards ceremony held in June at Jamaica House.


Chief Technical Director in the Ministry, Barbara Allen, who has worked with Ms. Hastings, tells JIS News that the honour was well deserved.


She noted that Ms. Hastings’ knowledge of Jamaica’s education system is on par with the most seasoned educator.


“She has contributed significantly to the growth and development of the education sector and has, therefore, deservedly earned this recognition,” Ms. Allen adds.


A native of western Jamaica, who worked as a management consultant, Ms. Hastings’ sojourn in education began in 1998, when she was contracted as project manager of the Primary Education Improvement Project Phase 11 for 15 months. Among the objectives were to develop the revised primary curriculum, complete the national assessment programme that was already under development, coordinate construction work for 26 schools under that project, and organise institutional strengthening activity within the Ministry. With the successful completion of the project, Ms. Hastings was engaged to manage several other undertakings and would work with the Ministry up until her retirement in May, 2017.


These include the Primary Education Support Project, which saw the roll-out of the revised primary curriculum aimed at improving the quality of delivery of primary education and the strengthening of the capacity to manage that delivery.


Ms. Hastings is perhaps best known as Director of the ESTP, aimed at modernising the operations of the Ministry and creating a more effective, efficient and accountable system.


The cornerstone of the programme is a restructured Ministry, with independent agencies that are accountable for results, quality assurance, service delivery, and monitoring of reforms.


The ESTP has seen the establishment of six new entities, including the National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL), the National Education Inspectorate (NEI), the Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission (J-TEC), and the National Education Trust (NET).


The programme resulted in the establishment of a modernised Ministry of Education and related support agencies, development and implementation of the National Standards Curriculum, and revisions to the National Assessment Programme at grades two, six and nine.


Other measures include initiatives to improve special education service delivery and improvements to education management information systems, all aimed at improving educational outcomes and increasing efficiency and effectiveness in the management of education in Jamaica.


Ms Hastings hails the significant strides that have been made over the years in improving the education system.


“The thing about education is that we are never short of ideas and we are always seeking to improve, and that was what the projects that I managed were all about. Overall, I think everyone is motivated to work towards improving the system, and there have been notable improvements,” she tells JIS News.


She notes that the Ministry must be focused on meeting the demands of the 21st century learner.


“The children in 2018 are vastly different from the children in 1962. They are much more aware, they are born better equipped to deal with a 21st century world, so the education system has to deal with engaging these children,” she argues. Ms. Hasting, who is the mother of one son and has one granddaughter, tells JIS News that her philosophy in life is “we are here to make a difference, and I try to do so and give of my best at all times”.


“Whatever I am involved in, I want to know that I give of my best. I am eternally motivated, so I have to feel good about what I am doing and what it is I am contributing,” she adds.


She says it is important for children to know that “failure is really about giving up, not trying. It is not about not succeeding the first time you try”.


Citing her own life experience in this regard, she tells JIS News that she did not pass the Common Entrance Examination, but was given the opportunity to sit an entrance test to Mount Alvernia High in St. James, which she passed “with flying colours”.


She would later attend Hampton High in St. Elizabeth, before matriculating to the University of the West Indies where she earned a bachelor’s degree in economics (with honours) and a postgraduate diploma in management studies.


She also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Baruch College, City University of New York.


Though retired, Ms. Hastings continues to offer her services as a management consultant.


CAPTION: Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, presents former Director of the Education System Transformation Programme (ESTP) in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Jean Hastings,with the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for Service to Education at the awards ceremony held in June at Jamaica House.


More Children with Disabilities to Receive Early Stimulation

JIS: More children with disabilities will benefit from early intervention services, with the opening of the expanded Stimulation Plus Early Childhood Development Centre (Stim-Plus).


The facility, located in Rockfort, Kingston, was upgraded through $70 million in funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


It comprises seven classrooms, bathrooms, administrative offices, sickbay, physiotherapy rooms, a caretaker’s cottage, and a specialised play area.


With the improvement, the centre, which previously accommodated 126 children, is now able to increase enrolment by at least 40 per cent, adding another 80 children.


Minister of State in the Social Security Ministry, Hon. Zavia Mayne, who spoke to JIS News that the opening ceremony in May, noted that the upgraded building will advance the growth and success of the disability agenda in Jamaica.


He hailed the partnership with the IDB, while affirming the Ministry’s commitment, through the Early Stimulation Programme (ESP), to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities.


“It is a crucial responsibility of the Ministry and a duty that we take very seriously,” he said.


Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, pointed out that the expansion project is in keeping with the Government’s commitment “to ensure that every child is targeted from birth”.


“We want to make sure that everybody gets an opportunity for full education and proper development,” he noted.


For her part, Director at the ESP, Antonica Gunter-Gayle, said that the opening of the upgraded centre “is a bright day in the lives of our children with disabilities”.


She noted that the additional classrooms, along with the services provided, will increase enrolment and enhance the quality of the interventions provided, better enabling the children to realise their full potential.


“Jamaica is on the right path where caring for special needs children is concerned,” she said, adding that the staff is committed to fostering the cognitive, social and emotional development of the children.


“When they leave here, they must not leave here like they came. We want to make a difference in the lives of our children with disabilities,” she said.


For parent Nicola Bright, the centre has been invaluable in the development of her nine-year-old son.


She hailed the “very dedicated support” from the staff, noting that “it is just a family affair”.


“The care for the children is just tremendous,” she added.


Miss Bright is encouraging more parents with special needs children to seek help for them, rather than keeping them at home.


“We are here with children (who have) special needs just like yours. It is okay for you to reach out for help,” she pointed out.


In her remarks, Chief of Operations at the IDB, Adriana La Valley, said the completion of the project is a “tremendous achievement” for Jamaica and a demonstration that the country is focused on “developing capabilities and expanding possibilities”.


“It is a quality-care educational facility dedicated to providing needed interventions,” she noted.


The IDB official lauded the work of the ESP. “We are pleased to see the wide range of services offered, including its home-based visits,” she said.


Meanwhile, Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) Managing Director, Omar Sweeney, is encouraging the Rockfort community to “cherish and treasure this facility”.


JSIF provided project management during the construction phase of the centre.


Mr. Sweeney said the agency’s participation in the undertaking is a source of pride, as the facility is dedicated to a vulnerable segment of the society, which is in keeping with the organisation’s mandate.


“The most important thing we can do in today’s Jamaica is set our youth on the right path; there is no cause that is more important,” Mr. Sweeney contended.


The ESP caters to children from birth to six years with challenges such as cerebral palsy, sensory impairment, autism, Down’s syndrome, developmental delay, psychosocial deprivation and co-morbid behavioural problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


The programme’s services fall into two main categories – centre-based and community-based, with the former comprising clinical assessment, re-evaluation, reviews, physical therapy, speech therapy, parent orientation and counselling, and parent/staff training workshops.


The community-based aspect entails home visits by specially trained early-childhood workers called child development officers. They visit homes, basic schools, day-care centres, private as well as government institutions, to train parents and caregivers to stimulate the child in the various areas of development, such as language, cognitive, self-help, motor and socialisation.


Since its inception in 1975, the ESP has provided early intervention and assessment for thousands of children across the island.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (third left), and Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Secuirty, Hon. Zavia Mayne (right), interact with children at the recent official opening of the $70-million Stimulation Plus Early Childhood Development Centre (Stim-Plus), located in Rockfort, Kingston. Others (from left) are Director at the Early Stimulation Programme (ESP), Antonica Gunter-Gayle; parent, Nicola Bright; and Chief of Operations at the Inter-American Bank (IDB), Adriana La Valley.

Senators Begin Debate on Child Diversion Bill

JIS: Senators began debate on the Child Diversion Bill 2018 at a sitting today (July 6).


The Bill seeks to enable the implementation of child-diversion measures in dealing with children who come into conflict with the law.


Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, in opening the debate explained that child diversion is a process of implementing measures for dealing with children who are alleged, accused or recognised to have infringed the penal law, without resorting to the formal judicial proceedings.


He said in most cases, diversion of children provides greater benefit to the offender, the victim, and the society than the formal criminal justice process.


“Let me hasten to point out that diversion is not intended to make child offenders less accountable or less responsible for their actions; instead, it is intended to provide them with an opportunity to rethink their lives without getting a criminal record and without the harmful effects of the criminal justice system,” he explained.


Senator Reid added that the challenges faced by children in conflict with the law in Jamaica has brought into sharp focus the necessity for legislation that recognises and upholds the basic human rights of children who face the prospect of being deprived of their liberty.


He pointed out that as a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Jamaica has a duty to put measures in place to deal with children who are accused of breaking the law, as they have the right to legal help and fair treatment in the justice system.


“Gone are the days when we ignore a child’s circumstances and focus only on the wrong that he or she did,” Senator Reid said.


He noted that research indicates that factors contributing to the number of children before the court include lack of adequate parental guidance, mental health issues and poverty.


“It has also been reported that a large number of children in State care are suffering from mental-health or substance-abuse issues. It is, therefore, crucial that solutions are implemented to address the issues impacting these children and a holistic approach be taken towards addressing the underlying factors,” he said.


A National Child Diversion Policy was tabled in 2015 after consultation with all major stakeholders in Government, civil society and non-governmental organisations. Through this policy, a formal framework was established for dealing with children in conflict with the law throughout the criminal justice system and sought to ensure that detention of a child offender as punishment for antisocial behaviour was a measure of last resort.


One key objective of the policy was to develop the mechanism to not only divert children who come into conflict with the law, but also to empower them to become responsible and productive citizens through the use of methodologies that are consistent with restorative-justice practices.


The main objectives of the Bill are ensuring that every child in conflict with the law is treated in a manner that recognises and upholds human dignity and worth; diverting the child away from engaging in deviant and delinquent behaviours; and instilling in the child respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.


The Bill will also see to the establishment of a Child Diversion office; Child Diversion Committees; and a Child Diversion Oversight Committee. It also addresses the structure of the Child Diversion programme, the circumstances under which a child is to be referred, among other things.


Government Senator, Don Wehby; and Opposition Senator, Damion Crawford, also contributed to the debate.


The Bill was passed in the House of Representatives on May 9, 2018. Debate on the Bill will continue at the next sitting of the Senate.


CAPTION: Senator, the Honourable Ruel Reid, Minister of Education, Youth and Information 

Brain Builders Programme Launched

JIS: To reduce cognitive learning challenges among infants in the country, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, in partnership with the Early Childhood Commission (ECC), has launched the Jamaica Brain Builders Programme at a cost of approximately $540 million.


The launch took place on the playground of the Cynthia Shako Early Childhood Education and Day Care Centre, at the University of Technology (UTech), in St. Andrew, on Friday (July 6).


The Programme is a framework for action in the first 1,000 days of a child’s life, which starts from conception in the womb to age two years. Under this initiative, the ECC will be responsible for establishing 126 ‘Brain Builder Centres’, with two in each constituency across the island.


The main objective of the Programme is to ensure that all Jamaican children get the best start in life by attending to their health, nutrition, total development needs, stimulation, social protection, child protection and early-intervention needs.


This project forms part of the plans for Jamaica to achieve Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16, as a means of ensuring that the children are prepared for life.


At the launch, Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, said research has shown that the most critical period for a child’s development is in the first 1,000 days of life.


“The Task Force Report dealing with early childhood, did ask for us to build out more Public Day Care Centres, so I’m happy that we are transitioning with the new narrative that we call ‘Brain Builder Centres’,” Mr. Reid said.


“I expect now, that you [the ECC] will go forward with our Chief Education Officer, who will continue to monitor you, and we will provide whatever funding that you need. We have the funding in place for the 126 institutions. That’s $540 million,” the Minister noted.


He said with partnerships with other organisations in the future, he is looking forward to more centres being established.


“We can find additional physical spaces across the country to retrofit and to build out Brain Builder Centres… [which will] build a strong foundation where you’re going to capture all our children and make sure their brains are properly developed, so that they can transition into the early-childhood system, the primary through the national standards curriculum and the PEP programme,” he said.


Executive Director of the ECC, Karlene DeGrasse-Deslandes, said the new programme will help Jamaica with the development of the early childhood sector.


“Early-childhood development is one of the most recognised means of helping to build a country by reducing the negative effects affecting the society. I thank the Minister for taking it on,” she said.


Following the launch, Senator Reid and Mrs. DeGrasse-Deslandes officially handed over ECC certification documents to the Cynthia Shako Early Childhood Education and Day Care Centre.



JSIF Hands Over Equipment to Protect Teachers and Students from Fire

JIS: To protect and safeguard the lives of educators and students in schools from fire, the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) has purchased 80 first-aid kits, 120 fire extinguishers, 120 smoke detectors, 40 wash hand signs and 40 emergency assembly signs, which will be distributed among 40 schools across the island.


This donation, valued at approximately $3.3 million, forms part of JSIF’s Integrated Community Development Project’s (ICDP) sub-project, titled Schools Ancillary Workers Training Project.


The items were handed over to the Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid; members of the Jamaica Fire Brigade; and other stakeholders at JSIF’s headquarters on Oxford Road in Kingston on Thursday (July 5).


Senator Reid thanked JSIF for its donation, noting that at the Ministry, “our number-one priority is safety… and we’re happy that JSIF has been able to assist on the journey”.


He also commended JSIF for implementing the Schools Ancillary Workers Training Project, which has taken on the cost to train ancillary workers, educators and administrative staff at various schools on how to respond to fire with safety equipment.


“I endorse this particular initiative and training programme, where our auxiliary workers will be trained in fire and security,” Senator Reid said.


For his part, Managing Director, JSIF, Omar Sweeney, said his organisation is determined to assist with safeguarding the lives of the nation’s children against fires, thus the main reason it made the donation.


“The Jamaica Social Investment Fund is pleased to celebrate another milestone of impacting individuals in a positive way by providing support to schools in the various communities through the Integrated Community Development Project,” Mr. Sweeney said.


“Under this project, JSIF has taken the initiative to provide the schools with extensive training in specialised areas in order to support the Government’s policy of providing capacity building for citizens at the highest quality,” he added.


In addition to this donation, Mr. Sweeney said JSIF has forged partnerships for the training of teachers and ancillary workers with the Jamaica Fire Brigade regarding fire-prevention measures (valued at approximately $1.84 million) and the Heart Foundation of Jamaica as it relates to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid (valued at approximately $4.3 million).


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (second right), examines one of the 120 fire extinguishers that were handed over by the Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) on Thursday (July 5) at their office in Kingston. Sharing in the moment are (from left): General Manager, Technical Services Division, JSIF, Loy Malcolm; General Manager, JSIF, Omar Sweeney and Acting Assistant Commissioner, Jamaica Fire Brigade, Floyd McLean.

Education Minister Hails Teachers

JIS: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, is hailing teachers for their commitment to the improvement of students’ performance in various school assessments, and their increased participation in co-curricular activities.


The Minister was addressing teachers at the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) Golden Torch Awards ceremony, held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on July 5.


Senator Reid noted that the improvement in performance is reflected in the 2018 Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT), which saw improvement over last year’s results in four of five subjects.


They include Language arts, Communication Task, Science and Social Studies.


The 2017 Grade Four Literacy and Numeracy Assessment also showed improvement, with increases in the percentage of students achieving mastery for both areas; and the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations, which recorded improved passes in 18 of 34 subjects at this level.


Participation from students in co-curricular activities, including national festival competitions, TVJ’s Schools’ Challenge Quiz, national debates, sports, speech and other activities have also been achieved.


“So, on behalf of a grateful nation, please accept our sincere thanks. The entire Jamaica appreciates your service to our beloved country. Someone’s life has been made better because of you. You have touched the hearts and minds of thousands,” the Minister said.


JTA President, Georgia Waugh Richards in her remarks said it is important to recognise the “yeoman’s duty and task that our (teachers) have done”.


She described those teachers before her as “trailblazers” and noted that “a debt of gratitude” is owed to them because they have “laid very strong and very firm foundations”.


“You are the bedrock of the Jamaican education system. You are the standard-bearers. Every time you step into the classroom you work a little miracle. You open a mind that others would see as difficult, impossible to do. You give love even when you are not a recipient,” she said.


During the ceremony, 150 teachers from across the island with over 35 years of service to education were presented with awards.


The brainchild of educator and former JTA President, Ray Howell, the Golden Torch Award was first instituted by the JTA in 1991 and the first awards presented in 1993.


Each academic year, forms are sent to schools at the beginning of the second term for Principals to indicate the teachers on staff who satisfy the criteria.


The award is normally presented at a special function during the first week of July each year.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (right), shares a light moment with Golden Torch awardee, teacher from Calabar High School, Joan McDonald, at the awards ceremony, held at The Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston on July 5.

Educator Receives PM’s Medal for Nearly 40 Years of Service

JIS: After almost four decades in the teaching profession, Vice-Principal of Calabar Infant, Primary and Junior High School, Claudine Evette Bowen, has been awarded the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for Service to Education (PMMA).


“I had no idea that I would have been given this prestigious honour. However, on May 28 when someone at the school told me that a lady from the OPM (Office of the Prime Minister) had called asking where I first taught, I started to wonder,” Mrs. Bowen tells JIS News.


“When I finally received the confirmation, I screamed,” she recalls with a broad smile.


“My visit to Jamaica House for the rehearsal was my first. I have seen the Prime Minister, but we have never interacted,” she says, noting that she was pleased to receive the Medal from him.


Mrs. Bowen began her career on April 1, 1979 at Grateful Hill Primary in Glengoffe, St. Catherine, as a pretrained teacher and steadily worked her way up the ranks of pedagogy from senior teacher to grade coordinator to her current position.


“I don’t see the work as difficult. For me, it’s more like a marriage. At times, teeth and tongue will meet, but that’s a part of the package,” says Mrs. Bowen to JIS News. “Moreover, I believe I was called to the vocation,” she asserts.


Taking care of the whole child is key, hence Mrs. Bowen finds ways to assist students with their various needs and inspire them to do well in school.


A ‘high performance’ cabinet, built by a parent, is used in motivating students to excel. The cabinet showcases the names of students averaging over 80 per cent in their subjects.


The students are enthusiastic when they see their names placed in the cabinet and other students are inspired to work hard to get their names there as well,” states Mrs. Bowen.


“Concomitantly, it motivates those who have achieved cabinet status to strive even more to retain their position,” she underscores.


Another source of pride for students is the Vice-Principal Award for the Top Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT) Boy and Girl. “The award is given to these two pupils at the end of the academic year,” shares the PMMA recipient.


The multifaceted educator is not just concerned with her students but also about the facility.


With a love for construction, which she developed from remodelling her own house, she spearheaded the refurbishing of the office that serves her and a senior Vice-Principal, and the Bursar’s office, with help from donors such as Wisynco Trading and Mother’s.


The PMMA award recipient prefers to stay away from the limelight, but this has proven to be a difficult task.


She notes that a justice of the peace (JP) recently visited her with the newspaper listing of the honourees.


“He said to me: ‘A just come fi see if a really your name inna di paper,’. He hugged and congratulated me and left the newspaper at the house,” recounts Mrs. Bowen.


“As for my husband, he says I am a pusher, so he is not surprised,” she adds.


The distinguished teacher will be going off on retirement in a year. However, she has no plans to stop serving her country.


“I will still be around. I will now have more time to devote to being a JP and Lay Magistrate, board and committee member and deaconess. Moreover, I will be launching my own company,” the Vice-Principal says.


CAPTION: Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness (left) presents Vice-Principal of Calabar Infant, Primary and Junior High School, Claudine Evette Bowen (right), with the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for Service to Education at the awards ceremony on the lawns of Jamaica House on June 27. Assisting the Prime Minister is Superintendent Michael Morrison.


Education Minister Commends NCEL

JIS: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, is lauding the National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL) for outstanding work in preparing educators to be effective leaders, through its Aspiring Principals Programme.


At a graduation ceremony on June 28, some 96 participants successfully matriculated from the programme. The ceremony was held at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge, University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona Campus in Kingston.


Senator Reid also commended the participants for taking this step in their careers.


“I must extend my heartiest congratulations to all of you graduates who have endured the rigours of this important programme. You have been well trained and prepared for the task that is ahead of us. You have now empowered yourselves to take on leadership roles,” he said.


He charged the participants to go forward with the newly acquired knowledge and skills, and to be transformational leaders.


“Wherever you serve and wherever you go, you are the finest principals in Jamaica and the world,” the Minister said.


For his part, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Dean-Roy Bernard, also commended the graduates.


“With the changing dynamics, new paradigms and demands on the education system, teachers, and especially those that aspire to leadership, are better served when they commit themselves to a process of professional development and lifelong learning,” he said.


“Experience has shown also that while many of our teachers are prepared for classroom instruction delivery, and in some cases to take on additional administrative duties, the overall responsibilities of management often prove to be demanding. I am confident that in this professional development programme, you have acquired an appreciation of the task of school leadership and management, along with the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead,” the Permanent Secretary said.


For her part, Director/Principal of NCEL, Dr. Taneisha Ingleton, said the programme intersects practice and theories with the practical elements. These include personalised action plans, peer learning groups, reflective logs, teaching and creation of educational blogs. Participants also received training in public speaking, academic writing etiquette and decorum.


“This exposure helps participants to challenge assumptions, build their understanding and ability to discover for themselves, make connections and create solutions.


They, therefore, have these skills to build the same in their colleagues and students,” Dr. Ingleton explained.


Established under the Education System Transformation Programme (ESTP), the NCEL seeks to develop excellence in leadership as a common denominator in schools and support institutions.


The nine-month modular Aspiring Principals Programme aims to identify and prepare future school leaders. It is delivered through the UWI at both its Mona and


Western Jamaica campuses on a part time basis by way of face-to-face instruction, distance learning, coaching and mentorship.


The programme provides a standard credential, the Professional Qualification for Principalship (PQP) to which the Ministry of Education and school Boards will refer before authorising the hiring of principals of public schools.


The programme is designed to enhance key leadership competencies, such as financial acuity, community leadership, organisational leadership, transformational leadership, instructional leadership, strategic thinking, leading change, communication, collegial engagement, teamwork and fellowship, ethics and integrity, self awareness and technological skills.


CAPTION: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (right), presents participant in the National College for Educational Leadership (NCEL) Aspiring Principals Programme, Sophia Brown Sinclair, with her certificate during the graduation ceremony held on June 28 at the Mona Visitors’ Lodge at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona Campus, in Kingston. The programme provides a standard credential, the Professional Qualification for Principalship (PQP), to which the Ministry of Education and school Boards refer before authorising the hiring of principals of public schools.