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Paul Adams is Jamaica Teaching Council’s Outstanding Principal

JIS: Principal of the Herbert Morrison Technical High School in St. James, Paul Patrick Adams, is the Jamaica Teaching Council’s (JTC) Outstanding Principal for 2016.


Mr. Adams, who has been at the helm of the Bogue-based institution since 2002, was presented with the award by Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, during a ceremony at the school on Wednesday (February 8).


He is the sixth Principal to have copped the award since it was established in 2011.


Speaking at the presentation ceremony, Senator Reid commended Mr. Adams on his hard work and vision, which have placed the institution among the elite group of high-achieving schools in Jamaica.


He noted that Mr. Adams has not only served well as a Principal, but as head of the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA).


“We need radical thinking and transformation and Mr. Adams has been a visionary and what we see now is an expansion of opportunities beyond grade 11 to having students in grades 12 and 13,” he pointed out.


He added that the work of Mr. Adams and his team at Herbert Morrison has ensured that students are prepared for the fourth industrial revolution, which will place greater focus on technology and will require a highly trained, skilled and certified labour force.


“What is happening here at Herbert Morrison is very instructive of what we want to see happening across the education system and our country in transforming the education system for our children.


“What I have said in simple terms is that we want all our students now to have education extended to at least age 18…Herbert Morrison is very much in sync with the global trends for the fourth industrial revolution,” Senator Reid said.


Meanwhile, Mr. Adams dedicated the award to his academic and ancillary staff as well as the 1,200 students.


“You would have recognised that the details of the reasons for the award are not encompassed within the leadership only of the Principal, but the individuals who make the team happen in their particular ways,” he said.


Mr. Adams said the award adds value to the school, which is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year.


The Outstanding Principal’s Award was introduced in collaboration with the National Commission to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) with the main objective of showcasing the approaches, strategies and outcomes of effective school leadership.


CAPTION: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (2nd right), shares a photo opportunity with Principal of Herbert Morrison Technical High School, Paul Adams (3rd right), who is the Jamaica Teaching Council’s (JTC) Outstanding Principal for 2016. The presentation ceremony was held at the institution in Bogue, St. James, on February 8. Sharing in the occasion (from left) are: Western Regional Director in the Ministry, Dr. Michelle Pinnock; Chief Education Officer, Dr. Grace McLean; Chairman of the Herbert Morrison Technical High School Board of Governors, Veronica Morris Lynch; and Chief Executive Director of the JTC, Dr. Winsome Gordon.

ECC Urges Parents, Teachers to Keep Children Safe

JIS: Acting Executive Director of the Early Childhood Commission (ECC), Karlene Degrasse-Deslandes, is imploring parents, teachers and caregivers at early childhood institutions to pay greater attention to the safety and security of the children in their care.


“The safety of our children is our priority at the ECC and we therefore strongly urge all parents and ECI practitioners to take extra precautions in looking out for them,” she said in a statement.


Mrs. Degrasse-Deslandes said the ECC’s Standards for the Operation, Management and Administration of early childhood institutions makes provisions for the safety of children.


This is in keeping with the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child for early childhood institutions to “uphold the rights of children, protect them from harm and ensure that all children have equal access to services.”


Mrs. Degrasse-Deslandes noted further that Section 6 (3) of the Child Care and Protection Act mandates any individual, who works closely with a child to report any situation where they have reason to believe that child is in danger.


“A prescribed person who, in the discharge of that person’s duties, acquires information that ought reasonably to cause that person to suspect that a child (a) has been, is being or is likely to be, abandoned, neglected or, physically or sexually ill-treated; or (b) is otherwise in need of care and protection, shall make a report to the (Office of the Children’s) Registry,” the Section says.


The ECC is also reminding parents that they have a responsibility to safeguard their children, and not to leave them unattended, in keeping with the provisions of Articles 6, 11, 34 and 35 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


CAPTION: Acting Executive Director at the Early Childhood Commission (ECC), Karlene DeGrasse-Deslandes.

Gov’t Firmly Committed to Ensuring the Safety of Children – Reid

JIS: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says the Government is firmly committed to putting additional measures in place to ensure the safety of the nation’s children.


“We are going to do all we can to make sure that our schools are safe, to make sure we put in improved security across our country,” he said.


He was addressing students and staff of the Green Pond High School in Cornwall Court, St. James, on Wednesday (Feb.8) when he visited the institution to offer condolences at the tragic death of 15-year-old student Shineka Gray.


Senator Reid said he joins those who are mourning the death of Shineka and other youth, who would have fallen victim to crime.


“I am very saddened, outraged and I hope that we can find those persons very quickly and bring them to justice. Let us resolve in ourselves that we will be agents of change for Jamaica. No more must we see evidence of criminality hurting our children, impacting Jamaica’s future,” he said.


Minister Reid also encouraged students to take an interest in their own safety and ensure that they only travel in authorised taxis, tell someone where they are going and who they are travelling with.


“I am encouraging us to be alert as we protect ourselves from criminals. We will have to stand together, expose them, tell what we know when we see things happening that ought not to be happening. Let the authorities know, let your principal know what is happening with you…we have to take care of you; you are Jamaica’s future,” he said.


The Education Minister said the time has come for Jamaica to return to the days when the whole community was involved in raising children.


“What we want is to go back to that stage where we cared for each other, where the village raised the children and you as students must practise these good habits. Let us work together; let us take care of each other,” he urged.


Senator Reid was accompanied on the visit by the Ministry’s Western Regional Director, Dr. Michelle Pinnock; and Director of Safety and Security in Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Coleridge Minto.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (centre), commiserates with classmates of the late Shineka Gray when the visited St. James-based institution on February 8 to offer condolences at the tragic death of the 15-year-old student. Principal of the school, Michael Ellis (2nd left); and Director of Safety and Security in Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Police, Coleridge Minto, look on.

Full Implementation of National Standard Curriculum this Year

JIS: To continue the transformation of the education sector, the Government will fully implement the National Standard Curriculum (NSC) for grades one to nine this year.


The NSC has already been introduced to grades 1, 4, 7 and 9.


The goal of the new curriculum is to improve the general academic performance, attitude and behaviour of students, which will redound to the positive shaping of the national social and economic fabric.


Delivering the 2017-18 Throne Speech in Parliament on February 9, Governor-General, His Excellency the Most Hon. Sir Patrick Allen, said the new curriculum is geared at building competence and skills through inclusive and differentiated learning.


Under the new system, emphasis will be placed on project-based and problem-solving learning, with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics/Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEM/STEAM) integrated at all levels.


In the meantime, he said the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information will also be increasing its expenditure on upgrading and refurbishing facilities at the primary and secondary levels as well as continue its drive to eliminate the shift system. “At the same time, the Ministry will continue to provide more quality places at the early childhood level,” he said.


The Governor-General said the Ministry will also be providing direct support to students on the Programme of Advancement through Health and Education (PATH), who have met the criteria for five subjects or more. “Approximately 9,000 students on PATH will sit external examinations annually,” he noted.


He said this forms part of the Government’s policy to ensure that all students at the secondary level exit with at least five subjects as well as to ensure that the most vulnerable are not at a disadvantage.


Meanwhile, the Governor-General informed that the School Feeding Programme is being reorganised to ensure that more students benefit from a free meal for five days per week.


“All financial resources allocated by the Government for the School Feeding Programme will be utilised to provide free lunches for 70 per cent or 137,000 children of the early childhood cohort, three to eight years, including approximately 10,000 PATH beneficiaries,” he said.


The Governor-General added that the Ministry will provide support for the payment of cooks, especially at the primary level to ensure that trained and certified persons are preparing nutritious meals for the students.


The Throne Speech was delivered under the theme: ‘A Firm Foundation for Prosperity’.


CAPTION: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator, the Hon. Ruel Reid (left), engages first-form students of Campion College . (File Photo)

Jamaicans Urged to do More to Protect Children

JIS: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, is imploring Jamaicans to do more to protect the nation’s children by telling what they know about incidents of child abuse.


“As a society, are we doing enough?…I think we all have a greater role to play. Unless we all recognise that every child is our individual responsibility, as if that child were our own, then we will continue to have these issues (child abuse),” he said.


Mr. Green was addressing the media launch of the Office of the Children’s Advocate (OCA) public education campaign on child abuse at the agency’s offices in downtown Kingston on Tuesday (February 7).


He lamented that it is becoming too commonplace to hear of children being abused and even murdered in Jamaica, noting that many persons are aware of ongoing circumstances of child abuse but refuse to speak up.


“When we know what is happening, (we need to) call the authorities, (there is) the Child Development Agency (CDA), the Office of the Children’s Registry (OCR) and the OCA,” he noted.


Mr. Green said the Government has taken a zero tolerance approach to child abuse, pointing to several initiatives that have been undertaken in the Ministry of National Security, as well as the Youth Ministry.


He pointed particularly to the ongoing Break the Silence Campaign by the Ministry which encourages persons to speak up in cases of child abuse. He noted that the OCA’s campaign will help to bolster this initiative.


Mr. Green noted that the OCA’s campaign presents an innovative way to bring a number of issues to the fore “and to help our young people confront those issues…and also encourage our young people, when they are facing issues of abuse to speak up”.


Dubbed ‘Aria’s Story’, the campaign is in the form of an online animated mini-series that will be rolled out across various social media platforms.


The episodes, which will begin airing on Monday (February 13), define and highlight the nature and types of abuse that children experience in order to empower those in abusive situations to take preventative actions and find solutions.


Persons can follow ‘Arias Story’ on the website:, which will have interactive content, where feedback is invited. There is also an instagram and twitter handle: @readariastory; as well as the hashtag #ariastoryoca to encourage discussion on issues that will be raised.


This initiative is being undertaken with funding support from the High Commission of Canada in Jamaica.


CAPTION: State Minister for Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green (left), speaks High Commissioner of Canada to Jamaica, His Excellency Sylvain Fabi (right), while Children’s Advocate, Diahann Gordon Harrison, looks on. Occasion was the media launch of the Office of the Children’s Advocate (OCA) public education campaign on child abuse at the agency’s offices in downtown Kingston on Tuesday (February 7). The campaign, dubbed ‘Aria’s Story’, takes the form of an online animated miniseries that will be rolled out across various social media platforms.

Gov’t Taking Zero Tolerance Approach to Child Abuse – Green

JIS: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green, says the Government is taking a zero tolerance approach to the abuse of children.


Speaking at the opening of a play therapy room at the Glenhope Childcare Facility in Kingston on February 7, Mr. Green urged every Jamaican to become invested in the protection of the nation’s children and to report known or suspected cases of abuse.


“The Government has a role to play not only in the protection but also in the response, but every Jamaican also has a role to play. So many children live in communities where they are being abused daily and the community members know and whisper but nobody brings the information forward… as a society we must bring the information forward,” he said.


Chief Executive Officer of the Child Development Agency (CDA), Rosalee Gage-Grey, in echoing the sentiments of the State Minister, said “we believe that until we start looking out for each other, looking out for our children, then we will not curtail this ill in our society.”


The play therapy room, which is located at the nursery’s Maxfield Avenue address, will assist in the psychological treatment of children, who have been exposed to traumatic events, including abuse.


Play therapy is a form of counselling or psychotherapy that uses play to prevent or resolve psychosocial challenges. It has been found to help in social integration, growth development, emotional and trauma resolution. This form of therapy also assists in identifying abusers.


Renovation of the facility included roof repairs, installation of a window and air conditioning unit, and the provision of an assortment of toys and games.


A play therapy room has also been established at the Granville Place of Safety, Trelawny, and another room is being repurposed at the Blossom Gardens Childcare Facility in Montego Bay, St. James, which is slated to be opened in two weeks.


The project was funded by the Government and through donations from several private sector entities.


CAPTION: State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Hon. Floyd Green (left), addresses the opening of a play therapy room at the Glenhope Childcare Facility in Kingston on February 7. The play therapy room will assist in the psychological treatment of children who have been exposed to traumatic events.

Merger of Training Agencies to Benefit At-Risk Youth – Senator Reid

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says the planned merger of the Jamaican Foundation for Lifelong Learning (JFLL) and the National Youth Service (NYS) with the HEART Trust/NTA forms part of a “rescue mission” for the country’s at-risk youth.


He said the merger will ensure that there is a sustained programme for early intervention for children from poor socio-economic backgrounds.


“We all recognise that these children start behind those from more affluent background when they arrive at school. At age five, children living in poverty are several months behind their peers in terms of readiness for school,” he pointed out.


“When we merge JFLL and NYS and HEART, it is because we are trying to arrest the problems and ensure that nobody falls through the cracks again. Every child in Jamaica now is going to be targeted and get an opportunity for their full personal, intellectual (and) academic development,” he noted further.


Minister Reid was addressing a teachers’ appreciation banquet at the Aabuthnott Gallimore High School in St. Ann on Saturday (February 4).


Meanwhile, he said the Government remains firmly committed to eliminating the shift system within three years.


“We are rolling out a big programme in terms of taking schools off shift. We have just taken off about 34 schools over the last two years….we have 42 more to do,” he pointed out.


He indicated that a renovation and upgrading programme for a number of primary schools will be rolled out shortly as allocations have been made in the upcoming budget for the undertaking.


The Minister informed that the Education budget for the 2017-18 financial year is about $97 billion, and he is confident that this amount, added with contributions from other sources, will enable the delivery of quality education to students up to age 18 and learners moving to tertiary-level training.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, addresses a teachers’ appreciation banquet at the Aabuthnott Gallimore High School in St. Ann on Saturday (February 4).

Education Minister Commends the Church

JIS: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has commended the church for the role it has played in the development of a vibrant education system.


Speaking at an appreciation and awards banquet for teachers at the Aabothnott Gallimore High School in Alexandria, St. Ann, on February 4, the Minister said it was the church and not government that started the mission to educate the people on a global scale.


“What we talk about as mass education today – educational opportunities for the majority of our people – was not really started by government, not only in Jamaica but globally. The churches were behind the propagation of educational opportunities for the mass of the peoples across the world,” he argued.


He said the responsibility of further developing and growing the education sector has been given to the current political, civic and social stakeholders which must cooperate to make it happen.


The Minister pointed out that the education system and physical structures have come a far way in terms of development and this is due to a focused approach which has been adopted by stakeholders.


“We have expanded the educational opportunities, and you didn’t have the kind of technology that we now have access to,” he noted.


The Minister said he is aware of shortcomings which continue to plague the education sector and the criticisms from stakeholders about the inadequate results, adding that the quest towards a perfect education system remains a work in progress, which must get major inputs from parents and the State.


“The truth is that we have never had a perfect education system. It begins with good and strong parents who are going to take care of the children…and yes, the State will have to come in and assist to make sure that children with special needs are well provided for,” the Minister said.


At the banquet, which was staged by the Kiwanis Club of Charlton, Alexandria, 10 teachers from the constituency of South West St. Ann were recognized for their contribution to education.


CAPTION: Minister of Education, Youth and Information, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, addresses an appreciation and awards banquet for teachers at the Aabothnott Gallimore High School in Alexandria, St. Ann, on February 4. 

Work of Teachers Lauded by Education Minister

JIS: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, has lauded the work of teachers from South West St. Ann who were honoured on February 4 by the Kiwanis Club of Charlton Alexandria, in the parish.


Speaking at an appreciation banquet for 10 teachers at the Aabuthnott Gallimore High School in Alexandria, St. Ann, the Minister said it is important for members of the teaching profession to be recognized for their work, as they continue to build and mold the minds of citizens.


“I know how important it is for members of the teaching profession to be appreciated and having served the education sector as teacher, administrator and now as Minister, I know that feeling very well,” Senator Reid said.


The Minister lauded the teachers for the solid foundation in education which they have built over the years and that the recognition from the Kiwanis Club of Charlton Alexandria was well deserved.


“I want to signal my own appreciation and the appreciation of the Government, because if you had not worked as hard as you have done, we would not be able to build on that foundation,” Senator Reid stated.


Also speaking at the function was Member of Parliament for South Western St. Ann, Zavia Mayne.


He lauded the work of the teachers and pointed out that he will be working closely with the Ministry of Education to have a new school built in the constituency.


The teachers honoured were: Jennifer Walker of Aabothnott Gallimore High, Odeth Rhoden of Aboukir Primary, Doreen Anderson Rowe of Alva Primary, Beverly Veitch Clarke of Bethany Primary, Carol Shaw of Bob Marley Primary and Junior High, Keron Gallimore Anderson of Charlton Infant, Annette Campbell Hall of Charlton Primary, Sandra Wray of Clarksonville Primary, and Maxine Stephenson Shirley and Yashika Smith Campbell of Inverness Primary.


CAPTION: Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid (right), hands over a plaque for dedicated service to Odeth Rhoden, teacher at the Aboukir Primary School in St. Ann. The award was given by the Kiwanis Club of Charlton Alexandria, during a ceremony at the Aabothnott Gallimore High School on February 4.

Thousands of Students to Take Part in National Careers Week

JIS: Students at all levels in the six regions of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information are expected to participate in the seventh staging of National Careers Week.


The week, which will be observed from February 11 to 17 under the theme: ‘Expanding Horizons for Vision 2030’, is being organized in collaboration with HEART Trust/NTA and Junior Achievement Jamaica.       


Addressing a JIS ‘Think Tank’ on February 3, Senior Education Officer, Guidance and Counselling Unit in the Ministry, Lisetha Adams, said the objectives of the Week are to help inspire wiser career decisions; and to better engage youth and adults to help establish Jamaica as a globally competitive nation.      


“As part of the growth agenda and Vision 2030, the activities for the week are being hosted under the umbrella of the National Career Integration Committee and will seek to build a culture of career development in schools,” she explained.


Ms. Adams, who is also Chairperson of  the Committee,  said the Week will also be used to: engage major stakeholders through participatory approach to career development; support learners in developing meaningful strategies to utilize networking and information technologies to inform decision making; and using national, regional and global labour market signals and trends to guide career development programmes in the education system.


Meanwhile, Senior Director for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Development and Support System at HEART Trust/NTA, Dr. Marcia Rowe-Amonde, pointed out that her organization is committed to working with the education system at all levels to make career tools and information available to learners.   


             “What HEART Trust is seeking to do for the Week is very much within our mandate, to adopt a participatory approach in providing career information.  We recognize that we have to collaborate with other stakeholders to give the necessary career information so that we can empower persons to make informed decisions in relation to their career choice,” she said.          


For her part, President of Junior Achievement Jamaica, Alphie Mullings-Aiken, said her organization will focus on two programmes – Ja Biz Town for primary school  students and Ja Company of Entrepreneurs for high school students.    


“We are using this week as an additional drive to educate and share with students and schools about career preparation, and so collaboratively, we want to see students engage as they prepare to become future leaders,” she noted.     


Activities for the week will include church services, library expositions, school career expositions, a poster competition, international career discussions, a public forum at Emancipation Park in Kingston and forums in all six  regions.   


Highlight of the week will be a ‘Take Your Child to Work Day’ on Friday, February 17.  Businesses will open their doors to employees’ children from Grades 7 to 9 to experience work for a day.          


Partners for the Week are: the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), Jamaica Public Service Co. Ltd., Insurance Company of the West Indies (ICWI) Ltd, Citibank N.A. and the Gleaner Company.


CAPTION: Senior Director for TVET Development and Support System, at HEART Trust/NTA, Dr. Marcia Rowe-Amonde (left), speaks at a JIS ‘Think Tank’ on February 3. Listening keenly from right are: President of Junior Achievement Jamaica, Alphie Mullings-Aiken and Senior Education Officer, Guidance and Counselling Unit, in the Ministry of Education, Lisetha Adams.